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JoaoQuique Presents: An Ordinary Trophy Wall


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Report: Completed Game Nº 336


oHvBOVc.png #191 - Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book

First Trophy at: 12th May 2017 @ 22:16
Last Trophy at: 20th December 2017 @ 23:16 DST (seven months and a week after)
Last Trophy is # 12.227
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 3/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 10/10
Hardest Trophy: The Master of Inspiration (for unlocking every recipe in the game - including free-DLC related ones)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

Finally playing an Atelier game on PS4, this game gave me a "prank" when I've started it - I had started this game in May, played a little, but due to other games I should complete, I stayed a long time without playing this one, which was quite surprising, since usually when I start any game from Atelier series I switch myself on "addicted mode"... In September, I've decided to work on these unfinished JRPG games I've started, but I took preference on finish Ni no Kuni before this one, since Ni no Kuni was being kept on my backlog since 2013... After Plat'ed Ni no Kuni, I started this one, and... my "Atelier addiction" strikes again!! (Hooray... ^_^). (Maybe) I was missing going to bed late midnight (when I should going to bed at 22:00...) due to "just one more synth" excuses, or keeping myself playing just one specific game for a whole weekend... About the game itself, it is just like other Atelier games - a simple and minimalist story, a game focused on synthesizing materials instead of battling, etc. For those ones who like previous Atelier games, this game fits a lot well. While I'm writing this post, my PS Vita is keeping a copy of Atelier Escha & Logy Plus, but I don't know when I will start this one - mainly due to my "Atelier addiction", since this fact forces me to think about the proper opportunity to start this game...



Note: some WRC 5 trophies achieved in PS3 still weren't synch'ed yet, so the "Last Trophy" informartion can be updated anytime... (update have been done)

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Report: 2017's 51st (Penultimate) Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Nothing yet.


What I've started:

  • NBA Playgrounds was started. HiQ Ace was started and finished.


What I've finished:

  • WRC 5 and Atlelier Sophie was finished.


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Nothing were promised - however since Atelier Sophie had been finished last Wednesday, so there were plenty of free time... Meanwhile, I could also finish WRC 5, which was a goal for this month (due to Monthly Madness).


What I will do this week:

  • I will consider next week a free one.


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, nothing new... I think I will sign me out from this event - I'm not putting any focus on it...
  • On Monthly Madness, December's theme is "Games with Snow" - WRC 5 was completed, but I still did not claimed a Platinum Star.
  • On WTHITSDH Backlog Event, Ni no Kuni still was not claimed... Maybe I will forfeit this event too (although this event was not being updated as well...).
  • I've signed myself in Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog - probably the first one which I will start to work in is NASCAR Days of Thunder, however maybe I will play Mugen Souls Z a bit before 2018...
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Report: Completed Game Nº 337


:start: #146 - HiQ Ace


First Trophy at: 22nd December 2017 @ 06:27 DST

Last Trophy at: 22nd December 2017 @ 21:09 DST (almost fifteen hours after)
Last Trophy is # 12.232
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 1/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 7/10
Hardest Trophy: 
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (EU account)


A simple and free jigsaw puzzle game - or could I say five free trophies?? The person which wrote a guide in PlaystationTrophies.org have said it would not be surprising if this game would have DLC trophies at any point, but I don't care too much about trophy completion anyway...






Report: Completed Game Nº 338


oHvBOVc.png #192 - WRC 5

First Trophy at: 2nd December 2017 @ 23:46
Last Trophy at: 25th December 2017 @ 11:00 DST (three weeks after)
Last Trophy is # 12.257
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 6/10
Hardest Trophy: None

Grindiest Trophy: World Champion! (for - finally - beating the World Rally Championship)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

I've decided to start this game this month due to "Monthly Madness" - December's theme is "Games with snow", and such tracks (Monaco and Sweden, mainly) features snow. However, I wasn't expecting this game would be quite annoying... Since I had bought this game in a agressive sale (I don't remember if it was 80% or 90% out sale), I was very lenient about technical details (considering this game is a lot awful, if we are talking about graphics), but I was surprised by the framerate inconsistency of this game - it gives me some motion sickness... If the Vita version is just boring, this version awfulled me a lot!! - even considering that I was lucky enough about some glitches reported on some forums, which did not happened with me.. I'm almost falling into despair when I think I still have the PS4 version to complete...





Report: Completed Game Nº 339


:start: #147 - NBA Playgrounds


First Trophy at: 24th December 2017 @ 14:14 DST

Last Trophy at: 25th December 2017 @ 18:51 DST (twenty-eight hours and a half after)
Last Trophy is # 12.262
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 9/10
Hardest Trophy: 
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main account)


Despite this game is not as awesome as NBA Jam, this game is very fun. I think I will continue to play this game once in a while, completing optional tournaments and unlocking more players - I do not have enough patience nor motivation to unlock all players, but maybe I will keep myself playing this game while I'm having fun with it.

