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MW2 Spec Ops Trouble!


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I am probably not the only one, but I absolutey hate the MW2 Spec Ops. It is probably ons of the most frausterating platinums I have ever attemped, But I am so damn close, I ain't backing down yet! I need help. All I have left is Armor Piercing, Homeland Security, Wardriving,  & Wetwork. Who ever helps, I will return the help in a different game. I will be up at 5:30 this morning. Thanks for the help. Cheers.

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Honestly, you might be better off going solo for a couple reasons:

1) I've read other players mention in the gaming sessions here on psnp that the servers for MW2 spec ops are HORRIBLY laggy, so if you really need an extra person, local split-screen would be a lot smoother; and

2) I think the difficulty is amped up exponentially with 2 players (ie., more enemies spawn and/or take more damage/deal more damage and are UNBELIEVABLY accurate - you will die in less than half a second after taking 2 shots)...it certainly seemed that way when I attempted to help another friend with MW3 spec ops, I did all the missions solo for both games and don't remember it being anywhere near as hard as doing it co-op.


In any case, good luck...it looks like you have a few people willing to help, I like going back and playing spec ops for fun every now and then (but it's been at least 2 years since I did those particular ones so I'd need some practice...consider me a backup).

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I am probably not the only one, but I absolutey hate the MW2 Spec Ops. It is probably ons of the most frausterating platinums I have ever attemped, But I am so damn close, I ain't backing down yet! I need help. All I have left is Armor Piercing, Homeland Security, Wardriving,  & Wetwork. Who ever helps, I will return the help in a different game. I will be up at 5:30 this morning. Thanks for the help. Cheers.

I have done all the Spec Ops in MW2 by my self. You can add me so I will help you.

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