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Profile page demanding alot of CPU performance?

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So lately i have noticed, whenever i go to anyone's profiles page (where you can see your trophies) that psnp demands quite alot of CPU performance. I know task manager isn't the most precise tool but i've tested this many times, with different profiles aswell.




I'm just wondering if i'm the only one where this happens, and if it is normal, why exaclty does psnp demand so much CPU performance. A webpage shouldn't really be that performance heavy. 


And before you ask my CPU: i7-4710HQ 2.50GHz.

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Look at your anti-virus or anti-malware software first to check if net filtering is enabled. Try killing AVG Shield services and see if the result changes.


Under normal conditions, you'll likely get a CPU spike as a page is initially loaded, but it should settle down to 2/3rd of a poofteenth shortly thereafter. Mine is in the region of 1-2% of CPU when viewing a freshly-loaded PSN Profile, or any other process-intensive webpage for that matter. If I close this browser tab (Invision Power Board, which is more resource-intensive than the Profile page and is eating about 4-6% of CPU), CPU usage for just my Profile page drops to 0.0 to 0.2%.


Chrome is an enormous memory hog, but that's related to grabbing available RAM rather than CPU load. Even then, PSN Profiles is sitting at 235MB of the available 32GB of RAM for 2 browser tabs, whereas a simple Gumtree ad is consuming 547MB.


Long story short - it's not likely to be the PSNP site causing the issue. It's probably AVG filtering, or Chrome pulling a memory leak or other software-based bug. Turn off Internet Shield or whitelist PSNP in AVG, or test in a different browser in case Chrome is shitting itself.

Edited by ant1th3s1s
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Look at your anti-virus or anti-malware software first to check if net filtering is enabled. Try killing AVG Shield services and see if the result changes.


Under normal conditions, you'll likely get a CPU spike as a page is initially loaded, but it should settle down to 2/3rd of a poofteenth shortly thereafter. Mine is in the region of 1-2% of CPU when viewing a freshly-loaded PSN Profile, or any other process-intensive webpage for that matter. If I close this browser tab (Invision Power Board, which is more resource-intensive than the Profile page and is eating about 4-6% of CPU), CPU usage for just my Profile page drops to 0.0 to 0.2%.


Chrome is an enormous memory hog, but that's related to grabbing available RAM rather than CPU load. Even then, PSN Profiles is sitting at 235MB of the available 32GB of RAM for 2 browser tabs, whereas a simple Gumtree ad is consuming 547MB.


Long story short - it's not likely to be the PSNP site causing the issue. It's probably AVG filtering, or Chrome pulling a memory leak or other software-based bug. Turn off Internet Shield or whitelist PSNP in AVG, or test in a different browser in case Chrome is shitting itself.


I deinstalled AVG, since i couldn't turn off the shield (i use the free version) Anyway that didn't change anything. Altough when i used IE as a browser, the CPU usage dropped to 5-10% isntead of 20% so i guess the problem lies with chrome...

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I don't have AVG, and the same thing happens to me, but only when it's the active window. I always just assumed it was a resource heavy page, because of everything going on.


Could be plugins. Try disabling them and see if the load dissipates. Or try using a clean install of Safari, Firefox or Opera and see if the CPU / RAM load is the same.


Chrome has gone to shit - before I ditched it as my primary browser, I would frequently see it hogging 10+GB of RAM for no other reason than the RAM was there to be used. Some browser tabs would be at 1+GB in Chrome, whereas the same tab in Safari is less than 100MB of RAM.


Chrome also crashes a lot more than other browsers of late. Get rid of it.

on PS3 Browser also and PS3 Browser is quite weak so uCan imagine how it is on here

 The PS3 web browser is an ancient version of Internet Explorer in a different shell. It shouldn't matter what site you're on, it's going to be crapola.

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Could be plugins. Try disabling them and see if the load dissipates. Or try using a clean install of Safari, Firefox or Opera and see if the CPU / RAM load is the same.


Chrome has gone to shit - before I ditched it as my primary browser, I would frequently see it hogging 10+GB of RAM for no other reason than the RAM was there to be used. Some browser tabs would be at 1+GB in Chrome, whereas the same tab in Safari is less than 100MB of RAM.


Chrome also crashes a lot more than other browsers of late. Get rid of it.

 The PS3 web browser is an ancient version of Internet Explorer in a different shell. It shouldn't matter what site you're on, it's going to be crapola.


I don't use plugins, and I just did a clean install about a week ago after a virus decided to wreck everything.

Chrome always works better than Firefox for me, and it's never crashed for me before, so I'm perfectly happy with it. The higher load while on the page isn't a big deal to me, just wanted to point out that it's not just happening to the OP, and it's not because of AVG.

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Could be plugins. Try disabling them and see if the load dissipates. Or try using a clean install of Safari, Firefox or Opera and see if the CPU / RAM load is the same.


Chrome has gone to shit - before I ditched it as my primary browser, I would frequently see it hogging 10+GB of RAM for no other reason than the RAM was there to be used. Some browser tabs would be at 1+GB in Chrome, whereas the same tab in Safari is less than 100MB of RAM.


Chrome also crashes a lot more than other browsers of late. Get rid of it.

 The PS3 web browser is an ancient version of Internet Explorer in a different shell. It shouldn't matter what site you're on, it's going to be crapola.


Thank you, preach it to the choir! What are you using? I'm thinking of going Safari for day to day usage, wise choice or not? 

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Thank you, preach it to the choir! What are you using? I'm thinking of going Safari for day to day usage, wise choice or not? 


I'm using Safari these days. It's faster, more stable and less resource-intensive.


Most of us use multiple web browsers, so Chrome will still have its place, primarily for testing websites for work. It's just not what it used to be...

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So lately i have noticed, whenever i go to anyone's profiles page (where you can see your trophies) that psnp demands quite alot of CPU performance. I know task manager isn't the most precise tool but i've tested this many times, with different profiles aswell.




I'm just wondering if i'm the only one where this happens, and if it is normal, why exaclty does psnp demand so much CPU performance. A webpage shouldn't really be that performance heavy. 


And before you ask my CPU: i7-4710HQ 2.50GHz.


Anti is correct, I think Chrome is hogging too much performance.  Just tried it and it came up with round 3.4% used four times.

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I don't use plugins, and I just did a clean install about a week ago after a virus decided to wreck everything.

Chrome always works better than Firefox for me, and it's never crashed for me before, so I'm perfectly happy with it. The higher load while on the page isn't a big deal to me, just wanted to point out that it's not just happening to the OP, and it's not because of AVG.


Firefox isn't great either, but the purpose is simply to test if the same thing is happening in another web browser.

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I'm using Safari these days. It's faster, more stable and less resource-intensive.


Most of us use multiple web browsers, so Chrome will still have its place, primarily for testing websites for work. It's just not what it used to be...


Thanks, I'll download it now. So is the mobile version affected with this problem or just the desktop?

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Thanks, I'll download it now. So is the mobile version affected with this problem or just the desktop?


I could be wrong, but I think all iOS web browsers are based on Safari, including the mobile version of Chrome. Apple didn't want to expose system-level stuff that could be exploited by nefarious individuals, so they locked all other browsers into the Safari core. I don't know about Android.


Also, mobile devices handle memory different to desktop computers. Only the tab in focus is given system resources.

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