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No Plat? Easy Game to get 100%?

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It may well be an easy 100%, but from the trailer and what I've read about it, this game is about a beautiful, emotional experience; trivialising it just to go for trophies seems like shortchanging the developers in my opinion.


Sure, go for the easy trophies (assuming they're not too difficult), but make sure you enjoy the game for what it is too! :D

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I agree, I want to experience the beauty of this game but without any restraint from doing trophies, like flowers or the unfinished swan; wanted to get rid of the trophies and then enjoy it but at that point you would already know the storyline -_- ; I guess I'll have to find out when I get the game :D

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It may well be an easy 100%, but from the trailer and what I've read about it, this game is about a beautiful, emotional experience; trivialising it just to go for trophies seems like shortchanging the developers in my opinion.


Sure, go for the easy trophies (assuming they're not too difficult), but make sure you enjoy the game for what it is too! :D

Well the developer is Ubisoft so I think they don't really care if you play it at all - just buy it and they're gonna be happy. 


Anyway it looks like a fun indie game for a change so propably I'm gonna give it a try too. Not giving the trophies a thought before actually getting the game first.

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  • 2 weeks later...


^ Karl


Great game.  I highly encourage people to support these amazing devs who put their heart and soul into this game.  It should also be noted that this August, in the year 2014 is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War 1: The Great War.  If anything, we should all remember our horrible past as humans and do our best to never repeat such atrocities towards our brothers and sisters.



We humans are an ugly race indeed

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It may well be an easy 100%, but from the trailer and what I've read about it, this game is about a beautiful, emotional experience; trivialising it just to go for trophies seems like shortchanging the developers in my opinion.


Sure, go for the easy trophies (assuming they're not too difficult), but make sure you enjoy the game for what it is too! :D

I agree with the sentiment - though really, with games of this ilk its yourself you shortchange by losing sight of the exerience to make some quick trophies, not the developers. As long as you pay for the game you are helping them - but turning your hobby into work cheats only yourself.

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Im up to near the end of chapter 2 and im enjoying the game, my only complaint is that the 'gameplay' is slow-paced but this game wouldn't work fast paced. Ive been playing so much Rayman that im really use to fast paced games :P


Anyway, the facts, diaries, story and collectibles are very interesting. Beautiful so far, hasnt touched me emotionally that much yet but I haven't finished it.


It is easily worth the price tag.

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Great game, I have finished it, and need only 1 trophy (Healing Hero), but even tho I save Karl in the end without making any mistake, I can not seem to achieve this last trophy, anyone else has this problem?

yupp, happened to me.


replay the chapter and do the first two without a mistake and when you reach the third section it should pop.

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