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Burgins' Condensed Mini-FAQ & Tip Thread

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Hello, I'm gonna rock your world and help you get this platinum. Here goes



First and foremost, there's some absolutely key differences between AWL on the Gamecube and AWLSE on the PS2. Most of these are bad differences. I will be addressing some of these first to make life a little easier for everyone who's come from the Gamecube version immediately to this.


The most important change that IS NOT TOLD TO THE PLAYER (as far as my lazy bones knows) is that in the original, your grass in the field behind your barn grew on its own. In Special Edition you MUST fertilize it. Each square. To my understanding, though, once fertilized, it will stay fertilized. So it's a one and done kind of deal. This is absolutely vital, as if you don't focus on fertilizing your grass first year, you may have trouble keeping your fodder count to decent levels to sustain the 4 or so trophy animals you must feed, and you will likely HAVE to keep your animals outside (this is the main fix for the problem if you've fucked up and didn't fertilize. Keep them outside 24/7, only bring inside for rain, and AS SOON AS THE RAIN STOPS, pull them back outside. This will keep them eatin' and you'll be able to attain your S Rank Milk and Golden Wool fairly easily without even having to "feed" them inside the barn. I can 100% confirm this, cuz I messed up and resorted to trying this and it's how I got my S Rank milk. Just make sure you buy the Brush from Van and take your animals to the little water trough in your field behind the barn to wash them, speak to them twice a day, and cuddle on em, and you should be safe even if you didn't dedicate time to fertilizing your grass).


For reference for everyone who might not know, Fertilizer is 40g and you buy it from Celia, Vesta, or Marlin on their farm. You harvest the grass into fodder with the sickle, but only when it's waist high and is noticeably darker than the growing grass around it (it's not hard to tell).


Second change is probably honestly more important than the last one, but it's one that won't cause your animals to wrongfully die so I guess it's about tied. The Ruby Spice glitch from the Gamecube version has been fixed. On the Gamecube version, you could cook at your kitchen after obtaining Ruby Spice (befriend Ruby and then enter the Inn's kitchen whenever she's there to obtain it), ONLY HAVE RUBY SPICE IN THE RECIPE FIELD, back out, and you'll have created a simple duplication of the object. This was important for super easy gold to finish off all the buildings without worry. Unfortunately, it is gone.


There are two things to note about this to help you through Special Edition. While the glitch is gone, that's okay! Still befriend Ruby. You need to befriend both her and Tim to get the particular tool that Tim gets you once you get the big field (addressed a bit later down in the tip guide). Secondly, don't sell that Spice once you get it! You only get one. However, if cooked with, the Spice will never run out, meaning you can make the Curries it's used for without worry of having to pick just one or the other. Also, Murray can steal things off of your farm if your dog isn't a pal of yours, and I can't confirm this, but I believe that he can only steal things out of your Shelf & Fridge. So in theory, if you keep the Spice on your person at all times, you should be a-okay to not have it stolen (again unconfirmed, but I'm pretty sure this is how this works and none of the guides I've seen over the years have ever said anything about it one way or the other, so any input on it would be pretty neat).


There is a pseudo-replacement glitch for this which also ties into the Record Keeping trophy. Mukumuku, the yeti friend who only comes in Winter, will give you the Art of Fall record for befriending him. You can give him 3 gifts a day, and his favorite gift is flowers. I gave him 3 flowers a day for 4 days, and on the 5th day of Winter, he gave me the record. The glitch comes into play where Mukumuku is a bit on the slower end of the intelligence spectrum, and will give you the record every single day in Winter henceforth. This DOES NOT count as different records toward the trophy, however each record sells for a decent amount to Van. I would recommend keeping 1 record of Art of Fall, though, as it's not really known yet if it tracks your records for the trophy if sold (seeing as no one has this platinum or even the record trophy at time of writing this, which funnily enough is April Fools. But none of this is a joke, I assure you).