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Report: 2017's 52nd (Last) Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Atelier Firis, MLB The Show 2017, Bridge Constructor, and Goat Simulator DLC Bundle.


What I've started:

  • Persona 4 Dancing All Night was started as last game of the year of 2017. Atelier Firis was started as first game of 2018.


What I've finished:

  • Nothing.


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Nothing were promised...


What I will do this week:

  • I'm still planning about what I will play, but probably I will start Infamous Secons Son on weekdays, for Monthly Madness, and on weekend, I will continue to play F1 2017, Atelier Firis, and 99vidas (I was able to get the trophy for completing the game on Elite difficulty, so I'm on fire about this game...)


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • About A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, after all, I decided to submit a small Season V list, focused on PS4 and Vita games, since I will use "Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog" to clear my PS3 games;
  • On Monthly Madness, January's theme is "Games with moral choices" - for this event I'm going to start (and complete) Infamous Second Son;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, I'm still thinking which game will I start from?



Happy 2018 everybody!!

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Report: 2018's 1st Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Nothing yet - I put some things on my cart, but since all chosen offers will end at January 16th, and there is still a final week of sales lefting, I'm just waiting for now... All PS+ games were redeemed, also.


What I've started:

  • InFamous Second Son and NASCAR Days of Thunder were started.


What I've finished:

  • Persona 4 Dancing All Night was finished.


Gaming glimpses:

  • Considering that I've started Infamous Second Son due to Monthly Madness, I was not expecting to have so much fun playing this game... I'm in the middle of first playthrough (easy mode, focusing in good karma), and having lots of fun busting the DUP...
  • After beating Elite difficulty, finally I got the two co-op trophies from 99vidas. The path to Platinum of this game now is clear as f**k... However, I don't know if I will get this Platinum as my 200th Platinum or as my 13.000th overall trophy...


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Almost - I have not played F1 2017 and Atelier Firis at all, even considering that I have played "NASCAR DoT" and "Infamous SS" instead...


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I intend to continue working on Infamous Second Son - maybe for complete the first playthrough this weekend. And since I've completed Persona 4 DAN last week, I can also start something new on Vita - probably Bridge Constructor;
  • On weekend, I will make some progress on 99vidas (there are lefting 6 characters, and I intend to complete one character per week) and NASCAR Days of Thunder. Some progress on F1 2017, Atelier Firis, and/or Infamous Second Son can be made also... 


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, Persona 4 Dancing All Night was completed, and NASCAR Days of Thunder was started (8 of 14 offline trophies were gotten);
  • On Monthly Madness, January's theme is "Games with moral choices" - I'm working on Infamous Second Son (I'm in the middle of first playthrough, and the trophy completion of this game is 22%);
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, I'm working on NASCAR Days of Thunder.
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Report: Completed Game Nº 340


oHvBOVc.png #193 - Persona 4 Dancing All Night

First Trophy at: 31st December 2017 @ 18:11 DST
Last Trophy at: 7th January 2018 @ 03:19 DST a week after)
Last Trophy is # 12.369
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 3/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 10/10
Hardest Trophy: Born Entertainer (for completing a song with "King Crazy" rank - 90%+ Perfect hits, and without missing a single "scratch note")

Grindiest Trophy: All trophies related to buying every kind of item (there are three)
Console: PSVita
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

Actually, I was waiting an opportunity to play this game for a while - I'm addicted to rhythm games, I enjoyed a lot Persona 4 Golden and both versions of Persona 4 The Animation, and to make all things better, the trophy list of this game is very doable - but since I was not so willing to buy this game at full price, I waited for a long time for any kind of sale of this game (even considering that SEGA hardly ever put their games on good sales...). After finally have bought this game, I was intending start it "almost imediately", but since I was working heavily in Pokémon White 2 (which I was wanting to finish before Pokémon Ultra Moon in November), I kept this game untouched for a while. In December, I decided to start this game that month, but I made the decision to have this game as "the last 2017 game" - it's my "weirdest milestone": every end of a year I got some trophy(ies) from a specific game and get a profile card about that game... As said, Persona 4 DAN was the last game I've played in 2017. About the game itself, it is a good game - the story mode is okay (it is not so deep as original P4/P4 Golden, but it is totally "Persona-like"), the songs are good (they're remixes from songs and BGMs of Persona 4, with some original songs for this game included), and the rhythm game mechanics are quite challenging at first, but are good to getting used to it. That's the "Persona level of quality"... Should I start any of the Persona 4 Arena?? (considering that I still have plenty of games in my backlog, so I can wait a bit for a opportunity to play Persona 5...)

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Report: 2018's 2nd Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Gal*Gun Double Peace, Adventures of Mana , and Chime Sharp were bought.


