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The [Agonizing] Adventures of Captain Spirit


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I know there’s a thread for how boring this game is, but is anyone going to mention the fact that the game heavily emphasizes playing the Captain Spirit demo before playing Episode 2 due to “actions in thaw demo having an impact on the story”, and that demo is absolutely agonizing to play through?


You’re in a small area with only so many things to interact with, and yet it’s incredibly difficult to figure out what to do next. I streamed the demo for almost two hours, and I could’ve easily done it in almost half the time had things been a little bit more clearer. I wouldn’t call these puzzles, but instead just bad design. Those two hours felt like 4. The entire reveal (no spoilers) about the whole premise of the bad guys lost all emotional impact due to the previous hour and a half’s worth of gameplay being so brutally agonizing. I gave up on trying to figure out certain things because the answers were hidden into obscure items that one either wouldn’t really think to inspect, or wouldn’t put the correlation together without either prior knowledge or a guide. I saw a bunch of videos about the locker combination and even more about the phone passcode, with a ton of Google questions and articles.

The first episode of LiS2 was rough to play through, but with this being how bad as it was, I really don’t want to play the next episode. Did anyone else play this demo? What did you all think of it? Do keep in mind I have yet to play Episodes 2-5 of LiS2

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I’ve got the platinum for the previous two entries in the series, plus multiple TellTale games, amongst many other modestly difficult platinums. Episode 1 of LiS2 was easy, but the demo of Captain Spirit was incredibly cryptic. And again, I’m not only one with that perspective considering all the videos and articles about the combinations like I mentioned. 

To say that someone should “change hobbies” because you specifically think the game is easy is not only a terrible waste of everyone’s time with your non-constructive opinion, but also that discredits everyone else who shares the same perspective as I did. There wouldn’t be so many guides and articles about the same couple things if it wasn’t a big enough issue.

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All these years the game was out I didn't come across any article that claims the game is hard or incompresinble, or people who says that same things. 

This is the first time that I read of someone complaining. 


And I really can't understand how someone could get stuck in that game: the gameplay area is so small and there is so little to do, that basically just clicking everything will progress the story. 

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15 minutes ago, Play3GianniGreed said:

All these years the game was out I didn't come across any article that claims the game is hard or incompresinble, or people who says that same things. 

This is the first time that I read of someone complaining

 Maybe you weren’t looking because you found it easy? The first video that pops up on YouTube for “Captain Spirit Locker Combo” has over 37,000 views. Adding in the lesser viewed videos below that and you’re approaching 50,000 views just from top result videos. And that’s just a quick generic YouTube search.


18 minutes ago, Play3GianniGreed said:

basically just clicking everything will progress the story. 

This literally fuels my point about how the pace is agonizingly slow. A lot of these modern point and click games (if you can even call them that) have so much additional things to interact with that merely build on the world, and have ZERO impact on anything else. If you never interact with certain things, you aren’t missing anything. Playing a bunch of these games sets that as an expectation, and Captain Spirit comes along REQUIRING you to interact with every single little thing and to make a wild connection about a random trophy’s awarded year (not the full date, just the year) being a locker combination. This means that the playable area becomes even smaller, the pacing drags on even longer, and it detracts more and more from the experience, which obviously then dampens the impact of the big reveal. Even the previous two LiS games, and Episode 1 of LiS2 all do not require you to interact with every single thing. Basically like eating clam chowder without corn for years and suddenly someone throws some in for a one-experience without tang context.

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I also remember aimlessly walking around, not knowing which actions actually progressed the game and which were optional activities that had no respect for my time. I am the guy that created the thread about how boring the game is and I have to warn you that it doesn't get much better after episode 1 and 2.

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The issue at hand here is that you are not good at playing this game, not that the game is bad. 

These are two different things. 

But, not every game is for everyone. 

I can understand that someone may find it boring, I agree with that, the story it's not very interesting, but in no way is hard or complicated. 


If this is hard, avoid any games like the Broken Sword series, Syberia or Monkey Island. 

Edited by Play3GianniGreed
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