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Switch It Up! (event for Nintendo Switch gamers)

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6 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

You've seen most of everything, yeah. Where OutRun has branching paths and reason to replay, Over Top instead has nothing. That being said, I was playing it again for a good 20 minutes or so on the train this morning and replaying is never boring, it's still fun and all, but there's nothing new to discover. There's a couple of shortcuts here and there, but they don't alter anything really. I've not spent a tonne of time playing it though, but for the most part I'm just turning up the difficulty each time I finish. I died right near the end of level 4 difficulty which bummed me out but oh well. I'd say get the game if you have the money for it and think you'll play it, what's there is pretty fun, it's just not very long. If you think you'd replay the shit out of it, it's pretty fun. Just don't play as the Ferrari, it looks pretty, but it's just not practical among the different terrains.


That's too bad, I saw so many environments in the screenshots on the eShop that it made me think there were many different tracks. Shame.


Guess I'll just play the games I already have on vacation, unless there's a good sale or unless Yooka-Laylee, Shakedown Hawaii, Redout or Runner3 release in time.


And let's not forget the Virtual Console, I have high hopes of it being up and running by the end of June,

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47 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


That's too bad, I saw so many environments in the screenshots on the eShop that it made me think there were many different tracks. Shame.


Guess I'll just play the games I already have on vacation, unless there's a good sale or unless Yooka-Laylee, Shakedown Hawaii, Redout or Runner3 release in time.


And let's not forget the Virtual Console, I have high hopes of it being up and running by the end of June,

It is quite fun though. If it goes on sale some time, which has happened before with ACA games on the two other platforms a few times, I'd say grab it if it drops to around 2 or 3 bucks. Let me put it this way, if I was paying real money for the game, I would not buy it at 9.10. Considering I jumped on my laptop for 5 minutes while waiting for lunch today, and popped a ten buck voucher, I don't mind too much paying with that method.


I haven't bothered with Yooka-Laylee and the only place I'd get it is Switch, did you end up getting it on PS4 yet or nah? Opinions?


Unless the Virtual Console decides to bring in cross buy with 3DS/Wii U, then my survey wallet is gonna get fucked on the launch day. 

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3 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

It is quite fun though. If it goes on sale some time, which has happened before with ACA games on the two other platforms a few times, I'd say grab it if it drops to around 2 or 3 bucks. Let me put it this way, if I was paying real money for the game, I would not buy it at 9.10. Considering I jumped on my laptop for 5 minutes while waiting for lunch today, and popped a ten buck voucher, I don't mind too much paying with that method.


Okay, where did you do stuff like that again?


3 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:


I haven't bothered with Yooka-Laylee and the only place I'd get it is Switch, did you end up getting it on PS4 yet or nah? Opinions?


I did not get it on PS4 yet, I won't pay for the PS4 version but I'm trying to see if I can get a trade going since I completed Horizon Zero Dawn. No takers yet.


3 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:


Unless the Virtual Console decides to bring in cross buy with 3DS/Wii U, then my survey wallet is gonna get fucked on the launch day. 


Last news I heard was they're looking into it.

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By Dylan.


I've wanted to do this for a while and I just got home and the baby's down and the missus is having a nap, so what better time than now? Here's a brief rundown of my Switch games so far, since I have a fair few.


FAST RMX - First game I bought, got it at midnight (well half past or so) when I got home with the Switch. Only thing I owned for a good week or two. Played the living shit out of it whenever I got a chance. This game, it's beautiful. It's like if WipEout was simultaneously simpler (due to there being no weapons) and more complex (due to the color swap mechanic, the nitro pads, the jump pads, and the turbo boost) and the thing is fucking gorgeous. As I said, I had it since day one, so I played prepatch mostly, but even on day one, it was gorgeous, had a buttery smooth framerate, fast and fluid and challenging but rewarding and just great. If you've played the Wii U original, you might not need this, but if you haven't, it's as close as you'll get to a new WipEout or F-Zero any time soon, and no, the HD-er re-release of the HD re-release of the PSP games does not count as new. 

PRICE - I think I paid 26 or 27 at launch. Is it worth that? Fuck yeah. 30 odd tracks, 3 difficulty levels, and 2 equally big modes to explore after completing the championships in Hero Mode and Challenge Mode (or whatever it's called, I forget) on top of that, the whole thing can be taken online or played in local split screen with up to four players. Along with DriveClub and Mario Kart 8, this is one of my favorite racers of this generation already.


