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Hello everybody, Zangril is in the house  :dance: 


I've been using the site for a little over a year now but I just started talking in the forums. I've been gaming since I was a little kid and my first system I played on was an Atari 2600. Every since then I've been gaming nonstop. I'm also a video game collector so I have a lot of the older systems and a ton of games for them. The only current gen system I don't have is a Xbox One. But that's because there's no game on there that interests me. I consider myself a completionist and will try my hardest to complete every game I play. Some may take me years to do but I always come back at some point and finish them off if that's possible.


Another one of my other hobbies is watching anime. Each season I usually try to watch everything that's airing, unless it's something I know I won't like or will probably end up being stupid.


Thanks for stopping by and I hope to enjoy my stay here  ^_^

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone  :)



Hey, fellow 90' liner! Welcome to the forums.


Nice Elfen Lied theme! I am amazed at the amount of anime you have seen. I can't even reach a tenth of your list  :o


Hope you enjoy your stay  :)


Always nice to see another 90's kid. Gotta rep the best generation  B)


Yeah it's a lot of anime  :lol: Anime is right up there with gaming for me so I've been watching it for a long time


Likewise I'm impressed by your almost 95% completion rate for your trophies :yay:

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