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Smevin's Regular, Every Day, Normal Ass Gamer Attempts at Trophy Hunting


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4 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

and just as last month my response can be best captured by Adam Sandler's bitterly sarcastic "WHOOP-A DEE DOO!!" from The Wedding Singer.




4 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

the soundtrack isn't the best, but it features both Motorhead and Wu-Tang Clan, and I haven't heard them in the same place since probably a mixtape/CD I made way back in the day when those were actual things



Make two separate CDs you absolute psychopath!



Enjoy your holiday mate, hopefully somewhere good :)


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On 5/1/2022 at 1:57 PM, DrunkenEngineer said:

Keep on slaying it dude.  I feel you on burn out and not giving game's the attention they deserve.  I'm guilty of that in my own checklist!


Have a great vacation, I'd buy you some beers if I could!


Yo that's two pages in a row you managed to start off! I like your style, sir?


Thanks man. It can be surprisingly easy to do! Just gotta remember to be respectful of our beloved hobby?


Thanks bro! Don't you sweat it, I will make sure to drink extra for you?


On 5/1/2022 at 5:12 PM, Platinum_Vice said:






Make two separate CDs you absolute psychopath!



Enjoy your holiday mate, hopefully somewhere good :)


I love cohesive mixes as much as the next person, but I've always had a love for batshit, all over the place mixes as well. Just because I kidnapped strangers and forced them to listen to wildly eclectic mixes at knifepoint before sending them off safely with homemade enchiladas doesn't mean that I'm a psy-


....I just heard myself say that. I'll set up an appointment at Happy Volts Asylum.




Thanks homie! As always, I appreciate you?

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On 01/05/2022 at 8:15 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Monthly Update with Ya Man Smevz

April 2022



Don't get too down on yourself about April! You still did awesome.... You were playing some really time absorbing games, you did way better than give yourself credit for.... 


I hope the rest and relaxation you have coming up is going to do a good job of making you feel a little more up for gaming.. I definitely get where you're coming from, it's really hard to get motivated when you really just aren't feeling it.


I'm SO GLAD that you made that decision with Transistor, I played that in the middle of a horrendous lockdown at the end of 2020, when we were all trapped indoors, and it was exactly the kind of escapism I wanted, but if you aren't feeling it, coming back to it when you are, you're in for such a treat with that game. That story will really speak to the musician part of you I think!


But as you pointed out, you find yourself not being nicer to yourself.....  Look, you'd say the same thing to me, hell you basically did the other night, so I know it's easier said than done. But basically, hopefully that holiday gets you in a better headspace. Just like you seem to constantly be able to do for me, I'll always try and remind you that you're awesome!  So if you find you struggle to be kinder to yourself, I've got you covered!


On 29/04/2022 at 7:59 AM, YaManSmevz said:

Platinum #19: Trover Saves the Universe


Another dimension, new galaxy/Intergalactic planetary




YES! That was a great read, not that I expected anything else.


Sometimes you're a little too good at selling me on the idea of something.... This seems like a really interesting idea for a game.....It also makes me reconsider whether I should check out Rick and Morty. I've never seen a single episode, but heard so many good things about it. Sounds like it has some really interesting humour in it, going by what you had to say about this game. 


I'm going to have to look into this one later on, I guess one or two more games on my mountainous backlog can't hurt right? :dunno:



On 26/04/2022 at 1:47 AM, YaManSmevz said:

Platinum #23: Overcooked 2


You're playin with your food, this ain't some kind of game



This was also really awesome to read... I absolutely love it when you can get a completely unique insight into a game you probably might have just looked over, until you find out a friend plays it and then had a pretty good time with it! I really appreciate getting to read about this one!


You might possibly MASSIVELY have made me want to purchase this one too.


I didn't expect the game had that much depth to its gameplay, especially with those DLC levels you mentioned. The game sounds really awesome, yet very very addictive, nothing wrong with that though! 


When I read this the first time, when you posted it I was pretty interested reading it again just now to refamiliarise myself, I'm almost certain when I see it on offer, or one of the other Overcooked games I might have to hit that big fat purchase button.


You know what though? Your review has also made me even more certain that you are going to love VA-11 Hall-A if/when you get around to playing it, it sounds pretty similar to this game, except chilled out instead of frantic. 



On 23/04/2022 at 8:32 PM, YaManSmevz said:

I was gonna say I can start writing a treatment but there wouldn't be much needed for that Senior Citizen Swingin Bits Volleyball?