What I've started:

  • Bridge Constructor and Hyperdevotion Noire were started.


What I've finished:

  • Infamous Second Son was finished.


Gaming glimpses:

  • I made a decision - my 200th Platinum will be Hyperdevotion's, and my 13.000th trophy will be 99vidas' Platinum. And probably I will have "Neptune + Sega Hard Girls' " Platinum as my 14.000th trophy (about milestones, I will skip Megatagmension, or have this game's Platinum as my 210th or my 220th Platinum...);
  • NASCAR Days of Thunder, as expected, is not so good than other NASCAR games, but I'm having reasonable fun with this game. I'm thinking about making a guide about this game...


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Almost - Infamous Second Son's first playthrough were completed (good karma), as well as second playthrough (evil karma and hardest difficulty), but 99vidas was not been played last week...


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, probably I will do minor progresses on Hyperdevotion Noire and/or NASCAR Days of Thunder, but I will consider this week a free one...
  • On weekend, I will do some progress on 99vidas, and continue to work on NASCAR Days of Thunder and F1 2017. Probably I will return to play Atelier Firis too... 


Trivia and "Backlog events":

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Report: Completed Game Nº 341


oHvBOVc.png #194 - Infamous Second Son

First Trophy at: 2nd January 2018 @ 18:56 DST
Last Trophy at: 14th January 2018 @ 14:17 DST (a week and a half after)
Last Trophy is # 12.429
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 10/10
Hardest Trophy: Unstoppable (for beating the game in the "hardest" difficulty)

More Enjoyable Trophy: Clean Sweep (for clearing out Seattle from D.U.P. - a.k.a. getting all collectibles)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account, by PS+)

After a while having "problems" with some Infamous Platinums (Infamous 2 was gotten by PS+ of my US account, and the subscription have been expired while I was in the middle of the 2nd playthrough; and I postponed Infamous First Light a bit because its postgame is not so attractive...), I could finally get a new Platinum from Infamous franchise. And, to be honest, I was not expecting having too much fun playing this game - okay, this game can be quite easy and/or short, but this game is also fancy and well-made, and I had lots of fun getting all collectibles (mainly stencil arts). Other good point of this game is its ending: it looks like a film, bringing good feelings (like, soon after you've watched an awesome movie, and you already feel nostalgic about the recently watched movie while the credits are still rolling) - particularly, I loved good karma's ending (salute to Reggie!!). To make things better, this game features the best dubbing (in Brazilian Portuguese) of all games I've played so far - another thing about this game which looks like a film in a good way.

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Report: 2018's 3rd Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • PaRappa the Rapper Remastered was bought.


What I've started:

  • Nothing new. However, it can be said that Supercar Challenge was restarted.


What I've finished:

  • NASCAR Days of Thunder was finished.


Gaming glimpses:

  • As a SRPG game, it is not so good as Disgaea, and as a Neptunia game, it is not so good as Re;Birth series and Megadimension, but I'm having lots of fun with Hyperdevotion anyway...
  • I was not expecting that an exploit over Supercar Challenge would work with my version of this game... Due to that, I will return to work in this game (there's only credits' grinding and online trophies remaining).


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Yes - every listed games were played well, and Days of Thunder was even completed.


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, probably I will work in Hyperdevotion and Atelier Firis. Probably I will also grind some credits in Supercar Challenge;
  • On weekend, I will dcontinue to progress on F1 2017, Atelier Firis and 99vidas.


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, NASCAR Days of Thunder's goal were achieved (all 14 of 14 offline trophies, plusboth ones that required online);
  • On Monthly Madness, January's theme is "Games with moral choices" - after had submitted Infamous SS, I'm just waiting for February (considering posted votes on the poll, probably my February's game will be Infamous First Light;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, I've finished NASCAR Days of Thunder. I'm still not sure what will be my next game from this list... (probably will be Tour de France)




Report: Completed Game Nº 342


:start: #148 - Days of Thunder NASCAR


First Trophy at: 6th January 2018 @ 16:33 DST

Last Trophy at: 21th January 2018 @ 20:18 DST (half of a month after)
Last Trophy is # 12.462
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 3/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 9/10
Hardest Trophy: 

Grindest Trophy: Everyone wants a piece of you (for unlocking every sponsor - takedown'ing 100 cars were quite a grind)
Console: PS3
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (from a Physical Disc)


Well, this game is not so good as regular NASCAR games for PS3 (I still had not played any NASCAR game for PS4), but actually I liked to play this game a lot... Probably my enjoyment grade would be bigger if I had not tested some things for a future guide... (Does this game deserve a new and bigger guide? Maybe not, but, oh well...)

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Report: 2018's 4th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Madden NFL 18 and all Driveclub Bikes DLCs were bought.


What I've started:

  • Nothing new. See below about some "restarts".


