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This game is great!

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I just came back to this game after completing it in 2018, seeing all these new reserves and even Trophy Lodges to display the best harvests you caught.
The Trophy Lodges was really something I wished for back then, Great to see it is added. Currurently I am replaying Hirschfelden and later on Medvet, becasue those are my favorite maps, I did start on a new save file. Now a level 5 again. ?

I also notice they changed the animals score recently, so I might need to update my guide as well on multiple points, but getting a diamonds seems much easier. This really motivates me to find those rare coats and the best scoring animals.

Edited by NL_Sion
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I, for one, wish you would "dramatic pause" lol I just picked this game up to play with my nephew he only plays these style games. 


Would he nice to have a great guide to fall back on when I decide to snag the trophies. 


I vote yes! 

Edited by ColdDarkAndEmpty
Put decided rather than decide.
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I might try getting all Medvet Trophies, because in 2018 they where so bugged that if you completed all missions for chracter A, you would get the trophy for character E. And the collectables for that map popped randomly. So that was nice. ? I did look into the new animal scoring, seems some of it is still the same calculations, but there is also a checklist you have to do in order to get the max score for a harvest. But it is not that bad, looks more easy then in the past.

Sounds also like it is more easy to specialize on certain breeds.
Like for me Fallow Deer, Wild Boar and European Bison.

I kinda like this game because it is slow pace, and the stealthy aspect of it.
(I also learned to back up my save file for in case a story mission trophy doesn't unlock.)

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Well, no doubt this is a fantastic game, I also left it in 2018 and returned to it for a few weeks at the end of last year, wanted to clean up some more trophies but unfortunately the last trophy in Medved bugged out on me and I put this game away yet again. But I will definitely come back at some point because traversing the reserves, whether for missions or aimlessly, feels absolutely unique and I enjoy it a lot. It's funny that the average completion for this game is sitting at 13% - surely because most trophies are really time-consuming, you can't say the game is very difficulty (though there are some challenging tasks).


Btw, the developers are not done with the game yet, I think I heard that new reserves are planned and they are rolling out "Great Ones" soon, which, from what I understand, will be a grade above diamonds - as if diamonds were anywhere easy in this game!

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i hope with the Great Ones systeme it will be more easy to get diamond because i have killed 700hare and i still never see a LV3 and can't end this game.

Diamond is the only reason that i don't like the game, you play 1 week for a diamond that will never be in your map.

Edited by Destructeur3
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16 hours ago, Destructeur3 said:

i hope with the Great Ones systeme it will be more easy to get diamond because i have killed 700hare and i still never see a LV3 and can't end this game.

Diamond is the only reason that i don't like the game, you play 1 week for a diamond that will never be in your map.

Yeah, that's probably a fair point, adding this trophy for killing a diamond from each species means hundreds of extra hours..

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I remember those Diamonds hunts yes.
That trophy 'Diamonds Are Forever', was diffecult to get. I remember I learned the max. scores for each animal in Hirschfelden and Layton out of my head. And while I was hunting foxes for a mission (Sommar nr. 4) I encountered a Roe Deer. I first walked passed him becasue I wasn't looking for deer. But then I remembered that his score was kinda high, and he might a diamond. So I went back, sneaked up upton him, and killed him instant shot. And he was a diamond. ?

I got one trophy lodge setup so I can store all my albino coat harvests and diamond harvests. It is nice to not just make a screenshot out of it and then it is gone. I think for now the 4 reserves I got is enough, but Spain reserve also looks cool as well. I also wonder how often we will see these future 'Great ones'. Maybe they will call them Emerald or something.

I took a look into the new scoring. Diamond seems much easier to get now. You only seem to need a diamond score animal, en shoot it not more then 2 times with the right weapon, and one other harvest check. You don't need the constructive harvest score and the 100% instand bonus anymore. I do hope they didn't lower the diamond animals... I know I messed up some possible diamonds becasue I didn't had the instant kill bonus.

@det_gittes @Destructeur3 @ColdDarkAndEmpty
Do you also have a trophy lodge?

Edited by NL_Sion
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6 hours ago, NL_Sion said:

Do you also have a trophy lodge?

I don't, in fact. I may still pick it up at some point but I am not sure if I care if it's just for aesthetics - and I never played the MP (I'm guessing then you can see other people's trophy lodges). 

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I bought mine becasue I think it is nice to have a place where I can store my best harvests, and not just make a screenshot of it. (Like I did with a Leucistic African Buffalo). I also am not into the multiplayer as well, but I think I read somewhere friends can also visit your lodge even when you are not online. They gan just wander through the building, even if they don't have the pack themselves.

I also wonder how these Great Ones will work, and if we can find them. :P

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1 hour ago, NL_Sion said:

I think I read somewhere friends can also visit your lodge even when you are not online. They gan just wander through the building, even if they don't have the pack themselves.

Where is yours then? I can check if that's really possible. I admit that it would be quite a nice feature.

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It is trophy lodge tab and the under 'Friends'.
But I believe you also need to have your account synced with beta account (or something?) that you upload your game data to their servers. Guess that is how others can visit when offline. But my lodge is pretty empty for now. I stored in the first Male Fallow Deer I harvested. (Wanted to do that, and he happened to be a Gold as well.) And I got a nice Female coated Fallow Deer next to him.

