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Gaming session idea...

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I have 2 ideas regarding gaming sessions.

1) There should be a separate column on the homepage stating the next 10 gaming sessions. Either adding a fourth or replacing the popular games one. Why I say this is because I have a lot of online trophies unearned which I'm sure I'll get one day, but if I saw there was a gaming session coming up, I would probably join.

I know you're probably thinking why not click on the gaming sessions tab, but to be frank, I'm too lazy. I visit this website several times per day, read a few forums then leave. If I could see a gaming session for one of my games from the homepage that would be cool.

2) When you do click on the gaming session tab, a screen with all the games with gaming sessions should come up, probably alphabetically, so from there you can quickly find (or not) find the game you desire and click it for the date, times and description.

Hope all that makes sense.

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Number 1 is a feature that isn't needed as it already pretty much exists. To be frank, stop being lazy and click that 1 extra time.


Number 2 is a feature that already exists. On the Gaming Sessions page, at the top right there is a button called "Game (All Games)". Click on that and it'll make a drop down menu appear with all the games with sessions available listed in alphabetical order. When you click on a game it'll change the Gaming Sessions page to only display sessions of that particular game with the dates, times and description there too.

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1. There's really no need for this. Just click the game sessions tab. And honestly, if you don't care enough to go to the game sessions page and look for the game you want to boost, what's to say you'll even care enough to show up one or two days from now to actually boost? If you want to boost something, go to the game sessions, and look for the game you want to boost. People joining sessions on a whim because the session is in front of them and they think they might want to get those trophies one day will just lead to a lot of no shows.


2. There's really no need for this either. You can already filter games you own, and if you're looking to boost, you can just use that list. Also, like in my previous paragraph, if you don't care enough to look for the game you want to boost, what's to say you'll even care enough to show up one or two days from now to actually boost? If you actually want those trophies, just search for the specific game you're looking for. You can also look under a game's trophy list and it will show if there's any upcoming sessions for the game on the right side of the screen.

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1. There's really no need for this. Just click the game sessions tab. And honestly, if you don't care enough to go to the game sessions page and look for the game you want to boost, what's to say you'll even care enough to show up one or two days from now to actually boost? If you want to boost something, go to the game sessions, and look for the game you want to boost. People joining sessions on a whim because the session is in front of them and they think they might want to get those trophies one day will just lead to a lot of no shows.


2. There's really no need for this either. You can already filter games you own, and if you're looking to boost, you can just use that list. Also, like in my previous paragraph, if you don't care enough to look for the game you want to boost, what's to say you'll even care enough to show up one or two days from now to actually boost? If you actually want those trophies, just search for the specific game you're looking for. You can also look under a game's trophy list and it will show if there's any upcoming sessions for the game on the right side of the screen.



I agree with this 100%


If you don't care enough to move the mouse over to Gaming Sessions and make the hardest effort to actually click on it, that's just laziness. 

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