What I've finished:

  • All remaining trophies from Rocket League and Driveclub Bikes were achieved (these games are now 100%).


Gaming glimpses:

  • I've changed up my mind - the 99vidas' Platinum will be my 200th Platinum, and Hyperdevotion Noire's will be my 14.000th overall trophy. The main reason is only the 200th Platinum will be timestamped by PSNP... (well, the fact that the road to 99vidas' Platinum are being simplier than Hyperdevotion's helps a lot...)
  • As always, I've struck by "my Atelier Addiction" - however, this way, I'm being more self-controlled, just playing Atelier Firis on every slot of time I have, instead of sacrificing some sleep time...
  • The only exception I've done (about focusing on Atelier Firis) was about Driveclub Bikes - I wanted to complete this one as soon as possible because I was needing to free some space to download Madden NFL 18 (having enough time to "simulate Super Bowl LII");
  • This Monday (Tuesday) I will "simulate" the Super Bowl LII - after simulation, I will edit this post, showing the results here: Philadelphia 27 x 24 New England. Maybe I will redo this simulation next weekend, just for some pleasure...


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • So-so - Hyperdevotion and Atelier Firis were worked on well, but neither F1 2017, 99vidas and Supercar Challenge were even touched - I've worked on Rocket League and Driveclub Bikes instead.


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I will work on Atelier Firis (with enough luck, I may even Platinum this game before weekend);
  • On weekend, I will Plat' Firis if I haven't done yet, do some work on 99vidas, and maybe F1 2017. I also intend to start to work on any game for Monthly Madness' February theme - probably Infamous First Light and/or Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS4 version).


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, there's no news, besides a considerable progress on Atelier FIris;
  • On Monthly Madness, February's theme is going to be "Games with some avenge/revenge" - I've noticed that Naruto Shippuden Untimate Ninja Storm 2 would be eligible for this month (due to Sasuke's plot), and maybe I complete this game for the theme, but I can also finally complete Infamous First Light anyway;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - I'm still not sure what will be my next game from this list...
  • I've signed in into The Love Boat event, which requires completing some "ship-themed" games. My listed games are Journey (companionship), MLB The Show 17 (partnership), Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (friendship), Hatoful Boyfriend (relationship), and MXGP 2 (a bonus game, that requires "anything related to Ireland, even barely").
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Report: Completed Game Nº 343


oHvBOVc.png #195 - Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey

First Trophy at: 1st January 2018 @ 10:57 DST
Platinum Trophy at: 31st January 2018 @ 20:52 DST (a month after)
Platinum Trophy is # 12.531
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 10/10
Hardest Trophy: None

Grindest Trophy: Never Ending Journey (for getting the True Ending - by completing requirements for all other endings)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

When I was completing Atelier Sophie, this game have appeared in a sale, and despites this game was a bit more expensive than I'd like, I decided to buy this game anyway, with the condition of start this game soon after. As said, I started this game as the first game started in 2018, but soon after I've focused on Infamous Second Son, for Monthly Madness - it was OK, that was a calculated move, and I would return into this game after it. This game is the weirdest Atelier game I've played so far (considering I'd debuted into Atelier series since Arland series...) - the concepts of "open-world-esque" and "roaming Atelier" were strange at first, but actually I liked this game, though this game's endings were considerably dull... Now I'm waiting for Atelier Lydie & Suelle (Is this the moment to buy an Atelier game at full price??), but probably the next Atelier game I will play is Escha & Logy Plus (depending on Monthly Madness' polls, March can be the month to do it).

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Report: 2018's 5th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Nothing.


What I've started:

  • MXGP 2 was started, due to "The Love Boat" event. For a specific milestone (Lv. 48), I've booted up Journey (probably I will play this game appropriately next week).


What I've finished:

  • Atelier Firis was completed.


Gaming glimpses:

  • Well, this week I have not anything interesting to say... Sometimes it will happen...


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • I can say yes - Firis was completed, 99vidas and F1 received some progress, etc. However, last week, I have not said about starting any game listed on "The Love Boat" (Naruto Shippuden UNS 2 was listed in this event though) - the first game for this event is MXGP2.


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I intend to work in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS4). I can also invest some time in Infamous First Light.
  • On weekend, I will play MXGP 2, and maybe reach "ready to pop" status in 99vidas. Other games can be played as well...