I think we had a pretty thorough plan for the story of that one from what I remember xD


Is our patent still pending on that one by the way? Haha!


If we did make a Simpsons RPG though.... I request, NO INSIST! That there be a trophy for a random encounter on the Springfield Freeway/Highway where you see a baby driving a car, and just after a dog driving a bus.


I literally just laughed out loud remembering this Wiggum line......




Enjoy your well earned holiday man!

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21 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:


You might possibly MASSIVELY have made me want to purchase this one too.


Overcooked is such a great game, I had loads of fun playing it with my husband, even if we did end up shouting and swearing at each other loads ? 


Overcooked 2 has a really good trophy list, challenging enough because you need to 3 star the levels. The re-release All You Can Eat version has Overcooked 1 and 2 included as remasters plus some new content, but the platinum is way too easy. It was given away as a free game on PS Plus a while back, so you may already have it ?

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4 minutes ago, Heather342 said:

Overcooked is such a great game, I had loads of fun playing it with my husband, even if we did end up shouting and swearing at each other loads ? 


Overcooked 2 has a really good trophy list, challenging enough because you need to 3 star the levels. The re-release All You Can Eat version has Overcooked 1 and 2 included as remasters plus some new content, but the platinum is way too easy. It was given away as a free game on PS Plus a while back, so you may already have it 1f60a.png


Thanks Heather, I appreciate the info!


That's awesome to know. That made me chuckle a bit -  your description of you having loads of fun with your husband all whilst swearing at each other loads, that's the best kind of co-op when it gets that kind of reaction!


I might keep an eye out for Overcooked 2 then and pick that up if I see it for a price I like.  If you can still get it individually. I assume you can (I haven't done a quick check of the store) then I might grab that version as some of the challenge sounds like almost half the fun.


Something that really appealed to me about the way Smevz wrote about it, was that kind of learning process you go through, until it all finally starts clicking and coming together. That sounds oddly satisfying. 

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2 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Don't get too down on yourself about April! You still did awesome.... You were playing some really time absorbing games, you did way better than give yourself credit for.... 


I hope the rest and relaxation you have coming up is going to do a good job of making you feel a little more up for gaming.. I definitely get where you're coming from, it's really hard to get motivated when you really just aren't feeling it.


Mr. Clarke, I presume!


Thanks a lot man, and yeah I hope so too... it's funny how trophy hunting always starts like "Woohoo video games OPEN UP FOR THE FUN, BITCH!!" only to devolve into that Unhappy song from The Producers?



I'm SO GLAD that you made that decision with Transistor, I played that in the middle of a horrendous lockdown at the end of 2020, when we were all trapped indoors, and it was exactly the kind of escapism I wanted, but if you aren't feeling it, coming back to it when you are, you're in for such a treat with that game. That story will really speak to the musician part of you I think!


But as you pointed out, you find yourself not being nicer to yourself.....  Look, you'd say the same thing to me, hell you basically did the other night, so I know it's easier said than done. But basically, hopefully that holiday gets you in a better headspace. Just like you seem to constantly be able to do for me, I'll always try and remind you that you're awesome!  So if you find you struggle to be kinder to yourself, I've got you covered!


I just remember how I genuinely felt like I spoiled Control for myself (I have soiled myself... how embarrassing) and too many trusted peeps have assured me of what an excellent experience Transistor is! And also thank you, it really does mean a lot. I must say, I do rather like how we often find ourselves on a seesaw with the other saying "hey you're doing great, don't worry so much!"



YES! That was a great read, not that I expected anything else.


Sometimes you're a little too good at selling me on the idea of something.... This seems like a really interesting idea for a game.....It also makes me reconsider whether I should check out Rick and Morty. I've never seen a single episode, but heard so many good things about it. Sounds like it has some really interesting humour in it, going by what you had to say about this game. 


I'm going to have to look into this one later on, I guess one or two more games on my mountainous backlog can't hurt right? :dunno:


Thanks bro! And yes, absolutely check out the first episode and see what you think. I could very much see you enjoying it! As far as Trover, it's an easy game to recommend on account of its brevity and relentless creativity, but just be aware that there's no Off switch for all the zaniness!



This was also really awesome to read... I absolutely love it when you can get a completely unique insight into a game you probably might have just looked over, until you find out a friend plays it and then had a pretty good time with it! I really appreciate getting to read about this one!


You might possibly MASSIVELY have made me want to purchase this one too.


