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The Sheep Whisperer trophy bugged?

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I tried to get the trophy on part 2 of the game with the minigame boar where you ride a boar and kill as many sheep you can in 1 min but the problem is I did it more than 7 times with at least 40 sheep slain and still no trophy is this a bug or sum?

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24 minutes ago, Gage said:

I've had someone comment on my guide that they've had the same issue, so it might not actually count in Part Two like it did in the original for some reason. 


Is it the Boar game perhaps that doesnt count the kills, does the Boar game work in P1? 

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12 minutes ago, Optinooby said:


Didn't you test it though if you wrote it in your guide, did it pop this way for you?? 


No, I made the assumption it would work the same because basically everything else in the game does.  ?

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The Boar mini-game doesn't count.

I killed well over 100 sheep with this mini game the other night and the trophy did not pop.

I then started a new save, speedran the tutorial and got to northern plains kill all sheep, go back (don't collect the mutton so the annoying shades dont spawn) rinse and repeat. 

I think tho that the count for sheep killed may restart upon starting a new file because based on how much mutton and wool i had i must've killed ~40-50 sheep on my main save, but i still had to run 5 or 6 times to the northern plains on the new save (and there is like 20+ sheep there). 

Glad it popped tho. 

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This was the third trophy I got in the game, once the time skip at the beginning of the game happened and I was able to head to the next area I just killed all the sheep by calling them over to me, then when I had cleared the area I just ran back to the first area to reset the north section with the sheep and ran back in.


Took me maybe 10-20 minutes but that is what I did.

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Ok so i killed over 100 sheep in three different ways: with the boar (because it's fastest), with dark blast (medium speed), and then with a weapon (slowest) and i only got the trophy by killing them with the weapon.


Either this is an oversight by the developers or a bug, who knows.

I guess that makes the trophy missable if you progress the story too far but can easily be gotten by just starting a new game until you have to collect muttons in the northern plains.

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