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, Atelier Firis was completed, and due to a single trophy, my setted goal for F1 2017 (Rank A on PSNP) was achieved - EDIT: my progression about F1 2017 was re-evaluated as "Rank B", so no goal were accomplished...
  • On Monthly Madness, February's theme is "Games with some avenge/revenge" - either Naruto Shippuden Untimate Ninja Storm 2 and Infamous First Light can be completed for this month;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - I'm still not sure what will be my next game from this list...
  • On The Love Boat event, I've started MXGP 2 - with enough luck, I can complete this game this weekend or in the following Carnaval break.
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Report: Completed Game Nº 344


oHvBOVc.png #196 - MXGP2: The Official Motocross Videogame

First Trophy at: 3rd February 2018 @ 18:42 DST
Platinum Trophy at: 11th February 2018 @ 17:55 DST (eight days after)
Platinum Trophy is # 12.639
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 9/10
Hardest Trophy: None
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

Even "had not liked so much" playing the first MXGP game (in comparison to other racing games...), I gave a try about this one - well, at least for me, this one is a lot better to being played continuously... This time, I could even complete lots of races in a row (on the first one, I usually played a maximum of 4 races in a row, considering that every grand prix have two races each), but I might would have more fun if I have not rushed on this game too fiercely... - I completed this game as part of "The Love Boat" event.

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Report: 2018's 7th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Plenty of things in two waves: Monday I'd bought Drive"Drive!Drive! and Gryphon Knight Epic, and at the weekend I bought on UK store both Nubla games, and on BR store I bought Mecho Tales, Fairy Fencer F and Cyberdimension Neptunia.


What I've started:

  • Journey (PS4) and Hatoful Boyfriend were started.


What I've finished:

  • Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS4) was completed.


Gaming glimpses:

  • I think I will make another adjustment about trophy milestones - I'm considering change the Platinum to be my 13.000th trophy... I will try having Cyberdimension's Platinum as my 13.000th trophy, however, I will keep Hyperdevotion ready to be used in case of nothing happens well about Cyberdimension (although Hyperdevotion is still not ready to pop...).


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • In parts: on Carnival break, plenty of focus were given to Naruto, and Journey was completed once, but Hatoful Boyfriend was not started in these couple of days...
  • On remaining weekdays, Hatoful Boyfriend was started (on Valentine's...), and some progress were made in Naruto;
  • On weekend, MLB The show was not started... On the other side, Naruto was completed, all trophies but one from Journey were gotten, and Hatoful had received another wave of progress...


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I will continue to work on Hatoful Boyfriend. I will not forbid myself to start Cyberdimension Neptunia;
  • On weekend, I'm going to start MLB The Show 17 (now it is unavoidable... :P). I should also make some progress on F1 2017, try to get the remaining trophy in Journey (if I would not get it already), complete Hatoful Boyfriend if I had not completed it already, and/or start/continue Cyberdimension.


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, nothing has changed... - probably due to one more trophy achieved recently, I can claim now the "Rank A" in F1 2017. MLB The Show 17, still unstarted, is listed as part of this event;
  • On Monthly Madness, February's theme is "Games with some avenge/revenge" - I've completed Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - due to Sasuke's background and other things, this game might be considered eligible for this month;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - I'm still not sure what will be my next game from this list...
  • On The Love Boat event, Naruto UNS 2 was completed, Hatoful Boyfriend and Journey are in progress (Journey is almost completed), and I'm going to start MLB The Show next weekend.
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Report: Completed Game Nº 345


oHvBOVc.png #197 - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

First Trophy at: 5th February 2018 @ 18:14 DST
Platinum Trophy at: 18th February 2018 @ 19:36 (almost two weeks after)
Platinum Trophy is # 12.680
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 8/10
Hardest Trophy: None

Grindest Trophy: Which name shall I use? (for getting all titles - the online *self-boosted* ones and, mainly, the "play with X character 30 times" were a bit annoying to get...)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

One of the most interesting things about this version was about how I would remember the same procedures I had done when I Plat'ed this game first time (mainly because the PS3 verison of this game was the first game I've Platinumed) - maybe I've actually made more comparsions about other UNS games instead of PS3 version of this (like how is considerably easier to achieve trophies based in "rank S battles", if compared to UNS 3 and 4, for instance). On the other point, I've forgotten how boring is using a same character 30 times until unlock a respective title (this action whould be done with every character but Lars - which is a bonus character - and maybe Naruto, due to a lot of times you will use him in Story Mode's side missions). Overall, I liked to play this game again...

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Report: 2018's 8th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Nothing.


What I've started:

  • MLB The Show 17 was started.


What I've finished:

  • Hatoful Boyfriend was completed.


Gaming glimpses:

  • I'm thinking about restarting works on WipEout HD - due to some things exploitable on this game I've read in PSNP forum threads, I could get "Beat Zico" and "reach Zone 75" trophies by exploiting unpatched glitches (and "reach Zone 50 by using only airbrakes/side shifts" trophy legitimately...). So, only are lefting me the trophy for scoring gold on all stages on Elite difficulty - I'm already using an exploit that makes Elite AI do not firing any weapons they have (patch 2.40 on NA version), but these races still are not easy, and there's more than 70 lefting...
  • i'm still unsure about which trophy will be my 13.000th - Hyperdevotion's Platinum or Cyberdimension's Platinum...  Probably I will choose which these Platinum will be my 13.000th after reach "ready to pop" status of Hyperdevotion and finish the game for March in "Monthly Madness" - on worst scenario, I will have Hyperdevotion's Plat as my 13.000th Platinum, and I would start Cyberdimension soon after, despite its Platinum would be my 14.000th trophy anyways...


