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The Sega Dreamcast has actually outsold Nintendo’s Wii U

Lady Lilith

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I was talking about myself in general :) I know a lot of people have system-sellers but for me that has never been the case


I was speaking for myself too...that's all we can ever do :)


I've got a foot in both camps. I've never needed to justify the purchase of a PlayStation, but specific games have always determined whether or not I'll buy MS or Ninty.

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i still think it would have been a good idea if they shift their focus 100% on handheld department, and left the home console marketing. and.. i don't know, perhaps making a successor to the 3DS which is a handheld ofcourse, that you can still hook it up on your fancy HD TV via HDMI cables to play it like if it's a home console if you like, insert a suited name for it here ----> (                 ), even though i heard lately even their handheld which is the best TBH, is still started to make 3rd party devs to lost interest in.


or, goes 3rd party developers like sega did which it's not actually an insult to them. unfortunately reading about nintendo's plans in the future, the 3rd party stuff is not an option!   

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That is pretty damn amazing, actually. Sega had just released a bunch of failed consoles (which is unfortunate because they are all awesome) and really didn't have the gamers trust when they released the Dreamcast. Nintendo had just sold the most consoles out of the 7th generation and now they're hardly selling anything. 


I've said it before, I'd love to see Sega make a comeback with a Dreamcast 2 while Nintendo turns into a third party developer and releases their games on other consoles. Nintendo can make some great games but their hardware sucks.  




Sega is the only one that might actually make me shift my allegiance from Playstation to Sega (but that is if I had to choose of which of the consoles I prefer over). I would like to see Sega release another console like probably Sega Dreamcast 2 and maybe later Sega Neptune and later Sega Pluto, yep they were that prepare for the future but unfortunately they didn't outlive the Console War of the early 2000s

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The irony of the Wii U is it's easily Nintendo's best hardware to date. Where they fucked up was attempting to position it as the first next-gen console when it barely passes as the last of the last-gen.


We were promised a gamer's machine with strong third-party support, powerful hardware, robust online multiplayer and an achievement system... pretty much a competitor to the PS3 and 360 with 2 or 3 times the power. What we got was a tinker-toy controller, 7 year old graphics technology, tiny on-board storage in the form of a $2 32GB RAM chip, an optional achievement system that I've yet to see implemented in any game, a glorified drawing app as the MP interface and a handful of failed or cancelled third-party titles. 


Worst of all, we all know Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware, but two years in and we're yet to see anything warranting a purchase from anyone but hardcore fanboys. Including time for system hardware prototyping, internal Nintendo studios have had 3 or 4 years to work on the equivalent of simple PSN or XBL titles in terms of scope and system resource requirements, yet where are the system-seller games like Zelda Wii U? And why has it taken 2 years for Mario Kart and Smash Bros to hit store shelves? They should have been launch titles if Nintendo wanted to shift units in the brief window of opportunity they had between the release of the Wii U and the announcement of the PS4 / XB1.


I bought a Wii U and like the Wii before it, it's been turned on less than 10 times to date. I also can't see myself buying more than 10 games during its life-cycle (none of which will be cross-platform given the Wii U version is easily the worst), whereas I've bought hundreds of games on PS3 and maybe 50 on the 360. Lack of good software is what's killing the Wii U. Pull your finger out Nintendo and give your fans what they want because, as it stands, buying a Wii U is not a good value proposition when weighed up against the competition.


The Wii U is sitting well behind the PS4, XB1 & PS3 and on-par with the 360 in current sales volume. Toss the PC, Vita, 3DS, tablets and smartphones into the mix, and the Wii U is sitting in about tenth place in terms of relevance to gamers. The only consoles selling worse than Wii U are the PSP (superseded by the PSV 2.5 years ago) and the Wii. Well done Nintendo - 2 outta 3 of the worst selling currently available consoles ain't bad...

My thoughts exactly, I would gladly purchase a Nintendo console as a machine that i'd buy maybe 3 or 4 exclusives a year to go alongside my PS4 (which i'll have one day), but there is literally no reason to own one. The controller is just ridiculous, the thing still has no games (Wind Waker HD looks interesting, but i've been playing it for 10 years). 

Unfortunately, that is exactly the case. 


I've been debating with a fellow on another forum about the Wii U and he is convinced the Wii U is by far and away the best 8th generation console and gamers just don't understand how it is the best. Apparently gamers nowadays are just mindless sheep who fall victim to marketing campaigns of evil companies like Sony and Microsoft and we can't help but buy a new console that has no games on it. Of course I pointed out the Wii U has very few games, he rebutted with "Super Mario 3D World, 'nuff said" and left it at that. 


I asked why he was such a huge Nintendo fanboy and his response was borderline idiotic. He told me he likes Nintendo because they were one of the original video game companies (which is false) and in the '90's companies like Sony and Microsoft got into gaming (I think Microsoft got in after 2000, actually) when they weren't gaming companies, they were evil computer software companies. I then explained that Nintendo wasn't always a video game company either but they decided to get into gaming and I asked him how that was any different than Sony or Microsoft doing the exact same thing Nintendo did. Then more people started calling him out on his bullshit and he got butthurt and deleted all his posts from that site.


Sorry for the off-topic bit, but yeah, Nintendo fanboys (fanboys in general, actually) are fucking idiotic and they not only accept the mediocrity of the Wii U, the embrace it.  




My thoughts exactly. They're just kids that were never aloud a PS3 or 360. Wii had some decent games, but all-in-all it was a slimmed down Gamecube for me. I always used it for Gamecube games and always will. 

Sega is the only one that might actually make me shift my allegiance from Playstation to Sega (but that is if I had to choose of which of the consoles I prefer over). I would like to see Sega release another console like probably Sega Dreamcast 2 and maybe later Sega Neptune and later Sega Pluto, yep they were that prepare for the future but unfortunately they didn't outlive the Console War of the early 2000s

Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't Sega Neptune that stand-alone Mega Drive and 32X combo machine?

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I've put more time into Titanfall than I have all my Wii U games combined. 





IMO, Titanfall doesn't sell the One for me. I'm interested in it because of a few games that have been mentioned coming soon like Below and Quantum Break. D4 looks interesting although controlling it with the Kinect looks like a pain in the ass and someone mentioned something about about Microsoft was kinda interested in Shenmue III I guess.

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Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't Sega Neptune that stand-alone Mega Drive and 32X combo machine?


You are correct.  The Sega Neptune was a Genesis/32x combo unit that Sega "felt could replace the Genesis", but they decided to scrap it at the last minute because the Saturn was already almost out.

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I'd love for Ninty to make a console directed toward gamers that shat all over Sony or MS, just for the lols.

Of course I doubt it will ever happen.


I'm just interested in what they'll come up with after the Wii U since the 3DS is currently carrying them even though they're not exactly in trouble.

Where else is there for them to go? As someone else said, the casual crowd they aimed for with the Wii are not the crowd that will regularly buy updated consoles or games.


Didn't they say that the Wii U would be for gamers as well, with more mainstream titles? What happened to those?

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It's harsh and unfortunate but my greatest gaming wish is that Nintendo will fold as a console maker and release all if their first party titles on the other systems. I own a wii, had a nes, SNES, 64 and game boy at one point. Zelda is one of my favorite series of all times and THE major factor in my purchasing the 64 and wii but I've decided it's just not enough to justify spending that kind of money on a lackluster system again. Imagine what they could do if they actually made a Mario, Zelda, or Metroid game up to the current gen standards of power, graphics and sound. These could easily be the best games of any generation IMO.

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