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What Is The Best Game You have played so far?


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When I was younger the best game I could ever have played was Pokémon Silver. A whole new region to explore with all these new pokémon and gyms, just brilliant. Hang on, I get to go back to the original region as well? It was the game for me to play and I loved it.

Now if you're talking more current games, like just this generation, then it's difficult. There's a distinction between best and favourite and I'm not sure how I should approach this. If I was to say favourite then my pick would be easy - Oblivion. I loved that game, it's the first one I ever played on PS3 so many years ago. It had everything I could ever want and so much replay value that I must have completed it, yes, I say completed it and not just finished the story, 4 times and I must have racked up 400+ hours in it over the years.

For best game I'd have to think of what is the best technically. I'm going to say Portal 2. It took everything the original had and made it better. Everything about it was great and it was a truly challenging and rewarding game. I'm not going into details about what makes it technically brilliant because that's obvious already but I haven't come across a game to wow me like that since playing it.

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