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Yes, besides I had not started Cyberdimension, and I would not get the last trophy of Journey (due to major focus on F1 and MLB, I've tried only once, and the failure was due to a personal mistake - I've waited plenty of time waiting somebody in a stage, but tips about this game said that I should restart the stage after had spent 2~3 minutes waiting somebody...).


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I will work towards MLB the Show 17 - I think I will have some fun playing Conquest Mode. I can also grind some levels on Hyperdevotion Noire (besides I still have 3 trophies related to story/endings, I will consider this game "ready to pop" when I get the "All characters with Lv. 99" trophy);
  • On weekend, I will continue to work on MLB The Show 17 (mainly online matches/self-boosting) and F1 2017. I should also try to get the remaining trophy in Journey, and maybe I can start Cyberdimension Neptunia. There is a possibility to start/restart any game for Monthly Madness' - March's theme.


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, MLB The Show 17 was started - my goal for this game is "Rank A", but I will get this game's Plat due to "The Love Boat";
  • On Monthly Madness, February's theme is "Games with some avenge/revenge" - I'm just waiting March (I guess Hatoful Boyfriend is not eligible for this month);
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - I'm still not sure what will be my next game from this list...
  • On The Love Boat event, only MLB the Show 17 and Journey are lefting - with enough luck, I can complete Journey soon, but MLB still requires couple of weeks to be completed.
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Report: Completed Game Nº 346


:start: #149 - Hatoful Boyfriend


First Trophy at: 14th Febuary 2018 @ 21:36 DST

Last Trophy at: 23th February 2018 @ 22:25 (nine days after)
Last Trophy is # 12.698
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 1/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 7/10
Hardest Trophy: 
None, due to guides
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account, by PS+)


Is this the first otome game I've played so far?? Despite this fact, this game surprised me well, mainly in "BBL ending" (or I would say "murder investigation ending"?... :hmm:). Since I've skipped most part of this game (I've skipped everything but majority of endings - where I've found all "surprises", together with some cliché endings), I do not have something more to say about this game...

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Report: 2018's 9th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Nothing. NASCAR Heat Evolution had been bought before last week by Amazon, and was delivered last Thursday.


What I've started:

  • NASCAR Heat Evolution and Knight Solitaire were started.


What I've finished:

  • MLB The Show 17 and Journey (PS4) were completed.


Gaming glimpses:

  • I've reached the "ready to pop" status for Hyperdevotion Noire - okay, it's lefting four trophies for Platinum, but all characters that still aren't in Lv. 99 will reach these levels by the last battles of the game, one trophy will be give as soon as I complete the Chapter 9/the game itself, and I've decided to unlock both endings at the same "sitting" instead of unlocking one by now and another when I would Plat' this game (each ending have a related trophy - I've read that there's a third ending, and probably I'd met its requirements, if this "third ending" options appears to me, I will watch it before both endings that grant me trophies...
  • Considering that I've completed all games listed for "The Love Boat", I will Plat' RiME for Monthly Madness (probably I will spent a week or two to complete this one), I've reach "ready to pop" status for Hyperdevotion, and I still have some room for other trophies, I will have Cyberdimension's Platinum as my 13.000th trophy. To make things better, other games I would play while I'm working on Cyberdimension do not put many trophies on my road, so I can say I will have a comfortable amount of time to work this one;
  • Another comfortable situation I'm living is about my 200th Platinum, which will be 99vidas. Now I have 198, and my 199th apparently will be RiME. After 199th Platinum, I will unlock this Platinum as soon as possible (the only situation which I will "postpone" this Platinum is if I unlock 199th Platinum soon before sleep time...).


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Yes, besides I had not started Cyberdimension yet, I've completed MLB The Show (even the prediction about "having fun in Conquest mode" were fulfilled), achieved the last trophy in Journey, and reached "ready to pop status" for Hyperdevotion (besides I still hadn't achieved "All characters Lv. 99" trophy).


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I will work towards RiME, and I might can start Cyberdimension Neptunia (however, I will not promise I will start this game this week...).Other games, like Supercar Challenge and WipEout can receive some minor progress;
  • On weekend, I will continue to work on RiME and/or Cyberdimension, and some progress on F1 2017 and/or NASCAR will be made. I can also try some online trophies from UFC 2 (while I'm watching NASCAR races);
  • Knight Solitaire will be played casually. MotoGP 13 and WRC 4 (both Vita versions) can be started if any Boosting Game Session shows up (a lot unlikely to happen, but I'm watching if it happens).


