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Trophy Hunting Considered Toxic Behavior?


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Just a discussion starter.  Returned to the game a couple weeks ago and making great progress on the trophy list  After watching many videos from content creators and others, I've seen many examples of what is defined as toxic behavior within the game.  My worry is as I go after some of these trophies, I don't want to be included in that group.  Example:  Blood on your hands/face trophies. If I use an offering to be able to kill the last survivor, am I being a jerk if I let one person on the ground wait  while the other waits to die on the hook?  Another example:  Escape with the key.  Since this takes alot of setup and luck, am I being a jerk by standing back and being extra sure I am the last one standing at the end of the game?  I am also worried if I pop an ultra Mori offering and start killing people after second hook, I will get alot of disconnects and then waste the offering. Since I don't have any friends that play this game, I am 100% always solo q so it's hard for me to know how those activities come across.  Any thoughts/suggestions?  Or just let if roll off the shoulder and enjoy the trophy? :)

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32 minutes ago, CinciGeist said:

Just a discussion starter.  Returned to the game a couple weeks ago and making great progress on the trophy list  After watching many videos from content creators and others, I've seen many examples of what is defined as toxic behavior within the game.  My worry is as I go after some of these trophies, I don't want to be included in that group.  Example:  Blood on your hands/face trophies. If I use an offering to be able to kill the last survivor, am I being a jerk if I let one person on the ground wait  while the other waits to die on the hook?  Another example:  Escape with the key.  Since this takes alot of setup and luck, am I being a jerk by standing back and being extra sure I am the last one standing at the end of the game?  I am also worried if I pop an ultra Mori offering and start killing people after second hook, I will get alot of disconnects and then waste the offering. Since I don't have any friends that play this game, I am 100% always solo q so it's hard for me to know how those activities come across.  Any thoughts/suggestions?  Or just let if roll off the shoulder and enjoy the trophy? :)

To answer your questions:
If I use an offering to be able to kill the last survivor, am I being a jerk if I let one person on the ground wait  while the other waits to die on the hook?
Not at all; there are Daily Bounties that require you do pretty much do this exact thing.

Since this takes alot of setup and luck, am I being a jerk by standing back and being extra sure I am the last one standing at the end of the game?
I feel this one is a little bit more of a 'jerk' move. But if you are only doing it once for the trophy and never again... I see no harm in it.


I am also worried if I pop an ultra Mori offering and start killing people after second hook, I will get alot of disconnects and then waste the offering

It happens - but Disconnects are a lot less frequent now that people that DC are punished. As you level you will be getting a lot of Moris so losing one here and there isn't really that big of a deal as well.

Good luck with those trophies... lots o' grindin'!


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Evil Incarnate gets survivors really salty, they'll disconnect or just make sure you have the hardest time getting the achievement like hiding in lockers and justify it as not letting you have fun for stealing theirs. It's stupid logic and if they feel that way they're actually prolonging the misery for others because if the achievement is what the killer is going for (and you can tell if they are because it's a very specific setup, a rare one at that) they wouldn't bother once they get it. If they don't get it they have to try again. 

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1 hour ago, CinciGeist said:

Just a discussion starter.  Returned to the game a couple weeks ago and making great progress on the trophy list  After watching many videos from content creators and others, I've seen many examples of what is defined as toxic behavior within the game.  My worry is as I go after some of these trophies, I don't want to be included in that group.  Example:  Blood on your hands/face trophies. If I use an offering to be able to kill the last survivor, am I being a jerk if I let one person on the ground wait  while the other waits to die on the hook?  Another example:  Escape with the key.  Since this takes alot of setup and luck, am I being a jerk by standing back and being extra sure I am the last one standing at the end of the game?  I am also worried if I pop an ultra Mori offering and start killing people after second hook, I will get alot of disconnects and then waste the offering. Since I don't have any friends that play this game, I am 100% always solo q so it's hard for me to know how those activities come across.  Any thoughts/suggestions?  Or just let if roll off the shoulder and enjoy the trophy? :)

I'd totally play with ya if we was both on at the same time it's really hard getting a good boost group going cause everyone gets their stuff and bugs out or they will actively exclude people in the group or worse yet they just make it a free for all and nothing really gets accomplished cause everyone is doing their own thing


Altho sometimes there's randoms who pick up that yourr trying to d something specific and will try to help which is always nice

Edited by Taliesin_2943
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The DBD community will call anything toxic, the word has lost all meaning at this point. If people cannot emotionally disconnect themselves from a character model going up and down tea bagging,it is only their fault. In other words, turn off messages from people you're not friends with and then proceed to do whatever you want with the game that you paid for.

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Ive been called toxic for about everything ive ever done in DBD. I wouldnt care about anything that other players think about you. The game punishes bad play and rewards good play so in the end its just you who's suffering the consequenses of your actions. 

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