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Just so you know there are a few species that can't make diamond now, after the scoring update, all the goats on cuatro, and the Elk in layton don't spawn with high enough trophy scores for diamond (even if the weights are maxed) I have killed 5 level 5 beceti ibex and 4 level 5 Gredos Ibex that were all gold,(I killed lvl 4s that were higher scoring!!) not even near big enough for diamond. Some PC guy took a look at the spawn files for elk and confirmed that they are broken as well.


Makes the Grand Slam trophy impossible for me now. Gave up after my last max level Gredos ibex was only a silver?

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15 hours ago, Prairie_Falcon_ said:

Just so you know there are a few species that can't make diamond now, after the scoring update, all the goats on cuatro, and the Elk in layton don't spawn with high enough trophy scores for diamond (even if the weights are maxed) I have killed 5 level 5 beceti ibex and 4 level 5 Gredos Ibex that were all gold,(I killed lvl 4s that were higher scoring!!) not even near big enough for diamond. Some PC guy took a look at the spawn files for elk and confirmed that they are broken as well.


Makes the Grand Slam trophy impossible for me now. Gave up after my last max level Gredos ibex was only a silver1f625.png

Thanks for letting me know.
I now got 4 reserves total. When Vurhonga was released I bought that one as well. But the plains felt empty and the animals already spooked from 250 meters away. Even when you where sneaking and the wind was in your favour. If you managed to see Antilope in the distance they where always in 'Flee' state. This game sure is beatifull to play, but real buggy. This is also the reason why I don't wanna persue any trophies for the DLC ones.

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10 hours ago, NL_Sion said:

This is also the reason why I don't wanna persue any trophies for the DLC ones.

Are you talking about this animal scoring bug? Because other than that I didn't notice any outstanding bugs when I played the game last time.


Btw, I visited your lodge - I admit, it's a nice feature (and these lodges are extremely spacious) :D 

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7 minutes ago, Gefro-On-Defro said:

Really like the look of this, worried it will be too hard for me, and I won’t have the patience. Can anyone talk me into it? Also, that’s a lot of dlc trophies. Are they expensive?

Well, the game is not very hard but it will test your patience for sure - hunting for particular animals with specific scores is RNG-heavy, though with the right strats and the knowledge of reserves it's definitely manageable. Trickier missions are those where you have to harvest a high-score animal with a single shot (e.g. to the heart or lungs), now in such cases you only have one shot and if you miss it, it will take you some time to come across another animal matching the requirements. If I remember correctly, I needed over 100 hours to get the platinum and the reason I'm not pursuing DLC trophies is the amount of time that is necessary (reserve DLCs are roughly 8 bucks each on average, but I'd say they are worth it as they pack a lot of content).


If you don't necessarily care to get all the trophies, though, then I wholeheartedly recommend playing this game. I think it's really great. In real life I know nothing about hunting and never held a gun in my hand (other than an air gun) but somehow I totally fell in love with the idea of being alone in a huge reserve and just wandering while keeping the animal population in check :D 

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19 hours ago, det_gittes said:

Are you talking about this animal scoring bug? Because other than that I didn't notice any outstanding bugs when I played the game last time.


Btw, I visited your lodge - I admit, it's a nice feature (and these lodges are extremely spacious) :D 

Those lodges sure are big!
Might take a lot of time to get one full. I even can combie some animals. If I have 2 or 3 fallow deer male I can combine them in one statue. But for now every special one gets his own statue. I also can hang the heads on the wall.

I do am gonna try to get all the missing Medved trophies, and also try to find some nice trophies (diamonds and special furs) for my trophy lodge. I already did find a Blond fured Bear yesterday.

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I have to conclude the Arc mission trophies for Medvet are stll bugged for me.
After the completion of the last mission for Dr. Svetlana Isakova the trophy 'Dr. Svetlana Isakova Arc' again did not unlock. I will now assume the other trophies won't unlock eather, so I will just hunt and find good scoring and special fur animals for in my trophy lodge.

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4 hours ago, NL_Sion said:

I have to conclude the Arc mission trophies for Medvet are stll bugged for me.
After the completion of the last mission for Dr. Svetlana Isakova the trophy 'Dr. Svetlana Isakova Arc' again did not unlock. I will now assume the other trophies won't unlock eather, so I will just hunt and find good scoring and special fur animals for in my trophy lodge.

Are you sure that you've exhausted the missions for her story arc? Even though I don't remember individual missions, I do remember that sometimes missions for a particular story arc would return (when I thought they were finished) after doing some other missions for somebody else. It would be strange that the trophy was bugged on a fresh savefile seeing that people seem to earn it all the time. Hope you'll get it, it is frustrating.


Edit: The Great One and TruPATCH updates are coming out on April 28th on all platforms (so far only in Layton Lake district though).

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I think I got all her missions, will see if any new one pops up.
Hope it. I am still going through the rest of the missions, because they are fun.

So on the 28th we will be able to find an even more higher scored animal out there.

I wonder if they will also look more 'special' ?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but I didn't want to create a new one.


I also like this game, at the beginning was really tough with very vague tutorials, weird controls and no good equipment, well to be fair the starting rifle is good. Only after 10hrs or so that I started to grasp the mechanics and the game became more manageable, although some missions are really bad designed and why on earth a moose caller locked behind a level 35(?).


Regardless, this game reminded me of Cabela's Big Game Hunter on PS2 released on 2002 (when Cabela's were open world), I sank so many hours into that game and Call of the Wild brought those memories back.

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