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Nightmare difficulty (legit way)


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Hi there,


I would like to know if it is actually relatively doable to complete the game on nightmare difficulty the legit way (without using the method described in the trophy guide). I'm currently halfway through chapter 2 and I've already had a really tough time with some of the fights against the big three-headed ruin enemies from chapter 1. So far chapter 2 is much much easier though so I'm wondering how difficult the rest of the game is actually going to be. Anyone here who has completed it on nightmare? I would like to hear some feedback.

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Well, I got the platinum many years before the guide was published and I don't remember having any kind of problems.

I never used the suits/outfit, but If you have the bundle that includes them it must be even easier.

As in every game you need to learn to dodge, when attack, etc. While you're learning you'll die a bunch of times but it's very doable.

The crappy port of the original first game, THAT is a nightmare.

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/24/2018 at 4:22 PM, Flex_Da_Brent said:

Hi there,


I would like to know if it is actually relatively doable to complete the game on nightmare difficulty the legit way (without using the method described in the trophy guide). I'm currently halfway through chapter 2 and I've already had a really tough time with some of the fights against the big three-headed ruin enemies from chapter 1. So far chapter 2 is much much easier though so I'm wondering how difficult the rest of the game is actually going to be. Anyone here who has completed it on nightmare? I would like to hear some feedback.

I got stuck on some of the menacing ruin fights too but eventually you get better and, excepting a Daimyo Wasp fight or two I was able to blaze chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6

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  • 1 year later...

Простой способ. 

Проходим игру на "Easy", в главном меню выбираем "New game +". Далее выбираем сложность "Nightmare" и начинаем игру.

Как только появится первое сохранение (часы в нижнем правом углу экрана), выходим в главное меню, нажимаем "Chapter select" и выбираем в списке последнюю часть первой главы и пробегаем её, чтобы нас перекинуло во вторую главу. Во второй ждём сохранения, выходим, выбираем последнюю часть второй главы, пробегаем, перекидывает в 3-ю главу, выходим в меню. 

И так до 6-ой главы. В последней части 6 главы под названием "End" проходим по улице до приюта, смотрим ролик, титры. Всё, трофей наш. 

Ролики можно скипать. 

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  • 2 months later...

I remember chapters 1 and 2 seeming very hard but then I kind of breezed through the later chapters I think I just got better as I went. The DLC though, I am not ashamed to admit I save-scummed and cheesed my way all the way through that to beat nightmare mode there.

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/31/2021 at 10:56 PM, TheSkyIsTeal said:

I remember chapters 1 and 2 seeming very hard but then I kind of breezed through the later chapters I think I just got better as I went. The DLC though, I am not ashamed to admit I save-scummed and cheesed my way all the way through that to beat nightmare mode there.


There's a Nightmare Mode for the DLC?! ? Yikes! First game is already pretty rough without difficulty settings!

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/24/2018 at 7:13 PM, GoldenShaka said:


The crappy port of the original first game, THAT is a nightmare.


Yeah it is!

On 1/10/2021 at 3:35 AM, Paracorvus said:

Простой способ. 

Проходим игру на "Easy", в главном меню выбираем "New game +". Далее выбираем сложность "Nightmare" и начинаем игру.

Как только появится первое сохранение (часы в нижнем правом углу экрана), выходим в главное меню, нажимаем "Chapter select" и выбираем в списке последнюю часть первой главы и пробегаем её, чтобы нас перекинуло во вторую главу. Во второй ждём сохранения, выходим, выбираем последнюю часть второй главы, пробегаем, перекидывает в 3-ю главу, выходим в меню. 

И так до 6-ой главы. В последней части 6 главы под названием "End" проходим по улице до приюта, смотрим ролик, титры. Всё, трофей наш. 

Ролики можно скипать. 




The easy way.

We pass the game on "Easy", select "New game +" in the main menu. Next, select the difficulty "Nightmare" and start the game.

As soon as the first save appears (the clock in the lower right corner of the screen), we exit to the main menu, press "Chapter select" and select the last part of the first chapter in the list and run through it so that we are thrown into the second chapter. In the second, we are waiting for the save, exit, select the last part of the second chapter, run through, transfer to the 3rd chapter, exit the menu.

And so on until Chapter 6. In the last part of the 6th chapter called "End" we walk down the street to the shelter, watch the video, credits. That's it, our trophy.

Rollers can be skipped


On 4/1/2021 at 0:56 AM, TheSkyIsTeal said:

I remember chapters 1 and 2 seeming very hard but then I kind of breezed through the later chapters I think I just got better as I went. The DLC though, I am not ashamed to admit I save-scummed and cheesed my way all the way through that to beat nightmare mode there.


You don't need to beat the DLC or 1st game on "Nightmare" difficulty, just the Madness or 2nd game of the two.  


I finished American McGee Alice on Easy difficulty and it was harder then hell and a complete fucking nightmare.



I'm actually debating whether I want to do the game that way to, I mean rather than do this Save Point jumping around you could just beat it once and have it count for all difficulties.

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On 2/8/2022 at 7:47 AM, LegendExeter said:

You don't need to beat the DLC or 1st game on "Nightmare" difficulty, just the Madness or 2nd game of the two.


I know. I just also happen to be a completionist. Even if there aren't trophies for it, I like to beat games on the hardest difficulty.


On 11/15/2021 at 7:44 AM, tranquility101 said:

There's a Nightmare Mode for the DLC?! 1f615.png Yikes! First game is already pretty rough without difficulty settings!


Don't worry, there are no difficulty related trophies; I was just masochistic enough to do it anyways.

Edited by TheSkyIsTeal
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18 hours ago, TheSkyIsTeal said:


I know. I just also happen to be a completionist. Even if there aren't trophies for it, I like to beat games on the hardest difficulty.



A glutton for punishment perhaps?  ;) 


In truth though it probably didn't add much more difficulty than was already there.  Perhaps the enemies one hit killed you I'm not sure, maybe the bosses were a touch harder needing more hits, yet the bad controls and horrible platforming are just as bad in Easy as well as in Nightmare.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/16/2022 at 0:11 PM, LegendExeter said:


In truth though it probably didn't add much more difficulty than was already there.  Perhaps the enemies one hit killed you I'm not sure, maybe the bosses were a touch harder needing more hits, yet the bad controls and horrible platforming are just as bad in Easy as well as in Nightmare.


Most places on the internet say that the Ice Wand is optional but I found it was impossible to beat the White King without it (I had to restart the entire game to get the Ice Wand). I think the enemies take more hits and you take less (maybe less mana too). Don't remember any one shots though.

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  • 1 year later...

I just finished the game on Nightmare legitimately, and I didn't find it hard at all.


Through New Game+, you get to keep all the weapons and upgrades from your first run, and the fully upgraded Teapot Cannon makes this difficult a breeze. The only thing worth nothing is that enemies deal way more damage than usual, but as long as you don't suck at dodging, you should be fine.


It was good playing this great game again, and this difficulty is nowhere as being so hard to be worth cheating for. 👍🏻

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