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Mile high on vet

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I got this on my account after a couple hours or so.


I spent the last couple of days here and there with a few hours trying to pop it on the girlfriend's account. She loves CoD and this was the first one she clocked on vet and I wanted to help with the plat. Holy fucking shit do I regret it. This is a fucking nightmare.


Like, legit, holy fucking hell I was so close to throwing the remote holy shit it's ridiculous.


Just when you have it worked out and you've got your plan, some new guys spawn and you have to change everything. 


Piss bolt, flash bang everything, grab the flash bang refill in the second last room or wherever, and flash bang some more and fucking leg it. When I did this, by which I mean when it finally went perfectly, I had like 12 seconds left when I got to the hostage at the end legit. Just piss bolt man.

A lot of trial and error. Best thing to do is study a video of someone doing it, where enemies are, how many and when to use flash bangs.

I liked your comment only because you reminded me to watch the episode of South Park I taped the other day. ily Skank.

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It's crazy!! Ive done it on everything level to play it out and everything up to VET I blame my mate he has got me on the trophy hunt and ive nearly been thru one controller I can see it might take couple victim's!!!

Edited by Stevieboy
Use Gaming Sessions to find help for trophies, not the forums.
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Persistence haha, this trophy drove me absolutely crazy for a day or so. I studied a video, and practiced. Key is use your pistol in the beginning, so you don't have to reload till after your flash bang. So run past the guy in the bathroom, quickly unload your pistol on the guy through the conference room. Flash-bang through the door off the wall, switch weapon shoot while you run through enemies. You can save major time while they're flashbanged, by just running through who you can. You'll get it eventually.



Try this video. It isn't me, but this guy's video helped me.


Edited by tomsgiraffe
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I just did it last night, it took me two hours to finish it finally! It really was nightmare...


What I found was that enemies spawn at different places in the first room so when couple of guys are near the front wall flash bang don`t affect them, so you just restart or get killed, nothing you can do. However I did manage to get close to finish line with taking additional time with the first room since I had major troubles passing that room. I would always stuck in the corridors between seats or stuck with dazed enemy, so I took my time, throw one flash-bang then kill couple of enemies....then go left crouch behind the seat, reload...by that time my buddies would finally enter that room and pick off some of the remaining enemies...


Then upstairs its just luck how many enemies you get and their positioning...I threw two of the flash bangs and just went for it...The point of you being so near expiration time is that you are not so much ahead of your buddies so they are close to you and they actually kill some of the enemies....So while I was running I didn't bother with couple of first dazed enemies, and just around the corner I killed some of them - and then I got stuck with 2 enemies on the final corner...I was bashing my controller and somehow managed to melee both of them and get to the hostage with 1-2 seconds remaining.


Good luck, you`ll need it!

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I used some youtube videos for help.  One of the big things I picked up on from the videos was aggression.  You pretty much want to keep moving.  So that first big group you can run past several of them after they get flashed and let the guys following you do cleanup.  Bathroom guy is a major pain as it seems super random whether he shoots at you or not.


These are specifically the videos that helped me the most:


Edited by Monkey484
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Seriously is anyone able to help me with this? I can't get it to save my kife

I got mine after HOURS and HOURS of trying. I can tell you this. After about 6 or seven times of trying close the app and restart it. I had tried for hours and seemed like the enemies spawns were crazy!!!! The key to me getting this is to kill the first two guys as your running from the start and flashbang. Killing and getting up to the breech part is key. Now the next part pushing up the starts is tricky but keep moving. I can tell I was only able to get to the end three times after countless hours and different days trying. First time killed the hostage. Second time i made it only to pause the game at the pic and return to a black screen and the last time was money. But all three time after getting up the stairs if my teammates were a head of me going to the first doorway where you pick up the flashbangs I could make it. And make sure both guns are reloaded when you make your push to run to the back!!! Good luck and you can do it!!!

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I used some youtube videos for help.  One of the big things I picked up on from the videos was aggression.  You pretty much want to keep moving.  So that first big group you can run past several of them after they get flashed and let the guys following you do cleanup.  Bathroom guy is a major pain as it seems super random whether he shoots at you or not.


These are specifically the videos that helped me the most:



Both of these videos made it to the end with 0.2 and 0.4 seconds remaining...And both of them took time, crouching behind the cover...reloading...taking enemies out. So I would say that although you have to push it forward, it is crucial that you take your time and not over-rush it, play smart and with some luck definitely is doable.

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Both of these videos made it to the end with 0.2 and 0.4 seconds remaining...And both of them took time, crouching behind the cover...reloading...taking enemies out. So I would say that although you have to push it forward, it is crucial that you take your time and not over-rush it, play smart and with some luck definitely is doable.

Correct, but they still had to go flat out through some of those groups.  


But one of the hardest parts of this honestly is the randomness of some of it.  Bathroom guy, sometimes a flash will not affect everyone, sometimes your teammates won't shoot a guy fast enough, etc.  I'm glad it's behind me.  

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I would have had my platinum 26 hours sooner if not for this trophy. There was so much luck involved on the runs where I made it to the final part. Get good at hitting restart mission is my advice (saves a lot of wasted time). The bathroom guy will get you like 2 or 3 times out of 5 and even with perfect timing, things will go wrong a lot. When I actually made it the first time, I panicked and shot the hostage (was a second early). Hours later I made it again to the door with 11 seconds left and only because my last flashbang blinded everyone in the last hallway including myself and I managed to dash through them and knife the final one standing in my way. I didn't need the second batch of grenades when I did it but here is the breakdown:


Run past bathroom. 1 grenade in first room, pistol the dudes in your path and run into the breach room to the second cover. Hopefully no one behind you has line of sight but consider putting a few bullets through the wall just to make it easier for your team to kill them and catch up. Try to get here with about 45 seconds on the clock.

Immediately after hole in plane opens, toss next flash, kill all in the room and on stairs since they have the highest chance of getting you in the back. Run upstairs. BTW Right across from the hole there is often a guy crouched. careful of him.

First room on top is so much luck. Positions of people outside are always changing but if you can dash into the next area while the first batch are blinded and get to the cover where the second batch of grenades is alive and with at least 14-18 seconds left, you have a chance.

Toss the last flashbang but not too far down the hall since some enemies make it closer and will not even feel it. I had been using my pistol this whole time except for the first enemy after the bathroom so i switched back to mp5, and took out 3 or 4 in the hallway in my way so i could run past. there are usually 2 around the final bend so you need to save a bit of ammo. Shoot quickly and you should make it.


Best of luck. You are going to need a lot of it.

Edited by CptEatsUrFace
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