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Can something please be done about these types of sessions?

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These types of sessions are very clearly just people trying to gain members in their Discord servers and several times I’ve found myself in one of these types of servers where nothing actually gets done and the sessions are basically just advertising space for the sessions hosts... gets really annoying sorting through sessions that are simply mass appealing for their own gain & actually trying to accomplish something regarding the game.

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If there are certain sessions you join and the discord is no longer helping people earn the trophy you need, PM me and I will take it down when I get a chance.


Typically, having a discord link in the description of the session is fine, but if it's just advertising and not a legit session then it should be taken down. Unfortunately, there's no report button for this so you need to PM a mod here if you notice it. We don't actively join servers and look for this sort of thing so we rely on others quite a bit when it comes to it.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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I must seriously be getting old.


Unless they're hosting a discord partnered server or something, how are these server owners really benefiting from a few people joining their servers who will likely leave when a session is over, or not even starting to begin with ...? I understand a few Youtube providers or website owners may benefit, but really that's a tiny handful of people.


The PSNP discord should be the place ever needed, and then you have the entire community available to communicate and coordinate with. 

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