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The New He Man Cartoon


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Hello, everyone.

How is the new sequel of the original He Man cartoon? I haven't watched it yet, but I heard of some controversy from friends of mine.

I'll try and appraise the series as soon as possible in this thread, but I'd like to see what you guys make of it. Cheers.

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I've seen the first 2 episodes, and I have some mixed feelings on it.


Visually, it looks great - it's well drawn and the action scenes are dynamic and resemble something out of a superhero comic, which is what you'd expect.  Just about all the characters that you remember from the 80s Filmation show are there, although some of them have been heavily redesigned.  Prince Adam actually looks different from He-Man, as opposed to the 80s cartoon where they looked EXACTLY THE SAME:



However, in terms of the story and the overall lore.... I feel that some - shall we say - questionable decisions were made.  It's true that He-Man's role in the series is drastically reduced, but this is meant to give other characters a shot at the spotlight, and He-Man will obviously come back in a greater capacity later on.  Some of the voice acting isn't as memorable as it was in the 80s.  But then, the series has only had 5 episodes thus far, and people are just hating on it because it isn't identical in every way to the Filmation show.  Well, that, and because Kevin Smith was being economical with the truth from the outset.  But that's another story.


He-Man being sidelined shouldn't be too much of a bad thing - the series is titled Masters Of The Universe, after all; not He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe.  There are other characters inhabiting Eternia with histories to be delved into.  He-Man has simply been the main character in the past because he has always been the only one who could summon "the power of Grayskull" (at least to my knowledge.  Certainly he was the only one back when I grew up with the Filmation show in the 80s - subsequent cartoons or comics may have changed this).


I won't go into much more discussion for fear of potentially spoiling the show for anyone who has yet to watch it.  Although my feelings on it are mixed, as I mentioned before, I will still watch the other 3 episodes and see how it plays out.  Perhaps it will improve, perhaps not.  But I can't fully voice my opinions on it unless I've made an effort to watch it all.  5 episodes isn't exactly a lot to get through, so I will finish it tonight.

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