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Update 12.4 - Tethra's Doom


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EVENT: Tethra’s Doom: Disable the Fomorian Fleet and stop Vay Hek's plans! Starting today at 1 PM EDT!


Primary Weapons:

- Grinlok - Tenno Bolt Action Rifle!

- Marelok - Grineer Lever Action Secondary!

Secondary Weapons:

- Castanas - Tenno Sticky Bombs!


The Grustrag Three!

Vem Tabook, Shik Tal and Leekter. Remember their names, Tenno. They may be coming for you!

Vay Hek has warned that any Tenno supporting the Corpus during invasions will face consequences; we now know what those consequences are. Riddled with mutation, violent tendencies and the urge to kill, these Grineer defects - otherwise known as The Grustrag Three - pose a high level threat. They have been detected in the Solar System and have been taking notice of Tenno support for Corpus during invasions. If it is the Brakk you seek, the Grustrag Three you must defeat.

- Two New Trophies

o Bronze Trophy - "Saviour of Mercury"

o Silver Trophy - "Saviour of Uranus"

- PSN friends with Warframe installed will automatically be added to your In-Game Friend's list.

- Added Japanese, Russian, and French keyboard support for usage in the Social Menu.

- Grineer Shipyards tile set revealed with new “Hijack” game mode & Tethra’s Doom event!

- Forest Level expansion!

- 4x Immortal Skins: Nekros, Valkyr, Oberon, and Ember!

- Twilight Colour Picker!

- New Hyena information hooked up in Codex.

- New ambient sounds added to the Forest Levels!

- Level up effect now uses energy colour!

- Changed Focus mod name to "Intensify"

- New Prime items in the Void!

o Rhino Prime

o Ankyros Prime

o Boltor Prime

o AkBronco Prime


- 2x new Alternate helmets (Valkyr, Oberon)

- New Corpus Crewmen voices are here! They now have their own language and a whole new style as voted by the Design Council!

- Added Tutorial buttons to various sections of the game (Foundry, Mod screen, etc).

- Zephyr and Oberon abilities added to Codex/Enemy drops.

- Added popup notification that the clan invite you sent was successful!


HUD changes:

- Added HUD/UI tab to Settings menu.

- Added a "Show Ability Dots" option to Settings.

- Fixed issues with HUD elements and scaling (reload timer, sniper reticules).

- Survival objective markers now have a new icon.

- Interception game mode has colourized icons on minimap depending on faction possession.

Void Chages:

- Keys as end-of-mission rewards have been removed from T2 and T3 missions. T1 missions still can reward keys.

- Additional Distribution of some Prime Items.

- All Prime Parts found in Void are now trade-able.


- Modified the Mastery Rank Challenge 7 to 8 to be easier to complete while using a controller.

- Multiple performance improvements across multiple assets and tilesets.

- Reverted all holster changes back to original positions prior to Update 12 until we can better execute on the intended changes.

- Changed the description on the polarization screen to be more clear about how polarization works.

- Now giving XP for capturing, neutralizing and dominating in Interception.

- Earth enemy balancing and tweaks including removing Eviscerators from regular Earth missions; they now only appear after 5 minutes in Survival or 5 Waves in Defense.

- Reverted to the old holster position for Jat Kittag.

- Tweaked enemy strategies in invasions for factions that are on the ropes in the Star Chart.

- Changed Eviscerator Damage and Proc Rate.

- Changed Jat Kittag Charge attack FX for new charge animation.

- Cannot start a fusion with a card that's already at its max fusion level.

- Chat history won't be initially visible when going into a game until a new message is received – no point in spamming what you have already read until a new message comes in.

- Omitted Venus/Earth being eligible for Grineer or Corpus invasions to not throw off new player path.

- Refined and tweaked new “Auto Fusion” features:

o Added some safety checks so that auto fuse never grabs installed mods or fused mods that aren't Fusion Cores.

o Now if you're fusing a ‘cooked’ mod, Auto Fuse WILL grab any raw duplicates of said mod.

- Show “The Void”, “The Derelicts” and “Dojo” in the Star Chart if players have the required keys.