This isn't really a "replacement", as you'll only get about 5 or 6 of the records first year as opposed to infinite amounts of them, but it'll still help you purchase an early Miracle Potion, a Sheep, a Seed Maker (if not obtained free, which I'll describe next), or any other sort of annoyingly just-out-of-reach earlygame purchase that you're looking toward at the moment. I'd recommend buying the Pond with it if you didn't buy it early on in the year, as you can get the missable ducks starting in your second year (I believe in summer), so it's good to have the Pond up and ready. Luckily, you only "miss" the ducks if you choose not to take them. But you need space in your chicken coop, so keep a few spots open.


The seed maker is a valuable tool and will be your main source of income in Special Edition since Ruby Spice can no longer be. The seeds of fruit trees sell for far more than the fruit itself, so you'll want to plant a few trees early on so they can grow for the upcoming year (make sure to space them out a decent amount so they can grow, and leave some spots for regular crops since you need those to platinum this game, too). Once you begin receiving the yield from your trees, sell their seeds instead. You will make a much more noticeable & appreciated profit doing this than just selling them flat-out.


How to get the Seed Maker, you ask? Well, you get it in one of two ways. You can either befriend Daryl the mad scientist to get it for free (he likes fossils, fish, eggs, and coin artifacts), or if you're unlucky like myself, you'll get the dialogue with Takakura where he tells you of the Seed Maker, and you will be locked off from getting it for free and will be forced to buy it from your Ledger in the Buildings tab. It is 6000g if you did not receive it for free. Definitely worth to make pals with the crazy for this. But be forewarned that you'll want to befriend Daryl before you befriend Doctor Hardy, as it is my understanding that it lowers Daryl's perception of you to be Hardy's pal & will lock you off from being his friend.


I'm about to get into the real meat & potatoes of this mini-guide so it's strange to be giving a hugely important first year tip here, but bear with me. Give Galen a Mugwort everyday until he is your friend (you can tell he's your friend if he turns his head toward you while you walk past him. Same goes for all the characters, I believe except marriage candidates). I won't exactly spoil why, but he's a lot harder to befriend in Year 2 than he is in Year 1, and his favorite things are Fish (you buy the rod from Van) & Mugworts. 


Alright, onto the Tools and how you obtain each and every single one of them. Shall we?


You begin with the Heavy Hoe, the Heavy Sickle, the Milker, and the Watering Can S. As a very small, irrelevant for the trophy but possibly helpful note, you also start with 2 Tomato seeds in your Shelf by the Barn. This is your baseline tool setup.


From the Ledger in the Food Storage building on your farm, you can buy the following:


Hoe - 800g

Light Hoe - 1000g

Sickle - 600g

Light Sickle - 750g

Watering Can M - 600g

Watering Can L - 750g

Wool Shears - 400g

Electronic Clippers - 1300g


You will need to buy all of these for the The Right Tool for the Job trophy unfortunately, so you cannot just buy the optimal versions of each tool.


From Van, you can buy two (sorta 3) tools:


Fishing Rod - 500g

Brush - 500g

Goat Milker - You will obtain this automatically upon purchasing the Goat from him.


These are important pickups for a variety of trophies, so it shouldn't hurt your wallet too badly to have to pick these up. 


Here are the "special" tools you can only obtain through befriending particular villagers (I will put a list near the end of the tip guide with each villager and their favorite gift, so if you're wondering on what you need to give a certain dude to make em super duper love you, skip on past).


Strange Hoe - Befriend Tim & Ruby, and enter their private quarters while they are both present. You will need the Large Field obtained to receive this.

Weird Hoe - Befriend Vesta, and enter her farm's shop when she's the only one there. Also, you will need to have already obtained the Strange Hoe from Tim, and have the Large Field.

Strange Sickle - Befriend Cody, and enter his trailer when he is there.

Weird Sickle - Befriend Dr. Hardy, and enter his clinic when he is there. Required Chapter 2 or later.