METAL SLUG 3 - is a Neo Geo side scrolling bullet hell platforming shoot 'em up with vehicles and power ups and sexy graphics and 2 player split screen and a reasonably lengthy campaign for the arcade style game it is (probs a good hour if you're not rushing, each time) with 4 different characters to choose from and a metric shit tonne of replayability. In fact, I clocked it again on the train home today and goddamn if it isn't one of my favorite ones in the genre.

PRICE - As with all Neo Geo games, this sucker was $9.10 here, the price will be whatever all the other Neo Geo games are going for in your region currently, I assume. Is it worth that? 9 bucks for hours upon hours of replaying an incredibly well made, delightfully fun shooter? Fuck yeah dude, I'd even pay a WHOLE TEN (whoa)


KING OF FIGHTERS 98 - is also a Neo Geo game. Though this one is a fighter. There's not much to say about the game honestly, and outside of it's main thing it's just another arcadey Street Fighter kind of game, which is good, since that's what I wanted. It's main thing though? It's 3 on 3. You pick 3 fighters, and each round you take on 3 other fighters, 1 at a time. I quite like this, as it lets you have a second chance if you fuck up and die, and it in turn makes the arcade mode 3 times as long depending on how you look at it. Thing is though, all you've got is arcade mode. It's a fighter, it's got no story, no other modes, no nothing... but damn, it's a good fighter. If you want to play Street Fighter on the Switch, but don't wanna wait for the latest SF 2 re-release to hit, this is my pick of the many choices you already have.

PRICE - Since I bought this to scratch the fighting game itch on the cheap instead of waiting a couple of months to pay SIXTY DOLLARS for the newest revision of Street Fighter 2, coming in at just under a sixth of the price, is it worth $9.10? The answer is a resounding yes. Sure, SF 2 may be more fully featured and prettier to look at, but this is an equally well made game with a bevy of fighters to pick from that's a shit load cheaper. 


SHOVEL KNIGHT: SPECTER OF TORMENT - I had never played Shovel Knight before getting this, and wanted to dip my feet with the cheaper option. Shovel Knight is an 8 bit style platformer for modern systems that feels authentic most of the time, while also feeling fluid and unrestrained by old technology. Shovel Knight: Specter of Tormet, is an add on campaign of about the same length, maybe a bit less, that (in my opinion) plays a lot better than the already superb Shovel Knight. In this one, you're one of the bad guys from the main game (that's not really much of a spoiler) and it's a prequel that shows off Specter Knight's backstory and how the bad guy team from the main game got together basically. To be honest, I didn't care about the story at all, because the gameplay was so much more fun, and boy is it fun. This is a really well made platformer with obvious love for the 8 bit days of yore leaking out of everything. If you've not tried the game yet, the Switch is a great place to start as it's pick up and play nature really suits this kind of game, and when displayed on the big screen it looks just as good as you remember all them old ass games looking.

PRICE - SK:SOT launched as an eShop exclusive at 13 dollars. Is it worth that? Fuck yeah it is. BUT. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, which is the main game, the first DLC campaign (Plague Knight's campaign), the second DLC campaign (this one), and all future DLC bundled together. That goes for 32.50 here. Is it worth that? Well, I got a new disc copy on PS4 for 25 bucks the other day at EB, so it depends on how you look at it. Value wise, fuck yeah it's worth that amount, but if you can find a cheap physical version elsewhere then maybe grab that?


Billie's up. I'll finish this later if my computer doesn't close the page or try to refresh it while I'm gone.


Like 4 hours later, he realized he could post and edit later, which is what he's about to do now. 


MARIO KART 8 DELUXE - is a re-release of a Wii U Mario Kart, the best in the series by far, that most people haven't played, due to most people not owning a Wii U because, well, why would you? It's fucking great. It's fluid and pretty and fast and fun and full HD and glorious and just great. It's got 80 odd tracks, all the expected modes, 2 player split screen (by the way, when I say a game has 2 player, unless otherwise noted, I mean you can split the joy con up and not need to buy a new remote as well, the Neo Geo games are perfect examples of how this should be done), and up to 4 player split screen if you have the required remotes. A shit load of racers, including some new ones not to be found on the Wii U release, a revamped battle mode, time trials, GPs, all that shit. It's the Mario Kart you know and love, but at the best it will probably ever be. Also you can hold 2 power ups again which is delightful and honestly changes how you play a lot more than you might think at first.