- Tweaked the depth cue on energy projectile's flares so they aren't so large in the distance (Detron Projectile feedback changes).

- Weapon and Mod conclave tweaks - increased the ratings on the Synapse, Heavy Caliber, and Toxin Damage mods.

- Revised name of Zoren Dagger Axe skin, so that we don't have duplicate names (Dagger Axe).

- Changed Frost’s Ability Sounds to align with new casting times.

- Orokin Derelict Defense has had all Credit Rewards removed from rotation with this Update. Review is ongoing for the current loot in the endless mission types.

- Panic buttons now can be un-alerted. This means if you've been detected on a ship/planet/location, you can revert the alarms to a neutral state to complete missions with a more 'stealthy' approach.

- Gain and radius updates to all Infested Ancient vocals.

- Updated sounds for electroprod whooshes.

- Nova’s Nullstar ability changed so radial damage can affect enemies with weak points.

- Changed the description on the Polarization screen to be clearer about how Polarization works.

- Improvements to Rescue target in Rescue missions.

- Changed the Rescue hostage's health, shield and speed, changed threat level, and fixed objective markers not following the path in Corpus and Earth Settlement levels.

- Added support for using left analog stick and dpad for turning pages in Codex/Tutorials.

- All 3D weapon reloads have had the radius adjusted.

- Made some further optimizations in the Forest expansion levels to improve performance.

- Tweaks to Derelict Survival levels to make it less repetitive and limit the number of smaller intermediates

- Nyx's Chaos ability deco uses the correct helmet.

- Accelerated Blast's bonus to puncture damage now matches the description (at base level, was adding 22% Puncture so when mod itself said 15%), as well as all the other mods that increase physical damage.

- Adjusted brightness of Stalker’s bow string to fix colour bleeding.

- Orokin Void procedural level optimization - reduced number of dead ends, limited some of the heavier connectors, limited max intermediates to 3 instead of 4, reduced connectors in dead ends.

- Audio improvements to magnetic, fire, and toxic aura impact.

- Disable auto-joining of other players when playing keys in public mode. Players will be required to join via invite or right-clicking from chat context menu.

- Revised enemy AI Leader ability sounds.

- Grineer Galleon gameplay additions: (Arch Trap and new door type that damages players as the pass through).

- Corpus Laser doors adjusted under the hood to be more reliable at damaging passer-bys.

- Modified AI in Interception to balance between attacking players and capturing points better.

- Audio revisions to Furax flesh and metal impacts.

- Weapon and Mod conclave tweaks.

- Split Auto-Fuse into two buttons; one for just fusion cores, and one for just duplicate mods.

- Revised 3D Hind weapon sounds.

- Optimized DSP effects to reduce memory usage and sound startup time.


- Fixed the need to reconfigure controls whenever switching between Remote Play and PS4™.

- Fixed an instance of the Sentinel Trophy not unlocking correctly when rank 30 is reached via Bonus Mission XP.

- Fixed a hang related to multiple host migrations.

- Fixed an input error which allowed input to be taken while in the Codex, forcing players to back out of multiple menus.

- Fixed an issue with player's seeing a button callout to change ranks when they do not have the permission to do so.

- Fixed collapsed social menu from overlapping Warframe Level and Star Counts.

- Fixed an instance of hosts getting stuck in missions after attempting to abort.

- Fixed HUD elements becoming offset after playing certain game modes.

- Fixed an issue with player's being unable to roll or melee attack after resisting a blast knockdown.

- Fixed an issue with clients seeing incorrect HUD after reviving another player while spectating.

- Fixed Excalibur being unable to cast any of his abilities after casting Radial Blind in a conclave match.

- Fixed an errant teleport volume in certain recovery missions preventing gear from being picked up.

- Fixed magnetized doors not appearing for clients in Galleon missions.

- Fixed Dual Daggers not appearing in missions.

- Fixed an exploit related to enemies focusing on attacking the player over capturing targets.

- Fixed mod cards purchased through platinum packs not being fusable.

- Fixed a miscalculation regarding affinity booster experienced given to players.

- Fixed oxygen drops not appearing on the minimap properly.

- Fixed an issue with using the Shock power twice causing all other powers to be considered as in use.

