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Alien Isolation Hype page


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I ordered this earlier and I'm so hyped to play it, only watched two of the trailers as I want it to be a surprise. What are you most hyped about?

The trophy list is quite a good one looking forward to working on the platinum.

Here it is for anyone who hasn't seen it yet


EDIT - I realise I should have made this under ps4 games and not ps4 I apologise but don't know how to delete posts.

Edited by WithAtelier
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I ordered it a few days ago too. why? Because I don't know. I thought it looked good, and since I had a bit of extra moolah, I thought why not? I haven't been following the game at all, all I know is you play as the woman from the films (I hate that woman for some reason) daughter, and you crawl through vents/die a lot. 


Then I saw the Launch trailer, and I'm pretty hyped about it. I'm going to try and dive right into hard mode, without killing anyone, then do collectibles on my 2nd playthrough, and then do a no death run for my final run. I'm not expecting it to be GOTY, but at the same time, I definitely expecting it to be better than IGN's review.


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I ordered it a few days ago too. why? Because I don't know. I thought it looked good, and since I had a bit of extra moolah, I thought why not? I haven't been following the game at all, all I know is you play as the woman from the films (I hate that woman for some reason) daughter, and you crawl through vents/die a lot. 


Then I saw the Launch trailer, and I'm pretty hyped about it. I'm going to try and dive right into hard mode, without killing anyone, then do collectibles on my 2nd playthrough, and then do a no death run for my final run. I'm not expecting it to be GOTY, but at the same time, I definitely expecting it to be better than IGN's review.


Yeah I was kinda holding back on the game only due to Alien Colonial Marines being a let down wasn't a big let down but could have been a lot better but then I read somewhere that this game was actually going to play and feel like a survival horror and not a shoot anything that moves game and that's what got me on board with the preorder.

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I ordered it a few days ago too. why? Because I don't know. I thought it looked good, and since I had a bit of extra moolah, I thought why not? I haven't been following the game at all, all I know is you play as the woman from the films (I hate that woman for some reason) daughter, and you crawl through vents/die a lot. 


Then I saw the Launch trailer, and I'm pretty hyped about it. I'm going to try and dive right into hard mode, without killing anyone, then do collectibles on my 2nd playthrough, and then do a no death run for my final run. I'm not expecting it to be GOTY, but at the same time, I definitely expecting it to be better than IGN's review.

Hmmmm... that sounds like a good idea. I mean, I already start games on hard, if I can. Although people say the game is already hard enough, since you WILL die a lot, at least in your first hours of playing through the game, or even whole first playthrough. I definitely need to get the trophy in where you don't die throughout the whole game as my last trophy. Damn alien can actually kill you while you're trying to save, or before you reach your saving destination, I think.. I think imma try not kill humans on my first playthroughs as well. Well, as long as you're not the reviewer from IGN who said that the game was too hard, even though he chose hard with his own choice, and he blamed it on how the game recommends you to play it in hard.

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Hmmmm... that sounds like a good idea. I mean, I already start games on hard, if I can. Although people say the game is already hard enough, since you WILL die a lot, at least in your first hours of playing through the game, or even whole first playthrough. I definitely need to get the trophy in where you don't die throughout the whole game as my last trophy. Damn alien can actually kill you while you're trying to save, or before you reach your saving destination, I think.. I think imma try not kill humans on my first playthroughs as well. Well, as long as you're not the reviewer from IGN who said that the game was too hard, even though he chose hard with his own choice, and he blamed it on how the game recommends you to play it in hard.

Yeah I think the trophies will be a challenge but that's what makes hunting fun and I never listen to IGN I feel they rate any game that isn't a AAA release badly just because it didn't have record breaking sales or wasn't made by some huge company

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