PRICE - Day one got it for 62 physically, cheapest you'll find now is 69. RRP is 80, which is what it goes for on the eShop too. Is it worth 80, a reissue of a Wii U game? If you have it on Wii U, fuck to the no. If you don't, well, it's still a few years old and personally I think that price is WAAAAY too high, and I would have done it for around 50 or so, 62 is close enough so I was happy with that. Is the game worth 62? I don't think it should be that much, but there is definitely 62 bucks worth of content in this sucker and I would say it's worth that much. I wouldn't pay 80 for it though, so the official verdict would be get it as cheap as you can or wait for an eShop sale, since physical Nintendo games never go on sale ever, that's just one of the rules of the world, like death and taxes.


Over Top

Mr. Shifty


Blaster Master Zero

Graceful Explosion Machine

NBA Playgrounds

Dark Which Music Episode: Rudymical

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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9 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:


By Dylan.


Post in the general Switch thread, so more people can see it!


9 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

FAST RMX - First game I bought, got it at midnight (well half past or so) when I got home with the Switch. Only thing I owned for a good week or two. Played the living shit out of it whenever I got a chance. This game, it's beautiful. It's like if WipEout was simultaneously simpler (due to there being no weapons) and more complex (due to the color swap mechanic, the nitro pads, the jump pads, and the turbo boost) and the thing is fucking gorgeous. As I said, I had it since day one, so I played prepatch mostly, but even on day one, it was gorgeous, had a buttery smooth framerate, fast and fluid and challenging but rewarding and just great. If you've played the Wii U original, you might not need this, but if you haven't, it's as close as you'll get to a new WipEout or F-Zero any time soon, and no, the HD-er re-release of the HD re-release of the PSP games does not count as new. 

PRICE - I think I paid 26 or 27 at launch. Is it worth that? Fuck yeah. 30 odd tracks, 3 difficulty levels, and 2 equally big modes to explore after completing the championships in Hero Mode and Challenge Mode (or whatever it's called, I forget) on top of that, the whole thing can be taken online or played in local split screen with up to four players. Along with DriveClub and Mario Kart 8, this is one of my favorite racers of this generation already.


Really love how much content the game has, it's as big as F-Zero X which was full-priced back in the day.


9 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

SHOVEL KNIGHT: SPECTER OF TORMENT - I had never played Shovel Knight before getting this, and wanted to dip my feet with the cheaper option. Shovel Knight is an 8 bit style platformer for modern systems that feels authentic most of the time, while also feeling fluid and unrestrained by old technology. Shovel Knight: Specter of Tormet, is an add on campaign of about the same length, maybe a bit less, that (in my opinion) plays a lot better than the already superb Shovel Knight. In this one, you're one of the bad guys from the main game (that's not really much of a spoiler) and it's a prequel that shows off Specter Knight's backstory and how the bad guy team from the main game got together basically. To be honest, I didn't care about the story at all, because the gameplay was so much more fun, and boy is it fun. This is a really well made platformer with obvious love for the 8 bit days of yore leaking out of everything. If you've not tried the game yet, the Switch is a great place to start as it's pick up and play nature really suits this kind of game, and when displayed on the big screen it looks just as good as you remember all them old ass games looking.

PRICE - SK:SOT launched as an eShop exclusive at 13 dollars. Is it worth that? Fuck yeah it is. BUT. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, which is the main game, the first DLC campaign (Plague Knight's campaign), the second DLC campaign (this one), and all future DLC bundled together. That goes for 32.50 here. Is it worth that? Well, I got a new disc copy on PS4 for 25 bucks the other day at EB, so it depends on how you look at it. Value wise, fuck yeah it's worth that amount, but if you can find a cheap physical version elsewhere then maybe grab that?


Too bad the Switch version is not physical (yet). I do have a Shovel Knight amiibo though.


3 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

It is quite fun though. If it goes on sale some time, which has happened before with ACA games on the two other platforms a few times, I'd say grab it if it drops to around 2 or 3 bucks. Let me put it this way, if I was paying real money for the game, I would not buy it at 9.10. Considering I jumped on my laptop for 5 minutes while waiting for lunch today, and popped a ten buck voucher, I don't mind too much paying with that method.


