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Speedrunner trophy

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I am by no means a speedrunner of games, so I always dread if I see these trophies. However for this game it shows 36% of people have the trophy.

Can you do this on easy mode?

Anyone know how big of a margin the 2 hour timer is? Is it easy to do? Can you die a couple of times? Or do you have to be running and perfect all the time? I am at the moment only on world 2, so dont really know how big the game is yet.


hope anyone can help!

Edited by BurgerBroeders
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Hey, I haven't played the game yet.


But I noticed that it has just 200'ish owners here.

It's a bit of a niche game where people that are enthusiastic about the genre seems to have played it, so naturally most that picked it should be good at these games.


Noticed a few 1 hour speedrun on youtube, so there should be some leeway at least

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On 21.5.2021 at 6:49 AM, BurgerBroeders said:

I am by no means a speedrunner of games, so I always dread if I see these trophies. However for this game it shows 36% of people have the trophy.

Can you do this on easy mode?

Anyone know how big of a margin the 2 hour timer is? Is it easy to do? Can you die a couple of times? Or do you have to be running and perfect all the time? I am at the moment only on world 2, so dont really know how big the game is yet.


hope anyone can help!


hey man sorry I am almost done with the roadmap but I got sidetracked in the last couple of days but hopefully I can finish it this weekend. 


To give you a quick answer to your question: Yes you can do the speedrun on casual ( means you do have one extra health point and an additional checkpoint ) since you do not have to fulfill any other stuff for the two hour speedrun ( such as collectibles ). Just rush through the levels as fast as possible and avoid all bonus areas of course. It's really super easy. I managed to finish the game in 72 minutes and I never rushed at all. I recommend to leave this as your last trophy. By the time you tackle the speedrun you know the levels inside out ( they aren't very long ). Even if you fail and aren't that familiar with speedruns this is a doable task. 

You can always cloud your save if you consider yourself doing good in between the levels as well :-) 


Cheers Davy

Edited by DavySuicide
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  • 3 months later...

Another tip: If you don't want to play certain levels, you can die at the beginning in quick succession (about six times) and you'll get the bird lady to take you to the next level. The final boss does have to be beat though. As long as you are under 2 hours, no worries.

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  • 8 months later...
On 5/6/2022 at 8:52 PM, ThaRular said:

took me 1:14 the Normal way. It is really easy and You have plenty of room for mistakes.

Is possible play the speed run with the trick do die and the game teleport you at the end of the levels this for ALL levels? 

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  • 1 year later...

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