- Fixed an issue with weapons skins appearing as negative values in the foundry.

- Fixed the centering of Fusion core packs with only 3 items.

- Fixed an issue with the slow freeze affect from Snow persisting after the power has been used in a conclave match.

- Fixed an issue with objective markers pointing to incorrect locations at the end of the level.

- Fixed an issue with Frost's snowglobe not working correctly while in a conclave match.

- Fixed an issue with faction swaps causing the capture target to attack other AI.

- Fixed a number of unavoidable light traps in the Galleon tile set.

- Fixed timer appearing as :00 when zooming in.

- Fixed clients not properly seeing hacking panels.

- Fixed enemy AI not animating properly when using ziplines.

- Fixed projectiles from enemy AI disappearing when these enemies are killed.

- Improved the readability of Tutorial diorama text.

- Fixed the Saviour of Eris achievement not being attainable.

- Fixed player's getting stuck in a pose after performing a slide attack with the Reaper Prime.

- Fixed shield drains from magnetized trap doors not be avoidable.

- Fixed an issue with the revive prompt remaining on the host's screen after a client leaves.

- Fixed enemies appearing to get stuck in a hack animation permanently if they create a lockdown.

- Fixed clients being unable to see colored territory icons on their minimap.

- Fixed an issue with the Despair and Hikou disappearing after being reloaded.

- Fixed objective markers being obscured by friendly markers.

- Fixed an objective marker pointing towards the evacuation room after a host migration.

- Fixed not being able to blow up explosive barrels with the Acrid.

- Fixed the brightness of Ember's World on Fire appearing significantly brighter on clients in a conclave.

- Fixed the Saviour of Jupiter icon as showing the old J3-Golem boss.

- Fixed nightmare-mode rewards on Interception Missions.

- Fixed Ranked Mods not being tradeable .

- Fixed a situation where it was possible for a Nekros-Summoned-Ally to squad up with enemy AI and take points in Interception.

- Fixed Nova’s Wormhole having infinite range. It was in the 5000 meter range due to a bug, and is now again 50 m by default but can be upgraded with range mods still.

- Fixed Heavy Impact effect only playing once.

- Fixed Banshee’s Sonar not showing enemies on clients.

- Fixed issue where keys were not being used in inventories if host leaves or election occurs.

- Fixed Vauban’s Tesla’s not being destroyed in between Conclave matches.

- Fixed accepting a trade while on a contribution screen causing screen overlapping.

- Fixed enemies spawning behind locked exit doors in survival missions.

- Fixed subtle tint colour mismatch with Ember Prime.

- Fixed issue where dying and reviving at a certain time would cause the Harvester to ignore you.

- Fixed issue where players would complete missions and not receive any rewards.

- Fixed issues where power duration timers were reflecting casts made by other players.

- Fixed image of Excalibur appearing for Frost Helmet skin.

- Fixed typos in training section of Codex.

- Fixed issues with overlapping Russian text.

- Fixed issues where HUD marker for Survival Pickup was using wrong image.

- Fixed issue where new accounts may be unable to login.

- Fixed issue where settings tab would intersect in some languages.

- Fixed issues where the new Survival objective marker wasn’t properly pathing meaning that some users wouldn’t be able to find the right door in the zone to lead them further.

- Fixed issue where enemies would stand up in the middle of a blackhole or blackhole like situation (Vortex, etc.).

- Fixed an issue where the "dual wielded firing" animations would get out of sync with what the weapon attachments were doing (so you'd see a muzzle flash on left gun and recoil on right gun).

- Fixed the display of ammunition/total for all weapons. Bows will display a single value, as will the scanner, the former has no magazines and the latter has no ammunition. All other weapons will still show current ammo in weapon/ total ammo in inventory.

- Fixed issues where mod fusion could become de-synced or exploited, implemented preventative measures.

- Fixed possible errors when accounts are being updated with content.

- Fixed issues where some instances of switch teleporting involved attempted melee attempts on the player after the teleport has taken place.

- Fixed issue where fusing into an equipped mod would let you exceed mod capacity on a given weapon/Warframe.