Still, where did you do that again? That's just for doing surveys, right?

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2 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Post in the general Switch thread, so more people can see it!


Really love how much content the game has, it's as big as F-Zero X which was full-priced back in the day.


Still, where did you do that again? That's just for doing surveys, right?

Probably will when I finish, I forgot it exists tbh.


It's fantastic, especially for the price and size of the download. Since it's predecessor got a disc release on Wii U, it might even happen on the Switch version, which I would love. I wouldn't get it, because bugger buying it twice, but I'd love if it got into more hands.


There's plenty of sites out there that do this sort of shit, but I don't bother because I tried a couple once or twice and they all basically gave you piss all or fucked you around to get piss all. The one I use is MyOpinions, the Australian version, there's a US version too but I can't speak for how well their point setup works or the rewards available. Basically you sign up with your email and you do a basic thing about yourself, like the town you live, the number of people in your house, the amount of cars you have, how much you roughly earn, etc. and then you'll get surveys sent out to you based on who you are. I have a second account where I'm a 20 year old girl, because then I get a bunch of surveys about feminine hygiene products and whatnot that I otherwise would not get. Most of the time I don't even do the things legit and just spam the I don't know button until I get them points. The way it works is you can either get these things called eGift Cards, or direct PayPal payment. You cash out when you get 10, 30, or 50 bucks with the gift cards, though through PayPal you can do any amount over 20 bucks. You get points for each survey you do, 1000 points is 10 bucks. Pretty simple for conversion there. There are some small surveys worth around 70 or a hundred points, but they're really quick, most of the ones I get are worth 270 points on average, and they will take usually 2 or 3 minutes at the most to do. I personally cash out with a 10 buck voucher whenever I hit 1000 because it's emailed to you instantly, where the PayPal can take up to 2 weeks to come through and I'd just spend it on the same shit anyway. Here, because I don't know what you can do in the US, you can cash out a 10 buck thing for Coles and Woolworths (supermarkets), Big W and Target (department stores), JB HiFi (the leading entertainment store here, and where I go for PSN vouchers with this), Dominos Pizza, and so much more. There's also some rewards that only work for 30 or 50 like direct PSN cash (you can cash out as a 30 or 50 buck PSN voucher, but I rather just a 10 buck JB voucher and then buy a 10 buck code through their website with it because it's quicker) and whatnot. I did a long ass survey the other week, took probably around 40 odd minutes (but you can pause and pick up whenever you want, you had like a week to do it) and that alone got me 40 bucks, which then bought Mr Shifty and Graceful Explosion Machine. I think I'm explaining it right, but if not feel free to ask me something. If you're interested, it's a great way to get AU PSN money if you have an alternate account in the region for whatever reason, though usually it's us making US accounts and not the other way around. Hit me up if you do wanna bother because if you sign up through a referral link it gets us both 500 points I think, I'm not sure if they still do that though. I got this bird in class on it the other week and she had 40 bucks sent to her PayPal in like 2 days of doing them, and she's bloody slow as hell at them as it is. 


I should say though, it's luck of the draw. There won't always be surveys to do at all on some days, and on others, you'll get 10 bucks popped in 10 minutes. Whenever I make a new account (my first one I lost the password for, so I made a new one, then I made one as a girl, then I made one with a school email for the fuck of it) I'll usually have 10 bucks popped off the sign up surveys in 5 or 10. They do take a few days to verify your account though, so that might slow you down. Which reminds me, I think you might need to put your phone number in, I'm not sure if you NEED to though, either way, just use an online thing like Mailinator, but for phones if you don't feel comfortable sharing.

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14 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

Edit: on second thought, I may as well not bother. I tried one or two of those sites from my own country but I only got spam and I never got rewards.


Better spend that time on gaming.

I just do it when I have nothing else to do. If I'm in class and I've already done the assessments and shit, I'll hammer out a few here and there. Whenever I bothered to actually make an effort at my course I was getting at least 50 or so in a five day week, spending around 15 minutes a day doing them here and there. 


See if you can access JB HiFi's website when you get a chance, I'll shoot you one of them 10 buck vouchers through a PM if you can get access to the site, it's legitimately such an easy process.

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2 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

I just do it when I have nothing else to do. If I'm in class and I've already done the assessments and shit, I'll hammer out a few here and there. Whenever I bothered to actually make an effort at my course I was getting at least 50 or so in a five day week, spending around 15 minutes a day doing them here and there. 


