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They marked me as a cheater?

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Hello could you tell me why I have marked the game on my list 'INVERSION' .... I hope it is a mistake since I have never used tricks or anything similar.The game is coop and if a friend loads you control points, you pass the checkpoint and skip the trophies, I guess that will be that a greeting and thanks

Edited by wasixu
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I don't know anything about that game but you're probably flagged because you earned all trophies for completing the final checkpoint in chapter 1-12 really close together. Like I said, I haven't played the game so I don't know if that's even possible but judging by the huge differences in trophy rarity, it does look fishy.

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In Inversion if you play with someone who has finished the game, like me, you can play coop only the last check point of every chapter and obtain the trophies. In fact wasixu and carlosbp played with me last check point of every chapter in hard dificult and obtained all chapter trophis, dificult trophies and coop trophy. Just check it one trophy guide to corroborate this point.




The game has a great "shortcut" for this difficulty. You need to finish the entire campaign on Normal Gravity OR Low Gravity, then you just need to replay and complete only the last checkpoint on High Gravity for every chapter and you should unlock this trophy. Doing this step you should get your Hard playthrough in no more than 2 hours (like my partner djhmetfan2 and I did) considering the loading screens that takes a while.

In addition, if you are really lucky you can find a partner that has ALREADY beaten the whole game then you can then ask them for help. By doing this you can earn these 3 trophies together in 2 hours without playing any completed chapter, if your buddy hosts & uses the "shortcut".


Wasixu, carlosbp and other four guys are in my boosting team for inversion and all the trophies are been obtained legaly. Why the hell someone want to hack a few trophies that can be obtained legit in 6-8 hours and them expend 2 or 3 months boosting online?



Edited by akiytloer
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This site has a weird system with how they mark "cheaters" I mean, I used a save from one of my other accounts ( I completed the game on it) so I was like "Hell, I'll use it on my main" and as soon as it loaded I unlocked majority of my trophies, and it's marked as cheating, It's their site, so I won't bitch, but yeah, earning trophies quickly can raise an alarm (Unless it's a super duper easy game)

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10 minutes ago, PaperMonkeyBoy said:

This site has a weird system with how they mark "cheaters" I mean, I used a save from one of my other accounts ( I completed the game on it) so I was like "Hell, I'll use it on my main" and as soon as it loaded I unlocked majority of my trophies, and it's marked as cheating, It's their site, so I won't bitch, but yeah, earning trophies quickly can raise an alarm (Unless it's a super duper easy game)

I think it is because it's hard to tell is it really your other account or someone elses. That's the reason

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