- Fixed about two dozen Warframe abilities not working in Conclaves/Dojo PVP.

- Fixed issues where weapon skins in player’s inventories will show as negative counts in the foundry.

- Fixed inconsistencies in the naming conventions for the way Gear and Rank are displayed in the game (UNRANKED vs 0).

- Fixed issue with Zephyr’s Turbulence letting most shots through even when maxed and rarely redirecting.

- Fixed steam not damaging players in the Forest Defense map as it should – things just got a bit deadlier on that map!

- Fixed issue where Grineer Commander’s would not move in proper sequence after Switch Teleporting player.

- Fixed problem where players could get stuck in a state where they can’t roll or melee if they were not completely knocked down by an enemy.

- Fixed another instance of permanent end of mission black screen.

- Fixed remaining issues with Zephyr’s Turbulence letting most shots through.

- Fixed issue where Players can trade in progress Prime Blueprints which caused loss of resources.

- Fixed missing Japanese Characters (font) in game.

- Fixed issue where player attempts to fuse certain mods result in errors.

- Fixed issues with day/night fog on Earth.

- Fixed music not restarting after Stalker/Harvester appears.

- Fixed issues where Warframes that were Harvested while wearing Immortal skins weren’t showing proper FX in Aresenal.

- Fixed issue where Sniper Rifle enemies would rapid-fire when blind-firing.

- Fixed Ignis not using energy colour.

- Fixed Supra/Boltor not using energy colour.

- Fixed Amphis not using energy colour.

- Fixed issue where Capture target would get stuck on Earth missions.

- Fixed enemies throwing grenades while/after running instead of in proper Grenade throwing ways sequence.

- Fixed progression stopping issue if playing Earth’s Sabotage mission with Nightmare mode ‘timer’ permutation.

- Fixed issues with Jat Kittag animations.

- Fixed issue where Void missions could be completed without keys being consumed.

- Fixed Vauban’s Bastille FX to fade properly.

- Fixed issue with friendly AI Leaders that would cause negative effects on players during Invasion modes.

- Fixed sniper reticules to rescale when HUD scale changes.

- Fixed a situation where it was possible for a Nekros summoned ally to squad up with enemy AI and take points.

- Fixed Clan invite UI breaking for player when they use the field to type out a player's name.

- Fixed most instances where multiple enemies would not appear on client until they die.

- Fixed the beam FX for Nova’s Wormhole ability that did not scale according to range mods.

- Fixed Kela de Thaym to not appear as a Leader AI type.

- Fixed issue with start timer not showing up for client when selecting a node.

- Fixed Knee Slides for pistol/rifle - All holstered 'long' weapons were clipping severely into ground.

- Fixed and removed some unnecessary water planes from Forest levels.

- Fixed Infested Whip that appeared broken when holstered.

- Fixed multiple reported language bugs across all languages.

- Fixed many reported collision issues across all tile sets.

- Fixed issue in Interception mode where occasionally the UI will indicate you have completed a capture at 99% instead of 100%.

- Fixed issue where fusing dupe stack into a equipped mod would let you exceed mod capacity on that weapon/warframe.

- Fixed bug where the bleedout timer stops if a sentinel with the sacrifice mod is in the process of reviving a player and dies.

- Fixed malfunctioning Sentinel Regen mod.

- Fixed some Warframe abilities that had errors in conclave battles.

- Fixed Despair and Hikou in hand models disappearing forever after emptying one clip.

- Fixed grenades and sticky bombs not being destroyed after use.

- Fixed Agile and Noble animation sets that were playing akimbo pistol idles when using thrown weapons.

- Fixed the scope ring material on Vectis.

- Fixed the Fusion Moa's drone that doesn't get elemental effects when attached to back of Moa.

- Fixed muzzle flash FX on Boltor and Supra.

- Fixed another instance of end of match black screen (edge case).

- Fixed missing effect and objective marker for incoming life support drops in Survival.

- Fixed VFX in Interception: the pillar of light, letters, and symbols do not flash when player territories are being captured. Flashing the pillar of light and letters when an AI is attempting to capture a point.

- Fixed fusion thinking a mod would exceed the drain limit of a config slot it's not installed in.

