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Quick-Leveling Tips for Obtaining Level 78 for Legendary Dragon Spawn


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I need to get from Level 68 to 78 so I can spawn the Legendary Dragon


Since the Ogham Infinium book glitch has been patched with the latest 1.9 'Legendary' Patch, I was wondering if there were any tips to get leveled up quickly.  With 1.9 you can now reset skills that are at 100 down to 15 and continue to level up your overall level that way.  (FYI: - You do not need to be at Legendary difficulty to reset skills, it's separate from that)


I am wondering which discipline is quickest to focus on?  Light Armor? Restoration?  Enchanting?  Help me come up with a time-efficient method.


As of now I am thinking I'll just let something hit me repeatedly with my Light or Heavy Armor equipped while also using Restoration to heal myself, thus increasing two disciplines at once. 


I guess I could uninstall the patches and start a new game, get up to Level 15, get the book, do the book glitch - but I am too far along to want to attempt to try that.  That would take about 10-15 hours (correct me if I'm wrong)  I really don't think I want to do that regardless. 


Also, some follow-up questions: How long do you think it will take to farm 10 levels?


Does game difficulty affect how quickly you level-up?



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I am a bit of a noob, so don't really rely on what I have to say, but to get to level 50 I did smithing which took about 45 minutes to max out. I consider that fast. 

Also if you are on a higher difficulty you get more XP or something like that. When I was doing sneaking I remmeber a guide telling me to be on hardest difficulty. So you could do sneaking as well.

Edited by Kirbz
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I can think or one or two tips that you may or may not know, man:


  • Find a relatively weak enemy and let them attack you; this will increase your heavy/light armour and if you restore your health via the restoration spell whilst being attacked you'll increase that skill, too.
  • Same as above expect use a shield to block the attacks, burkles, hence increasing your blocking. 
  • Conjuration spells can be cast anywhere, and require little to no magic, so keep casting the 'candlelight' spell until it reaches 100 - easy. I did this earlier in the game just to level up quickly. 
  • Kirbz mentioned smithing, which is pretty easy to do. What I'm doing at the moment is going to Whiterun, buying every iron ingot from the two store-owners in the blacksmith there, crafting daggers, selling them back to the store-owners, waiting 24 hours, then repeating. It's working for me anyway. 
  • If you've loads of ingredients gathered up or collected, just fuck around with alchemy. 
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I am quite sure that glitch with the book still works. I believe there is another way around.

A friend of mine managed to do it on Xbox360. So I see no reason why it shouldn't work on PS3?


Well the patch notes specifically addressed that the Ogham Infinium exploit was patched - while it may be true that there is still a work-around to still utilize that exploit, it's a moot point (for me anyways) as I've already used the book.

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Well the patch notes specifically addressed that the Ogham Infinium exploit was patched - while it may be true that there is still a work-around to still utilize that exploit, it's a moot point (for me anyways) as I've already used the book.


Oh I see. Well I think starting all over again is much faster than grinding 10 high levels. I don't think there is any other exploit that helps you level up faster. 

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Oh I see. Well I think starting all over again is much faster than grinding 10 high levels. I don't think there is any other exploit that helps you level up faster. 

Ugh, I was hoping you wouldn't say that. 


What about the fact that I won't have very good equipment to be able to fight a Legendary Dragon using that method?  (i.e. blaze my way to level 15 to get the book, then exploit to level 81 but I have shit for gear)  I just really don't want to do that for some reason.  Too many uncertainties.  What if I can't get the glitch to work when I uninstall all the patches and waste 8+ hours trying to get to that point?   Could I have grinded 10 levels legit in that time?   Maybe I am wrong in thinking that starting over is an even bigger waste of time.

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Ugh, I was hoping you wouldn't say that. 


What about the fact that I won't have very good equipment to be able to fight a Legendary Dragon using that method?  (i.e. blaze my way to level 15 to get the book, then exploit to level 81 but I have shit for gear)  I just really don't want to do that for some reason.  Too many uncertainties.  What if I can't get the glitch to work when I uninstall all the patches and waste 8+ hours trying to get to that point?   Could I have grinded 10 levels legit in that time?   Maybe I am wrong in thinking that starting over is an even bigger waste of time.


Hmm those are some very good points.... 

You could fight the Dragon on the easiest difficulty, that would make it a lot easier.


Which skills are at a low level? There's probably some powerlevel way for some of them. 


Yeah it might be better to keep your current character, hopefully with a couple easy skills to level up.

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Well that didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.  About 4 hours of playing and I probably lost a half hour from dying like a dumbass.  I grinded out 10 levels in no time.


Went to Whiterun, pissed off the locals and just raised my shield and let them hit me for 4 hours, casting fast healing when I needed it.  I reached 100 and reset (went Legendary) my Block Skill 3 times in the process.


I do not recommend raising the difficulty while doing this.  I noticed negligible gains (if any) and you just put yourself at risk of dying.


After that, I found the Legendary Dragon in the second dragons nest i searched.  Not too difficult, but he could wipe half my health out with his fire breath (about 200 health damage)

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Well that didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.  About 4 hours of playing and I probably lost a half hour from dying like a dumbass.  I grinded out 10 levels in no time.


Went to Whiterun, pissed off the locals and just raised my shield and let them hit me for 4 hours, casting fast healing when I needed it.  I reached 100 and reset (went Legendary) my Block Skill 3 times in the process.


I do not recommend raising the difficulty while doing this.  I noticed negligible gains (if any) and you just put yourself at risk of dying.


After that, I found the Legendary Dragon in the second dragons nest i searched.  Not too difficult, but he could wipe half my health out with his fire breath (about 200 health damage)


Good job! I was actually going to say that, blocking with your shield and using a restoration spell is a fast way to level up, I am not sure about it but I think the strongest the enemy, the faster the level goes up. For example, getting hit by a giant with your shield up


will instantly boost your blocking ability. Depending on your level it could be more or less dangerous (at low levels simply forget about it or you will have a nice view of Tamriel from outer space) but from level 45 or so you should be good to go with giants!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.  About 4 hours of playing and I probably lost a half hour from dying like a dumbass.  I grinded out 10 levels in no time.


Went to Whiterun, pissed off the locals and just raised my shield and let them hit me for 4 hours, casting fast healing when I needed it.  I reached 100 and reset (went Legendary) my Block Skill 3 times in the process.


I do not recommend raising the difficulty while doing this.  I noticed negligible gains (if any) and you just put yourself at risk of dying.


After that, I found the Legendary Dragon in the second dragons nest i searched.  Not too difficult, but he could wipe half my health out with his fire breath (about 200 health damage)


Oh I didn't know you could reset a skill and level it up to 100 again and that would raise your overall level.

If I knew that, I would recommended you to grind out a single skill right away, and blocking is probably one the easiests.


Good job man :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I found that leveling any skill is quite easy by using a trainer and then stealing the gold you just spent right back, this will train a certain skill 5 times a character level on top of leveling your sneak and pickpocket skills, be careful not to spend to much money that your pick pocket chance is reduced to zero, I usually save right before I spend the money so that way I won't go to high, it's a great way to power level early on. Start off by stealing random odd ball things so that your pick pocket skill increases enough to pick pocket larger amounts of gold, then start spending gold on skill trainers, if you sell the things you sell to a thieves guild member then your speech skill will increase and you will raise mad gold, I was level 32 in less than two days time with me working an sleeping each day.

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