Watering Can W - Befriend Romana, and enter her room in the villa when she is there. Possibly required Chapter 2 or later.

Wool Clippers - Befriend Wally, and enter his home when he is there.

Fishing Rod G - Befriend Galen, and enter his new home below Vesta's farm (when he is home). Required Chapter 2 or later



Now, for the list of each Record and how to get them for the Record Keeping trophy:


The Joy of Fall - This, as previously mentioned in the tip guide, is obtained by befriending the Winter-only yeti, Mukumuku. He is found by the Harvest Sprite's tree.

The Bride - Befriend Chris and speak with her either at her home or while she is walking about, and she'll give it to you.

Summer Memories - Befriend Carter and speak with him when he is at the beach.

Butterfly - Befriend Marlin and speak with him when he is at the Waterfall by the Ruins where Carter and Flora work. He goes here on days that Van visits town.

64 Memories - Beat Patrick or Kassey a total combined times of 10 at their minigame. You can only play their game when they're in their homes, sitting down, making fireworks. Kassey is the easiest one to beat. Just watch for his first move, and start at the middle of the board. Have your first piece be adjacent to the wall you plan to build toward. Watch his moves to see when he might begin finishing his capture, and work toward getting your capture done before his or around the same time. If you now have more captured than him, spend a bit of time blocking his moves but still focus on capturing a few straggler pieces to your color. Easy to win consistently, but you can only challenge him once per day.

Marine Jazz - Befriend Griffin and speak with him when he is alone in his room in the Bar.

Winter HM - Befriend Kate and speak with her when she is in her room. Required Chapter 2 and onwards

Flowerbud Fall - Befriend Rock and speak with him when he is at the Inn (this is also when he does the Milk Drinking contests for the Chug, Chug, Chug! trophy)

Town Spirit - Befriend Sebastian and speak with him in his room at the Villa.


You also start with 2 records. One inside your record player already playing, and Quiet Winter inside your Shelf in the shed beside the barn.


This is neither a tool nor a record, but it is required for a trophy. For Rise and Shine, befriend Grant in Chapter 2 and onwards and speak with him in his home in the early morning.


Now, for most of the villagers and their preferred gifts:


Romana - Flowers, milk, gold coin artifacts, clay statues (cannot gift her while she is in her rocking chair or watching Lumina practice piano)

Cody - Flowers, eggs, ores, bones (cannot gift him while he has his arms crossed or he is sparring the air)

Flora - Fish, Milk, clay statues, fossils (cannot gift her while she is inspecting the ground in the mine)

Carter - Milk, Fish, Cheese, Watermelons

Vesta - Flowers, Milk, Ores, Curry

Marlin - Eggs, Milk, Homemade Meals (not failed cooking), S-ranked Crops

Ruby - Flowers, Milk, Tomatoes

Tim - Eggs, Milk, coin artifacts

Patrick - Flowers, Cheese, Eggs, Fish

Daryl - Fish, Eggs, Fossils, coin artifacts

Hugh - Milk, coin artifacts

Wally - Eggs, Milk, coin artifacts, Cheese, Crops

Chris - Flowers, Milk, Fruit

Galen - Fish, Mugworts

Griffin - Fish, ores, coin artifacts

Takakura - Homemade Meals (not failed cooking), S-Grade farm products

Mukamuka - Flowers

Samantha - Flowers, Milk, Sashimi

Grant - Milk, Eggs, Sashimi

Kate - Flowers

Rock - Toy Flowers, Mist Moon Flowers, coin artifacts

Sebastian - Milk, Fossils, Eggs, Cheese

Dr. Hardy - Milk

Van - Coin artifacts, fossils


Bachelorette gift preferences:


Muffy - Flowers

Celia - Flowers

Lumina - Flowers

Nami - Fossils


As a note on the bachelorettes, Muffy and Celia are the easiest to court, as Celia is your default bride if you do not do any courting of anyone in the first year. Muffy very rapidly gains hearts as you give her gifts, and her heart events are pretty easily triggered. I won't be covering heart events in this tip guide because it's honestly not really necessary for the platinum. You could avoid courting entirely and you'll still get married and finish Chapter 1 (unless you turn down Celia and end the game for whatever reason). There are a plethora of guides for the heart events as it is anyway, so shouldn't be too difficult to find.