- Fixed clients not seeing proper colour customization if they have the default colours, have never changed colours, and if they have the branded restraining bolt attached.

- Fixed bug that allowed you to sell your last remaining Sentinel precepts.

- Fixed an issue where the player's left hand was open when hip firing with the payload device (Datamass).

- Fixed rare case where player A has a pending trade document for player B, but player B does not have a corresponding trade document for player A, at which point they can't continue to trade and can't cancel the trade.

- Fixed Hikou not matching energy colour choice.

- Fixed an issue with Rhino’s Iron Skin not appearing after using a scope.

- Fixed music not starting on clients and G3/Stalker/Harvester music not playing on clients.

- Fixed Zephyr Tornado ability to properly switch appearance with damage type.

- Fixed issue with clients that would be pulled into Vauban’s Vortex.

- Fixed some FX bugs with Zephyr.

- Fixed bleedout marker that would remain on minimap for host after the client has died.

- Fixed label for void/derelict/dojo from appearing when associated key isn't available.

- Fixed Sentinel achievements not being awarded from bonus xp at the end of a mission.

- Fixed some reported AI “stuck spots” in Settlement.

- Fixed hack panels remaining indefinitely active after a hull-breach.

- Fixed enemy projectiles from disappearing after the owner dies.

- Fixed host migration issue in Interception where host choosing to claim and exit causes the client to get the claim and exit screen a second time.

- Fixed objective markers disappearing in Survival after Host Migrations.

- Fixed a missing connecter in Derelict procedural levels.

- Fixed Arid Hellions not having jet-packs.

- Fixed login screen issue where users could get into a state where text input in menus will also be typed into the e-mail/password fields.

- Fixed players getting stuck in place if a new life support pod spawns while an existing one is being activated, also fixes pods being infinitely re-useable in similar circumstances

- Fixed client bleedout timer not returning when the player is abandoned (Grustrag 3).

- Fixed NPCs getting stuck using panic buttons.

- Fixed some geo, collision, and lightmap issues.

- Fixed crashes caused by running the game in Traditional Chinese; disabled the option until further testing proves its ready.

- Fixed missing advance warning objective marker and incoming effect on life support capsules.

- Fixed Nyx parts not being received at mission end with Phorid.

- Fixed Lech Kril not being killable at certain stages of the fight.

- Fixed Zephyr’s Tornado and Vauban’s Vortex being able to ragdoll harder enemies (Mini-bosses like Stalker, etc). The Tornado will still deal DOT, but it won’t ragdoll. It is now consistent with other ragdoll-esque powers.

- Fixed problems where users get stuck to Life Support capsules in Survival.

- Fixed Dual Kama Whooshes!

- Fixed ‘Rank 30 Furax’ bug appearing if using Hysteria and Valkyr.

- Fixed enemies not being affected by Vortex or Tornado if one was placed in the vicinity of a 'friendly' target (cryopod, sentinel, etc).

- Fixed incorrect mission type being activated when playing Rescue alerts.

- Fixed being unable to complete an Extermination mission after hacking Moa Cabinets to produce an ally Moa.

- Fixed Hijack mission failure effects not appearing for clients.

- Fixed Interception mission issue where enemy AI would try to hack control towers that had already been captured by their own faction.

- Fixed inaccessible Void and Derelict labels appearing in Solar Map after backing out of a lobby.

- Fixed Infestation Outbreak missions on Earth not occurring within the proper forest tileset.

- Fixed graphical issue where dojo elevator doors weren't being lit correctly.

- Fixed players occasionally spawning in mid-air when launching Grineer Galleon missions.

- Graphical tweaks to improve Forest frame rate/performance in scenes containing rivers.

- Fixed progression blocker where door could not be opened in Shipyards Hijack mission.

- Fixed clients getting stuck when activating Life Support Capsules in Survival missions.

P.S: Prime Access info:

We are rolling out Rhino Prime Access as quickly as we can. Please note that they will be going live in each region separately as we get everything final. North American regions will see it sometime today, EU regions will likely see it tomorrow, and Asia/Japan will be coming later.

Edited by Nobody
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