I didn't expect the game had that much depth to its gameplay, especially with those DLC levels you mentioned. The game sounds really awesome, yet very very addictive, nothing wrong with that though! 


When I read this the first time, when you posted it I was pretty interested reading it again just now to refamiliarise myself, I'm almost certain when I see it on offer, or one of the other Overcooked games I might have to hit that big fat purchase button.


You know what though? Your review has also made me even more certain that you are going to love VA-11 Hall-A if/when you get around to playing it, it sounds pretty similar to this game, except chilled out instead of frantic. 


Thank you sir! And hey, if you end up playing it and would like a hand, my chef's hat isn't far away?


I was initially expecting some dull, repetitive mechanics myself, and am quite glad to have been proven wrong! I think they just nailed it.


VA-11 Hall-A is one of the games on the list that keeps me checking every new sale! I know I told you about swooping on Peaky Blinders, I actually also got 2064 on sale recently too! 



I think we had a pretty thorough plan for the story of that one from what I remember xD


Is our patent still pending on that one by the way? Haha!


That's a fair point, it does pretty much sell itself! One thing though - if Smarke becomes a success, down the road I'd like to have a fully remastered version of that game with painfully vivid graphics so we can really scar some people?



If we did make a Simpsons RPG though.... I request, NO INSIST! That there be a trophy for a random encounter on the Springfield Freeway/Highway where you see a baby driving a car, and just after a dog driving a bus.


I literally just laughed out loud remembering this Wiggum line......




Enjoy your well earned holiday man!




Thanks a lot, I absolutely intend to?


2 hours ago, Heather342 said:

Overcooked is such a great game, I had loads of fun playing it with my husband, even if we did end up shouting and swearing at each other loads ? 


Overcooked 2 has a really good trophy list, challenging enough because you need to 3 star the levels. The re-release All You Can Eat version has Overcooked 1 and 2 included as remasters plus some new content, but the platinum is way too easy. It was given away as a free game on PS Plus a while back, so you may already have it 1f60a.png


You're absolutely not wrong, that's a great point about the trophy list and I wish I had thought to bring that up! I was tempted to buy the re-release but felt content with what I'd already experienced. If there's an Overcooked 3 though... different story?

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16 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:


You're absolutely not wrong, that's a great point about the trophy list and I wish I had thought to bring that up! I was tempted to buy the re-release but felt content with what I'd already experienced. If there's an Overcooked 3 though... different story1f604.png

Overcooked All You Can Eat was one of the first games I played on the PS5. It was great fun revisiting it, and the improvements on the first Overcooked game were really noticeable. But the removal of the 3 star requirements for the plat was a bit disappointing. Some of the new trophies were fun though, having specific chefs for unlocking the trophies. We actually figured out how to do the split controller thing, so you could control 4 chefs on 2 controllers simultaneously. That was some crazy brain bending stuff! ?


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On 05/05/2022 at 1:02 AM, YaManSmevz said:

Platinum #54: My Memory of Us


A puzzle platformer I have never heard of you say?....


...this sounds really cool!


Adding to my (neverending and unwieldy) wishlist, post haste... cheers dude!

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Welcome back man!


22 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:

Traveling Witcha Man Smevz #1: Chicago




Sounds like you had an absolutely awesome time, and I'm really glad that you did.......


.......  Anyone that didn't read to the bottom, I'm not shaming you, but you missed out on a hell of an interesting read, so do yourselves a favour and give it a look.


It's not often that people show you their holiday snaps, tell you about the experience & you find it interesting all at the same time. So fantastic read with this one man!


I've gotta respect the amount of effort the both of you put into maximising your time, and trying to experience as much as possible from your trip. That's a great way to approach a holiday I think.


It also means it's going to be a real joy to read any other non-gaming posts like this in the future, as it's something you're clearly very passionate about, and it really does shine through.


If I ever hit up Chicago it sounds as if I have a pretty good awesome reference point for some fantastic activities, food and locations..... Although maybe not the dancing though......  That's not my bag, I'm one or two steps away from this..... ?




I wouldn't look too dissimilar to this ?xD


The Second City sounds like something I absolutely would want to go and check out if I ever go, so I'm really glad you highlighted that one.


I'm well up for more posts like this in the future, so I say fire away! It's good to have you back on the old forums dude!


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17 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Welcome back man!



Sounds like you had an absolutely awesome time, and I'm really glad that you did.......


.......  Anyone that didn't read to the bottom, I'm not shaming you, but you missed out on a hell of an interesting read, so do yourselves a favour and give it a look.