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, MLB The Show 17 was completed;
  • On Monthly Madness, March's theme is "Games with a wonderful artistic view" - probably I will use RiME to fit this month's theme;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - I'm still not sure what will be my next game from this list... If it was not a personal rule (I decided to work on this event sending lists as "waves", and I would only post a new "wave"/list after had finish a considerable amout of the previous list), I could consider putting "Supercar Challenge" and "WipEout HD" on my list...
  • On The Love Boat event, I've complete the two remaining games from my list (MLB The Show 17 and Journey). On other words, I completed this event.
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Report: Completed Game Nº 347


oHvBOVc.png #198 - MLB The Show 17

First Trophy at: 24th February 2018 @ 20:14
Platinum Trophy at: 4th March 2018 @ 00:21 (a week after)
Platinum Trophy is # 12.745
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 3/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 9/10
Hardest Trophy: None, mainly due to self-boosting

Grindest Trophy: Show me the money! (for signing a contract to play the Major League Baseball - after had played two seasons in double/triple A leagues and one more season in Pittsburg Pirates by Spring Training...)

Funniest Trophy: I'll take that (for conquering five enemy strongholds in Conquest Mode - I had lots of fun playing this mode, and I've conquered all tiles of the map but enemy strongholds before achieving this trophy)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

It's my second Platinum from a MLB game - first one was The Show 14 (PS4) - and this one was a lot funnier then, mainly because the trophy list of this game is a lot better than The Show 14's list (I prefer this kind of list - mixes task-oriented trophies with game modes related trophies - than the style used on The Show 14, which was mostly task-oriented...). And the conquest mode was so addictive that sometimes I did lost bedtime... (like sometimes had happened with me while I was playing a game from Atelier series). And thanks San Diego Studios for keeping active a "Forever Event" - this game have some features that were discontinued (or will be discontinued after releasement of MLB The Show 18), but apparently this game will continue to be Platinumed while its servers keep online (due to "Forever Event", since "events" is a feature which usually is discontinued when a new current version of an annual game is released, the Platinum of this game continues achievable for "late newcomers")...






Report: Completed Game Nº 348


:start: #150 - Journey


First Trophy at: 4th Febuary 2018 @ 10:58 DST

Last Trophy at: 4th March 2018 @ 14:48 (a month after)
Last Trophy is # 12.746
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 9/10
Hardest Trophy: Transcendence (for collecting all 21 runes through all stages)

Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)


Wow, what a wonderful game!! It's quite simple, and even easy when you get yourself used to this game, but this game is pleasant anyway. Probably the biggest mess I had with this game is about the "Companion" trophy: for this one, you must complete a journey with the same companion for most part of it - gladly the "journey" considers when you start a nwe journey OR after choosing a specific chapter, but sh*ts happens anyway (one time my companion had "vanished" on final stage, other time I got disconnected from my companion, in another situation I've waited so much time waiting someone just to discover that I had spend more time waiiting somebody than actually pilgrimaging to the final destination, etc.). Now I'm looking forward to have an opportunity to play the PS3 version. And there is another "game image" that is invisible in this post, but appears barely in first page of this thread...

Edited by JoaoQuique
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Report: Completed Game Nº 349


:start: #151 - Knight Solitaire


First Trophy at: 2nd March 2018 @ 18:14

Last Trophy at: 8th March 2018 @ 15:18 (almost six days after)
Last Trophy is # 12.762
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 2/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 10/10
Hardest Trophy: Golden Rose (for collecting all 12 stages in Knight mode - a mode that you must complete 10 puzzles in-a-row with a certain pontuation)

Console: Vita
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy


After a while, I've decided to start another puzzle game from 8floor - firstly I was thinking about start Mahjong Gold, but I picked a solitaire game instead. And well, I got surprised about how this game could be so addictive!! (at least for me...) If I did not have to start and complete such games as MotoGP 13, WRC 4, and Atelier Escha & Logy Plus in my Vita (these game is already installed on my Vita when I'm writing this post), probably I would install Pirate Solitaire or Strike Solitaire... One of them will be played soon, anyway...

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Report: 2018's 10th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • All versions of "Energy trology" by Flash Sale, and Life is Strange for PS3. All PS+ games were redeemed.


What I've started:

  • Rime and Cyberdimension Neptunia were started. Energy Cycle (PS4) was started and finished in the same day.


What I've finished:

  • Knight Solitaire was finished, and I've finally popped 99vidas' Platinum (as planned, it's my 200th Platinum).


Gaming glimpses:

  • I've said that I would use Rime as my 199th Platinum, but I was not expecting a Flash Sale too early... And since it was saling Energy <somewthing> 60% off, I decided to buy and complete it asap... Platinums nº 199 and 200 (99 vidas) achieved.


