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Hey Everyone,

Im Nigel, PSN: xTockii

Ive had ps4 for quite a while but have always played on xbox, "I know traitor" aha.
But i sold my xbox because i wanted to play pc, but i got bored so now i play a lot of playstation, my all time favorite games are the souls series, and including bloodbourne.

I have like one trophy left and i have the platinum on bloodbourne aha.

But i jsut wanted to say hi since im new here.

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HI Nigel. Welcome :)

I've not been on here for months but after getting ps+ back I'm going to try and be more active and play online with people instead of on my lonesome.

Just got FIFA16, I know everyone will have their clubs, players, friends etc but hopefully there will be room for one more.


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Thanks again :D i also dont mind any friend requests on ps. so go ahead and add me if you,d like im also the type to do things solo aha, i like working alone :) but it would be great to game with some new people, i dont have ps plus atm but i will get it eventually.

Ohh quick update.

I finally did it, i got the platinum for bloodbourne, it was such and adventure, i loved every minute of it, even if i died a lot in the dungeons aha. now to get the DLC, and the other souls games, im gonna try and get a platinum for all of them, The adventure begins aha :D, i have actually got all the achievements on dark souls, but gotta do it again for playstation :)

Thanks everyone for being so welcoming.

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