It's not often that people show you their holiday snaps, tell you about the experience & you find it interesting all at the same time. So fantastic read with this one man!


Thanks a lot homie! It was such a great time, long overdue really. Just what the doctor ordered (er... not THAT Doctor?) but it's definitely good to be back!


17 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I've gotta respect the amount of effort the both of you put into maximising your time, and trying to experience as much as possible from your trip. That's a great way to approach a holiday I think.


It also means it's going to be a real joy to read any other non-gaming posts like this in the future, as it's something you're clearly very passionate about, and it really does shine through.


Thanks a lot man! I always try to leave a lot of space for spontaneity and/or just plain chillin, but also I hate the idea of going somewhere and coming back home like "wait, we didn't do _____."


"Aw man, New York was great!"


"Did you see the Statue of Liberty?"




Thanks for that too dude, I can't tell you how many times while writing this I was like "nobody cares bro, nobody cares" but eventually just figured that I care, and that's enough. And anybody uninterested can just scroll down. Problem solved!


17 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

If I ever hit up Chicago it sounds as if I have a pretty good awesome reference point for some fantastic activities, food and locations..... Although maybe not the dancing though......  That's not my bag, I'm one or two steps away from this..... 1f60f.png




I wouldn't look too dissimilar to this 1f602.pngxD


The Second City sounds like something I absolutely would want to go and check out if I ever go, so I'm really glad you highlighted that one.


Oh shit.. you could be Mr. Bean at the Bean? do that with beans in your pocket and a copy of Jack and the Beanstalk in one hand and a bean and cheese burrito in the other while calling everybody "Old Bean" and yelling about how you used to bean the batter when you were a pitcher and threaten anybody who can't tell you where the closest Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf coffee shop is.


They would love you at Second City for that alone!


I don't know if you're (or anyone here really is)  much of a traveler but I think if the opportunity were to serendipitously pop up you should absolutely take it.


17 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I'm well up for more posts like this in the future, so I say fire away! It's good to have you back on the old forums dude!


I appreciate it man. In all likelihood I won't post another one til we go somewhere else (I certainly don't want to go overboard) but it's good to know that it wouldn't get me shunned from the checklist community!


Well, this isn't really the shunning kind of place, but you know what I mean!


"You've got the shunning!"


"You mean Shining."


"Shh!! You wanna get sued??"


16 hours ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

Smevz is back!


Glad you enjoyed Chi-town. My partner is from the Midwest, and went to school and lived in Chicago before adventuring North. I’ve been a couple of times and it’s a lot of fun. 

Always blows me away what good public transpo looks like hah. 


Oh hell yeah, that's what's up!




SAME! It's so terrible in Southern California. It's just like wait... I don't need a car??????



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  • 3 weeks later...

Dawg, I don’t know what makes me happier - seeing Space Ghost at the top of this update…

…hearing someone else in the checklist crew finally popped the cork on The Artful Escape (and like it, more importantly!)…

… finding out you have both Stick It to The Man and Transistor in your gaming cross-hairs…

…or having my rapping alter Ego exposed! ?

Always great to check in with the monthly YaManSmupdate - and looking forward to reading your thoughts on The Artful Escape when you have time to address your fans! ?


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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Dawg, I don’t know what makes me happier - seeing Space Ghost at the top of this update…

…hearing someone else in the checklist crew finally popped the cork on The Artful Escape (and like it, more importantly!)…

… finding out you have both Stick It to The Man and Transistor in your gaming cross-hairs…

…or having my rapping alter Ego exposed! 1f602.png


I can't believe it took me so long to think of Space Ghost! And as far as Transistor and the like... let's just say I've been behind as of late!


Sidenote, Mr. Clarke had a pretty sizeable lead in recommendations so far this year, but games in the upcoming stretch will see you come roaring back! Little surprise though.. as far as recommended games go, you two are the top dogs (at least as far as my checklist is concerned)?


And I'm sorry, but I couldn't keep your secret any longer... THE DOPE BARS HAD TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED!!


1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Always great to check in with the monthly YaManSmupdate - and looking forward to reading your thoughts on The Artful Escape when you have time to address your fans! 1f44a.png



Thanks a lot man, that's always nice to hear? and love this shout, that segment was awesome! I love how surreal it got in places, and that bit where you're suddenly on a talk show was no doubt a high point among high points!

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I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on Transistor when you finish it. The last game I played it was a toss up between Transistor and Bastion, and I went with Bastion in the end. If you haven't played it I would thoroughly recommend it too ?