See if you can access JB HiFi's website when you get a chance, I'll shoot you one of them 10 buck vouchers through a PM if you can get access to the site, it's legitimately such an easy process.


Yeah I think my wife is doing surveys for some site on occasion, I'm going to ask her what it was exactly and what she gets for it.


That's a nice offer, but you should use that for yourself - I can't help but notice you haven't bought World Of Goo yet...

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Just now, BillyHorrible said:


Yeah I think my wife is doing surveys for some site on occasion, I'm going to ask her what it was exactly and what she gets for it.


That's a nice offer, but you should use that for yourself - I can't help but notice you haven't bought World Of Goo yet...

May as well if you've got a bit of time to kill. Also a nice boredom buster on the toilet if your Switch / Vita / 3DS / phone / other is flat.


You sure? Because it will just get thrown in the pile on mine either way and probably just get wasted on another Neo Geo game or something. I never played World of Goo on Wii, on account of getting a Wii 2 weeks before getting a PS3 and then touching the thing a total of 2 times afterward. Is it any good or? I've still got 25 or so on the eShop, and it's 13, so.1`

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2 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

May as well if you've got a bit of time to kill. Also a nice boredom buster on the toilet if your Switch / Vita / 3DS / phone / other is flat.


You sure? Because it will just get thrown in the pile on mine either way and probably just get wasted on another Neo Geo game or something. I never played World of Goo on Wii, on account of getting a Wii 2 weeks before getting a PS3 and then touching the thing a total of 2 times afterward. Is it any good or? I've still got 25 or so on the eShop, and it's 13, so.1`


If you've never played World Of Goo then I'm sure, buy that game on Switch for the money instead of giving it to me. Download it right away, thank me after you've finished the game.


I'll go and check if I can find some reliable site that gives me codes I can use for my own account instead of a foreign one. Noticed that that AUS My Opinions site needed an Aussie zip code and I'm not about to create a fake identity just for some AUS eShop credit, which I will have to also create a new Nintendo account for.

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2 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:


If you've never played World Of Goo then I'm sure, buy that game on Switch for the money instead of giving it to me. Download it right away, thank me after you've finished the game.


I'll go and check if I can find some reliable site that gives me codes I can use for my own account instead of a foreign one. Noticed that that AUS My Opinions site needed an Aussie zip code and I'm not about to create a fake identity just for some AUS eShop credit, which I will have to also create a new Nintendo account for.


This is a test. If you are wrong about this, I will never go and impulse buy something based solely on your approval again. 


Probably the better call. To be fair, Daniel Anderson never got his ID confirmed though.

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Id like to join (o:


Games to play


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

World of Goo

Super Bomberman R

Puyo Puyo Tetris


Binding of Isaac Rebirth


Game I'll be getting when they release so they can be added to the list

Splatoon 2

Super Mario Sunshine - Virtual Console

Animal Crossing - Virtual Console

Luigi's Mansion - Virtual Console

SSB Mele - Virtual Console

Super Mario Odessy

Taiko no Tatsujin Switch

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3 minutes ago, DuckSwimmer said:

Id like to join (o:


Games to play


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

World of Goo

Super Bomberman R

Puyo Puyo Tetris


Binding of Isaac Rebirth


Game I'll be getting when they release so they can be added to the list

Splatoon 2

Super Mario Sunshine - Virtual Console

Animal Crossing - Virtual Console

Luigi's Mansion - Virtual Console

SSB Mele - Virtual Console

Super Mario Odessy

Taiko no Tatsujin Switch

Welcome to the party Duck.?  Be sure to check out the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe thread for online PSNP mayhem. 

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42 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:


This is a test. If you are wrong about this, I will never go and impulse buy something based solely on your approval again. 


Probably the better call. To be fair, Daniel Anderson never got his ID confirmed though.




And don't worry about it. I'm not a stamp tramp; BillyHorrible's Stamp Of Approval is worth a damn.


The only unsure factor here is that I have no clue about whether or not you like puzzle games, let alone physics puzzle games. But with the quality and weird humour of World Of Goo, I'm willing to bet. Just be sure to read all of the signs.