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Yes. F1 2017 was not played at all, but NASCAR had received some considerable progress. UFC 2 keeps untouched...


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I will work towards RiME and/or Cyberdimension Neptunia;
  • On weekend, I will continue some work toward RiME and/or Cyberdimension, and some progress on F1 2017 and/or NASCAR will be made (this time I will priorize F1). I intend to work in some online trophies from UFC 2 (while I'm watching NASCAR races);
  • MotoGP 13, WRC 4 (both Vita versions), and Supercar Challenge can be started or restarted depending on any Boosting Game Session that can show up (a lot unlikely to happen, but I'm watching if it happens).


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, there is not any considerable progress since last week...
  • On Monthly Madness, March's theme is "Games with a wonderful artistic view" - I'm playing RiME for this month;
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - unfortunatelly, I think it will continue this way for a while...
  • About The Love Boat event, I've received this little piece of pleasure (I will attach it into my signature soon):


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Report: Completed Game Nº 350


oHvBOVc.png #199 - Energy Cycle (NA)

First Trophy at: 11th March 2018 @ 08:08
Platinum Trophy at: 11th March 2018 @ 08:20 (eleven minutes and a half after)
Platinum Trophy is # 12.797
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 1/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 3/10
Hardest Trophy: None
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

Well, after a sudden Flash Sale (I was expecting a flash sale only a week after) with this game, I decided to buy these "Erergy Trilogy" games (each one were costing a bit more than BRL 3$ (equivalent to one buck), and since I was waiting for a "long" time for a "199th Platinum" (so I could have 99vidas' Platinum as my 200th Platinum), I've decided to use this one to achieve my 199th Platinum as soon as possible. Despite this game is being spreadly used for "trophy whoring", this game actually is a nice puzzle game. Maybe I will try to complete all 28 basic puzzles "legitmately" when I start Vita version...





Report: Completed Game Nº 351


oHvBOVc.png #200 - 99vidas (NA)

First Trophy at: 19th July 2017 @ 18:32
Platinum Trophy at: 11th March 2018 @ 08:38 (almost eight months after)
Platinum Trophy is # 12.799
Difficulty (personal evaluation): 4/10
Enjoyment (personal evaluation): 9/10
Hardest Trophy: Elite Player (for beating the game on Elite difficulty)
Console: PS4
Acquisition Method: Digital Copy (Main Account)

As a person which listens the 99vidas podcast since 2011~2012 (for everybody who don't know, 99vidas actually is a Brazilian podcast which talks about videogames, mainly retro and classical ones), I loved this game - this game has a lot of references about plenty of stories told on 99vidas' podcasts (despites QUByte has made efforts to keep this games enjoyable for everybody which had not listed the original podcasts too - I hope they're been suceeded on this task). Actually I've taken part of the crowdfunding of this game, so my name is on the credits of it... Initially, I was considering to have this game's Platinum as my 13.000th trophy, but I'd changed up my mind and put this one as my 200th Platinum, just because PSNProfiles have the 200th Platinum as a milestone... (as opposed to 13.000th trophy)

Edited by JoaoQuique
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Report: 2018's 11th Weekly Update:



What I've bought:

  • Nothing yet - I've put some things on my cart, but since the current sale's going to end at March27th, I will wait a bit...


What I've started:

  • Nothing.


What I've finished:

  • Nothing.


Gaming glimpses:

  • Well, it might is a boring update - there's nothing interesting to say here...


Did I fulfill what I promised to do?

  • Yes. NASCAR was not played at all, but F1 2017 had received some considerable progress (same phrase of last week, excepting about which games were or weren't played...). UFC 2 keeps untouched...


What I will do this week:

  • On weekdays, I will work towards RiME and/or Cyberdimension Neptunia (focusing on Rime);
  • On weekend, I will continue some work toward RiME and/or Cyberdimension, and some progress on F1 2017 and/or NASCAR will be made;
  • MotoGP 13, WRC 4 (both Vita versions), and Supercar Challenge can be started or restarted depending on any Boosting Game Session that can show up (a lot unlikely to happen, but I'm watching if it happens).


Trivia and "Backlog events":

  • On A Casual Attack on Your Backlog, there is not any considerable progress since last week (again)...
  • On Monthly Madness, March's theme is "Games with a wonderful artistic view" - I'm playing RiME for this month (I'm completing one chapter per week, but it's okay since I can finish this game on Easter holidays);
  • About Let's Play Our PS3 Backlog, nothing new - probably I will return into this event in April, maily due to "Spring Fling";
  • I've signed myself up in Spring Fling! - this time I will work on some already-started games (there are some exceptions, but anyways...). This event will start in April.
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I don't know how I didn't notice when I was updating progress on the last event, but damn you've completed a ton of stuff. I like the format you have for reporting on your games when you complete them. Keep it up. I think you made the right choice using Spring Fling to wrap up some older games.

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