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Watch out, game is banning players for unintentional reasons


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Hi, I am doing this topic only to warn people that this game might ban you for no real reason. 


Today I got banned from PUBG for 14 days for teaming up.


I would admit that if I really did teaming intentionally I would just wait my 14 day bans and deal with the situation and not wasting time to send them a ticket or even writing this forum post, but the thing here is that I haven't (for my own perspective) done anything what would count as a teaming up. Only thing I can say for sure what might count as a teaming is doing Cruising with the Enemy trophy which requires you to go vehicle with enemy player. When I did this trophy I played a solo match trying to find car ASAP and then drive around to find enemy players. When I found one, I just kept horning to try them to understand that I have no way to harm them, only want them to jump onto the car to me able to get the trophy. So when I finally found a game and random player to jump onto my car, the map situation was that the circle was close so we drove together in the same car inside the ring, left each other and run to different ways. This is the only thing what comes to my mind what could count as a "teaming up". Also for everyones note, this did happen yesterday and I got banned today.


Today, when the ban happened I played just normally FPP - Solo, crossplay off just to gather my kills and I got banned in situation when I landed like 2-3 minutes ago in desert map, picked up a hand gun, Desert Eagle and reloaded and got banned.


And I am not making this post to make me unbanned somehow, I did sent them a ticket which they just replied and automated text that they can't do anything about it. I am making this post because I want to show other players that they are in danger, even they haven't done anything wrong or then be really careful with the Cruising with the Enemy trophy. 


Also when people get banned in games, I am a little suspicious are they banned for no reason, but for me, I have really not a single reason to do such a stupid mistake to "team up" with randoms because it doesn't help me with anything in anyway while getting trophies in this game. Only where it might help is that I might get easier wins, but still I already have 10 wins and also wins comes naturally when gathering 1000 kills and getting kills alone is also really easy against bots, only time consuming. 


Once again, be careful with this game, its full of bugs.

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Didn't play it neither ... but what is wrong with playing as a team ?!!


I know it's a solo game, but how many games are supposed to be played for yourself only and you still play it with friends and so obviously you play together ...


And considering this trophy you are talking about with the car .. that's gold ! They ban you for doing something they pushed you to do :')


They should fix trophies instead of banning people for stupid reasons like this Ôô


I didn't know if i would try this game (got it with PS+), looks like i will just avoid it ... already a lot to do in backlog anyway ^^'

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15 hours ago, ShadowGandalf said:

Creates trophy that requires teaming up with an enemy. 

Bans players for earning it.

Yup, makes perfect sense.


Seriously wtf?


I've never played this game and likely never will, but that seems screwed up to me.

Exactly my humor 


Definitely not gonna play this 

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