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6 minutes ago, Heather342 said:

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on Transistor when you finish it. The last game I played it was a toss up between Transistor and Bastion, and I went with Bastion in the end. If you haven't played it I would thoroughly recommend it too 1f60a.png


Thank you? I remember you had a really good time with Bastion! That one is chillin in my hard drive though, so if I love Transistor as much as I suspect, that one may get a violent shove up the queue as well!

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46 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:


Thank you1f601.png I remember you had a really good time with Bastion! That one is chillin in my hard drive though, so if I love Transistor as much as I suspect, that one may get a violent shove up the queue as well!

I played a lot of Hades during the spring backlog event, again another great game by Supergiant which should definitely be on your radar ?

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16 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

Except.. I'm a very petty man. Parappa the Rapper reigns as my quickest platinum, and... I dunno, I just like that. So I deliberately got the first trophy before we went out of town this past weekend just to pad the completion time.






16 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

3. Transistor


Speaking of deserving games, I'm at long last ready to give this one its due. Finally in the right headspace to just sit back and let Supergiant work their magic.




Keen for the next update! 

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25 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:

Platinum #56: UnMetal


Locked up, they won't let me out




I loved reading through that man! That was awesome! Congrats on the new platinum too obviously.


You know what though - it was only until I saw you playing this recently that I realised it was even out. I remember watching a trailer for this ages ago, and quite liking the idea of it. I was a little bit apprehensive like you were that some of the humour might miss more than it actually hits, but it doesn't sound like it's the case here.


I'm totally down for a bit of Metal Gear lampoonery, especially as quite a few Metal Gear fans take it all a bit too seriously sometimes ?


I had no idea it was made by such a small development team either, that's so awesome and also, just damn impressive, how tiny teams of people can create such awesome games.


It's funny you mention that thing about the collectibles being a bit of a pain because it's a case of running around punching everything. The game I just played, Evoland (and stopped finishing up a review of, to come read this coincidentally) had me smacking around bushes and pots to find paths to hidden collectibles too xD


25 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:

- As the Colonel explained how he hid his ring while in captivity, I couldn't help hearing the entire dialogue in Christopher Walken's voice. I can only assume this was the intention!


I guarantee when I play this, and I will! That I will probably think the same thing, that bit of Pulp Fiction cracks me up so much....


so much that I have to post it ?




Awesome review man! I'm a little gutted I didn't spot that in the recent sale myself, but I'll make sure to keep an eye out next time!

Edited by rjkclarke
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2 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I loved reading through that man! That was awesome! Congrats on the new platinum too obviously.


Thanks man!


2 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

You know what though - it was only until I saw you playing this recently that I realised it was even out. I remember watching a trailer for this ages ago, and quite liking the idea of it. I was a little bit apprehensive like you were that some of the humour might miss more than it actually hits, but it doesn't sound like it's the case here.


I was pleasantly surprised by how funny it was. It wasn't always brilliant or anything, but I got a lot of laughs from it, a hell of a lot more than I'd expected!


2 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I'm totally down for a bit of Metal Gear lampoonery, especially as quite a few Metal Gear fans take it all a bit too seriously sometimes 1f602.png


I had no idea it was made by such a small development team either, that's so awesome and also, just damn impressive, how tiny teams of people can create such awesome games.


A big yes on both counts! I've only really become aware in the last year or so of how many studios are just how small some teams really are, and sometimes it's less than a team! Boggles the mind.


And seriously, what franchise has opened the door for loving parody more than Metal Gear?


2 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

It's funny you mention that thing about the collectibles being a bit of a pain because it's a case of running around punching everything. The game I just played, Evoland (and stopped finishing up a review of, to come read this coincidentally) had me smacking around bushes and pots to find paths to hidden collectibles too xD


Does it ever make you picture running around smashing stuff? If I ever did that by accident and found like a Stradivarius violin or something like that behind a wall, and nobody cared that I took it, I'd probably start smashing walls regularly too!


2 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I guarantee when I play this, and I will! That I will probably think the same thing, that bit of Pulp Fiction cracks me up so much....


so much that I have to post it 1f606.png




Awesome review man! I'm a little gutted I didn't spot that in the recent sale myself, but I'll make sure to keep an eye out next time!


I really think you would dig, man!


Well not dig the watch. Like dig it out of Christopher Walken's... no, I didn't mean that at all. I meant you'd enjoy the game.


Sometimes clarification is necessary!

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