Festivals (required for the Serious Celebrator trophy):

Spring festival is held at Romana's Villa

Summer festival is held at Gustafa's Yurt

Fall festival is held at the Blue Bar

Winter festival is held at Gustafa's Yurt


And that should be about it. Here's a smaller end-of-guide tip section for some smaller stuff:


- Befriending Van is pretty important and increases chances of haggling & better prices. This is important for haggling the Goat cost down for the A Hard Bargain trophy.

- You unlock the ability to create Entrées by creating 30 dishes. The curries made with Ruby's Spice are all Entrées. This is for the Main Course trophy

- You do not need to feed your horse, do not waste fodder on it. If your horse does the weird rolling over animation, L2 whistle to break him out of it.

- Obviously, you need a rooster and a hen to get fertilized eggs. Once you pick up an egg, hit X when the question mark is showing to learn if it is fertilized or not. Then, to hatch a chick for the Hatched trophy, place the fertilized egg into the Incubator. As a side note, Fertilized eggs are worth far less than normal eggs, so once you have the trophy, feel free to sell your rooster.

- The Stone Tablets found in the mine are one per Story Chapter. So once you've found one, you've found all of them until the next time a Chapter change occurs. This is important to keep in mind for the Diligent Digger trophy.

- It may actually be possible to fulfill all of the trophy requirements and sleep until the end of the game. So first year, do as much as you can toward befriending, creating meals at your kitchen, raising your livestock to get the appropriate high grade commodity, having the appropriate baby animals, etc. And then money grinding with Seed creation in the following years to mop up the Building List at your Ledger, and honestly after that I doubt you'd really have much left aside of the Tablet digging & completing the game. So in theory, you probably could just sleep through the rest. But this is conjecture for the moment. Keep it in mind if you're going for the Fastest Achiever leaderboards though!


I hope I've helped out at least a bit, and I hope that the platinum is now within reach for everybody who wants it. Take it easy, friends.





Edited by Ditnopota
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One of the few things I am personally very hazy on is the nices thing but from what I understand you just befriend as many people as possible and keep your animals super happy. The actual requirements though? Absolutely no clue. And searching through other forums from the mid-2000s yields not much else other than confusion and rumors. I'm sure it'll become clearer soon enough

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45 minutes ago, bruin-rocks said:

Back when I played on the Gamecube I triggered all 6 scenes, but I am lost on the requirements and the cutscenes aren't triggering. It's just too cryptic. 

Looking at older FAQs, it seems people encountered the 3rd event at Romana's villa around noontime

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That one appears to need the cow pastured in the very early morning, and for you to leave your house around 6am-ish. Apparently it must be a few days after the others. Then the Romana one must be the next season after you see the cow one, and then there's a Gustafa one where you exit your farm down the path right next to Takakura's house and the Sprites will be talking about Gustafa's music, and then the final one is back at the spring.


Again, this is not confirmed by me, just pulling this from a variety of way old FAQs. But it's something to work with, and is much better information than the forums I've seen.

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On 2017-04-01 at 9:47 PM, bruin-rocks said:

I just unlocked Record Collector. However, I didnt have 10 different records. I had 2 copies of Mokumoku's record on my shelf and when he gave me another one the trophy popped. 


Are you sure you just did not activate the trophy for this? I used five copies from Mokumoku and nothing happened but when I went and picked up Town Spirit out of my bag it popped.

The trophy does not pop until you actually hold the record in your hand as Town Spirit was in my shed for a long time, probably five in game days after I decided to try the song out I had 15 records in total.

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