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Deleting Demos from Your Profile Game List


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How long do you guys think we have to wait until this feature is available??

I once played the PES 2017 Demo and it now hunts me forever! I know you can hide it from other players but it really bothers me that I can still see that thing on my profile game list!

I am not even asking for the ability delete any game with any porcentage completion rate, which would be perfection, but really, not even demos that have no trophy list?? 


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22 minutes ago, Thalifm said:

How long do you guys think we have to wait until this feature is available??

I once played the PES 2017 Demo and it now hunts me forever! I know you can hide it from other players but it really bothers me that I can still see that thing on my profile game list!

I am not even asking for the ability delete any game with any porcentage completion rate, which would be perfection, but really, not even demos that have no trophy list?? 


It would be nice to delete it maybe some day... And the games that you actually earned a trophy is far far away in galaxy. 

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It would be a disaster waiting to happen. A lot of old games you had to upgrade the demo to get the full game. The demos in some cases have been delisted. So if you could delete demos you could basically remove games from your profile.


Just because of the risk of that it will likely never happen.

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8 minutes ago, Superbuu3 said:

It would be a disaster waiting to happen. A lot of old games you had to upgrade the demo to get the full game. The demos in some cases have been delisted. So if you could delete demos you could basically remove games from your profile.


Just because of the risk of that it will likely never happen.


How is removing games from my profile a disaster? it is my profile, I should be able to remove games as  I please

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4 hours ago, Superbuu3 said:

It would be a disaster waiting to happen. A lot of old games you had to upgrade the demo to get the full game. The demos in some cases have been delisted. So if you could delete demos you could basically remove games from your profile.


Just because of the risk of that it will likely never happen.



Rock Band Blitz and Simpsons Arcade are good examples. Both are good enjoyable games, both require the demo to be downloaded then upgraded to the full game. Doesn't matter that you can buy the "full game" outside of the demo, because that "full game" is just the demo and the unlock key, the full game's files are usually in the demo just waiting to be unlocked. I think both of them are great games, and guess what, you can't buy either of them on PSN anymore, nor can you download the demo. So say you bought both of them 5 years ago, threw them into your backlog, but didn't download the demo, well, congrats on owning an unlock key to content you don't own. It's stupid and it's thankfully stopped, mostly, but it's still something that happened and it's something you can't really dance around. 


I'd like a middle ground option, like on Xbox. I go on my Xbox and see my download list, there's loads of shit, games, apps, demos, free to plays, Gold games, etc. and it's messy as all shit... until I highlight a game and hit hide on it. Then, all of a sudden my over 100 list of crap drops to a manageable list of 80 or so actual games, it's pretty much what you're asking for, except instead of straight up deleting stuff, it just hides it so you can't see it anymore, until you hit the unhide button.


It's interesting really, Xbox lets you hide shit from your download list, but not from your achievement list. PlayStation lets you hide your shit on your trophy list, but not in your download list. 

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17 hours ago, Superbuu3 said:

Read the rest of my post. I explained why it would be problematic, your reaction to my post is the exact reason they wouldn't do it. People get annoyed about everything. Except people who are forced to keep stuff won't file a class action that your system accidentally deleted stuff.


Steam allows its users to completely delete purchased games from their accounts. Never heard of any class action against Valve.

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37 minutes ago, Se7en said:

Steam allows its users to completely delete purchased games from their accounts. Never heard of any class action against Valve.

Apple didn't get any action taken against them when nude photos of lots of celebs were leaked, XBOX didn't get fucked because of the RROD, Steam didn't get into trouble over lots of people being able to access lots of people's accounts and various similar glitches over the years, youtube had a glitch where you could delete other peoples accounts. Notice the trend all those companies were American. The US which is where class action suits take place has laws that protect American companies, however if you're a company thats based outside of America prepared to have class actions against you and they will most likely stick. Its also why customer service in America is downright horrid US laws protect US companies from the consumers. They also protect US consumers from international companies.


Even the bullshit case of that guy who was claiming he was injured due to playing Shadowfall on PS4 got pretty far through the legal system and that case was ridiculous.

39 minutes ago, bezdomnekoty said:

And that's the way it should be on PSN password protected of course.

That still wouldn't stop someone doing it or claiming it wasn't them who did it. Since the creation of PSN the sheer number amount of BS people spout is ridiculous and they want to be compensated. Every single person i think of who claimed they had a hacked account ended up sharing their password with someone they trusted who they met online. There literally is stuff that is irreplaceable on everyones account. I mean if you don't get my point at all you are lucky for not having encountered the extremely stupid, who unfortunately are normally insanely vocal.


Someone could easily go into your account and delete loads of important shit and you couldn't do jack. Hell do you remember that kid who got his destiny character deleted on Destiny, that kind of crap would happen, people are stupid and frankly the stupid need to be protected even if it inconveniences me. For the record I would love this feature.

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Just now, Se7en said:


That’s not true. American companies Rockstar and Take-Two had a class action against them over Hot Coffee mod and had to settle it with $20 million payment.

Who did the money goto was it the government? Also my examples were true.

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1 minute ago, Se7en said:


Nope, buyers of GTA: San Andreas.

But take two interactive are british so my point still stands.


EDIT: my bad ok googling take two interactive puts there address in england. I'm not sure how these laws work.

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Just now, Se7en said:


Take-Two is american corporation, please, check your facts beforehand :)

I edited my post above im getting a british address. Its also multinational.


But that doesn't take away from my original point, which apple, MS and Steam have outright shoddy practices and got away with all scot free. Loo at the number of cases that have been filed against companies like Samsung and Sony. Youll see the ease of suing foreign companies is significantly higher.

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22 minutes ago, Superbuu3 said:

I edited my post above im getting a british address. Its also multinational.


But that doesn't take away from my original point, which apple, MS and Steam have outright shoddy practices and got away with all scot free. Loo at the number of cases that have been filed against companies like Samsung and Sony. Youll see the ease of suing foreign companies is significantly higher.


Take-Two has its address on official legal page, not in Google. Googling MS or Apple in Russian may probably give their offices in Moscow, doesn’t mean they are Russian companies ;)


And in regard to your point: none american company is protected from a class action, neither Apple, nor Microsoft. If sometimes they were able to get away with some shady stuff, the other times they weren’t.


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17 minutes ago, Se7en said:


Take-Two has its address on official legal page, not in Google. Googling MS or Apple in Russian may probably give their offices in Moscow, doesn’t mean they are Russian companies ;)


And in regard to your point: none american company is protected from a class action, neither Apple, nor Microsoft. If sometimes they were able to get away with some shady stuff, the other times they weren’t.



I was talking about Sony endangering themselves when they've previously been burnt by the American legal system. I don't really see a reason why a company or person should do something to put themselves at risk of being sued. We'll see how that apple one pans out I didn't know about that. The above examples I did list though are ridiculous for not getting punished when Sony also got hacked and hadn't leaked data, but was still sued. Also Take 2 example you gave earlier was outright breaking the law, as its illegal to sell sexual content in that way in America. The other two examples you've given aren't similar to what sony would be doing or at risk of either. I mentioned the Steam, youtube and apple things, as those leaked personal data and they weren't sued.

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Literally only PS3 used unlock keys for demos. All they'd have to do is exclude those games from being able to be deleted.

So I can't delete the Destiny Alpha and Beta because SOME PS3 games used demos and unlock keys to buy some digital games? Makes sense. Oh, no... it doesn't.

I don't even play demos anymore because I don't want it on my list clogging things up more than it already does.

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