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Trophy Thoughts?


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This seems similar to the “Knights of Pen and Paper 2 trophies (straightforward but missing a platinum.) 


I wonder why Knights of Pen and Paper +1 had a larger list with a platinum while these are smaller. It’s not like the games are any shorter (I guess +1 had all the DLC included.)


Has anyone played this game on iOS/Google Play that knows if the gameplay is the same?

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15 hours ago, Studfox said:

This seems similar to the “Knights of Pen and Paper 2 trophies (straightforward but missing a platinum.) 


I wonder why Knights of Pen and Paper +1 had a larger list with a platinum while these are smaller. It’s not like the games are any shorter (I guess +1 had all the DLC included.)


Has anyone played this game on iOS/Google Play that knows if the gameplay is the same?

This is from the same Dev, as for why not I really don't know either. To be honest I wonder sometimes if the way Sony has Trophies incorporated in are more limiting to Devs then Achievements from Xbox and Steam?


Or maybe they couldn't be bothered making a full Plat List if they are planning dlc support for it or will expand the story over time with other Adventures?

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