28 minutes ago, DuckSwimmer said:

Id like to join (o:


Games to play


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

World of Goo

Super Bomberman R

Puyo Puyo Tetris


Binding of Isaac Rebirth


Game I'll be getting when they release so they can be added to the list

Splatoon 2

Super Mario Sunshine - Virtual Console

Animal Crossing - Virtual Console

Luigi's Mansion - Virtual Console

SSB Mele - Virtual Console

Super Mario Odessy

Taiko no Tatsujin Switch


Welcome to the event! And I wish I had your confidence about GC VC games. I sure would love to play Eternal Darkness again...

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5 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:




And don't worry about it. I'm not a stamp tramp; BillyHorrible's Stamp Of Approval is worth a damn.


The only unsure factor here is that I have no clue about whether or not you like puzzle games, let alone physics puzzle games. But with the quality and weird humour of World Of Goo, I'm willing to bet. Just be sure to read all of the signs.


Welcome to the event! And I wish I had your confidence about GC VC games. I sure would love to play Eternal Darkness again...


I know I've seen those titles listed. I recently found out about Melee when I was trying to make sure AC, LM &SMS were valid games that they were testing even though I've been hyped with these even before launch.


It's great how all my focus would be shifted to those games if/when they release. I just don't understand why it's taking so damn long...lol.

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11 minutes ago, DuckSwimmer said:


I know I've seen those titles listed. I recently found out about Melee when I was trying to make sure AC, LM &SMS were valid games that they were testing even though I've been hyped with these even before launch.


It's great how all my focus would be shifted to those games if/when they release. I just don't understand why it's taking so damn long...lol.


My guess is, if Ocarina Of Time is on the Switch then less people will buy Breath Of The Wild; if Mario Kart 64 is on the Switch then less people will buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. That latter one especially if it's true that they're trying to give VC titles online functionality.

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4 minutes ago, cjshaitan said:


I hear Ocarina is suppose to be the must play game, is it likely to get a port / rerelease or whatever the Nintendo equivalent is


It has been playable on every Nintendo console (both home and handheld) since its launch on the N64 so yeah, odds are in our favour.


It's probably aged badly for people who never played it back in the day, though. But don't worry, once VC happens (Virtual Console, the standard way to port for Nintendo console games) then we'll guide you through the list :)


1 minute ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I know I don't matter, but I recommended World of Goo also... 



Yeah but I'm the one forcing him into an immediate buy ;)

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21 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


My guess is, if Ocarina Of Time is on the Switch then less people will buy Breath Of The Wild; if Mario Kart 64 is on the Switch then less people will buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. That latter one especially if it's true that they're trying to give VC titles online functionality.

I still don't buy this argument. It's never stopped Nintendo in the past with the 3DS or Wii U VCs, and it's never stopped Sony with PSN releases. Time and time again we see remasters and ports come out in the lead up to a new series entry, or shortly afterwards, and it never seems to hurt the sales of the new game. 


It just sounds like a weak excuse for not having the VC ready. I think the more likely reason is that Nintendo just didn't put the resources into it yet, either because they didn't want to commit until they saw the Switch succeed, or because it just wasn't a priority. 


3 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

Yeah but I'm the one forcing him into an immediate buy ;)

Which is why I said "I know I don't matter", as my recommendation was ignored. :P

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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6 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I still don't buy this argument. It's never stopped Nintendo in the past with the 3DS or Wii U VCs, and it's never stopped Sony with PSN releases. Time and time again we see remasters and ports come out in the lead up to a new series entry, or shortly afterwards, and it never seems to hurt the sales of the new game. 


It just sounds like a weak excuse for not having the VC ready. I think the more likely reason is that Nintendo just didn't put the resources into it yet, either because they didn't want to commit until they saw the Switch succeed, or because it just wasn't a priority. 


But Nintendo never had a console with VC ready right away, and the PS2 ports only came to PS4 after the console had been out for two full years. What works when ten million people have the console doesn't necessarily work when two million people have it.


I also don't think Nintendo themselves ever used that argument, that was just my own interpretation.


6 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Which is why I said "I know I don't matter", as my recommendation was ignored. :P


Yeah but who listens to you?


Apart from me even explicitly asking about your opinion, of course.

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I mean if Nintendo waits a good amount of time.. which they're doing right now.. I don't see a problem with them releasing Ocarina. Have you noticed their *big* titles are decently spaced out..


LOZ - release day/March

MK8 - May

Splatoon 2 - July

Super Mario Odessy (I can't spell this god damn word for my life) - Holiday 2017


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