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Can I earn the platinum trophy only with the starter pack edition?


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I ask this in another forum, they said: you need the game and the two discs (power ups) and the rest is not important for the platin.

I asked, if I need more than the basic game and the answere was yes (also the discs, sry for repeating this, I dont want confuse you).

I heard this, but I cannot confirm 100%

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if you have gotten the starter set for 1.0. should be fine.


to be on the safe side, at least complete the online challenges because of the server's issues being unable to plat come march.

after march if that part is done. you should be able to unlock at any time.

Edited by kingdrake2
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if you have gotten the starter set for 1.0. should be fine.


to be on the safe side, at least complete the online challenges because of the server's issues being unable to plat come march.

after march if that part is done. you should be able to unlock at any time.


The starter set fro 1.0 won't help you and you can't plat 2.0 with just the 1.0 starter. 


All you need is the 2.0 starter to plat 2.0 on ps3/4. I would get the marvel version (instead of Lilo and Stitch) cause it will be easier for you and its the better set imo. For the survival you just need to use Black Widow (she is so OP and clears the floors super quick) others say its easier with venom or someone that heals but I just used Black Widow and I don't see how  any character could clear it faster and at such a safe distance shot wise as well.


you need the 2.0 starter because there are level discs like Return to Asgard and one other one forgot the name, where there are trophies for those modes. 


But yeah do the online ASAP before  the servers close

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I am unsure if you have received an answer on this yet, but I do not believe you can platinum the Vita version with just the starter pack.

To my understanding:

Trophy Level With You [Level up 2 Characters to Level 20.] - For this trophy you will need at least one other character figure, since the starter pack only comes with Dark Spiderman. (I do not know, however, if getting Spiderman to level 20 and then resetting him to zero and then 20 again will meet the trophy requirement. The thought crossed my mind but I do not think it would work.)

You Got Skills [unlock 30 Character skills from the Skill Tree.] - Each character can only earn 20 skill points (1 per level), meaning you will also need that second character figure for this trophy as well (again, unsure if resetting would even work.).

The other trophies should be obtainable with just the starter pack. I hope this helps.

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