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Can someone tell me about every Hyperdimension Neptunia?


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Noire: ... hahaha, Neptune is now weak, I will defeat here and  ....  she is nicer than I thought and my only friend... *joins party*


Ok thats not 100% correct!  she has alot of friends , tons of friends . And she is the secret main character.  Dont want to spoiler but Noire is the only true goddess .....


Hyperdimension Neptunia... (for me its .. Hyperdimension Noire (ps3)) is very good but is hard and grindy , heal system is little bit annoying and tricky but not that bad than everyone say.   HN mk2 is nice too but neps little sister is always saying "sorry this sorry that" , focus on UNI in that game , little sis of mighty goddess Noire .    HN V  is nice too. Funny story .   All 3 rebirth Titles are great .  rebirth 1 is almost same story , but way better gameplay.  rebirth 2 is not much diffrent to mk2 on ps3 , just Nisa and gust are not in rebirth 2 .   


Hyperdevotion Noire is a Strategy RPG.  Great game , much love for Noire . !  HN: U is action game like dynasty warriors , i dont have it yet .  and last but not least  HN: PP -> some idol sim game . not best but great for hardcore fans.

If you really want to start with HN you should start with Rebirth 1 .... and if you love the serie you can play the original first one too. because there are so many unique jokes =) .


and dont forget . Black heart (Noire) is the only true goddess.

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Yes, my beloved NepJr is full of worries, but she totally is cute and a great Maincharacter too. ^_^


She also makes for a decent card in Monster Monpiece, but too much clothing...


*picture not included, you will have to search for them yourself*

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I'm fairly certain someone I watched play the game on twitch had it. After a little bit of googling, I believe it's a rather special card indeed.










Please do not mislead our Nep =)

She's not rare. You obtain her in the first chapter.

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jep.   Nepgear looks way older than neptune . (she is way mature and more clever than her older sister , but thats not hard ... every one is more mature and clever than nepnep..)



and thats Noire with her little sis , both cute and clever ;):


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Ahahaha. ^_^

Sure thing buddyyyy. And because EVERYONE is more mature and intelligent than me, there is so much hate, egoism, aggression, brutality, hate and war in this world. Because egoism and hate is much mature, very clever, wow! ^_^



seriously, I never liked Noire that much, but since PP I even dont understand why anyone does like her.

Or why people like it to get rejected by such an ultrabitchy person... Society is way too superficial, buddyy ^_^

Edited by Neputyunu
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Ahahaha. ^_^

Sure thing buddyyyy. And because EVERYONE is more mature and intelligent than me, there is so much hate, egoism, aggression, brutality, hate and war in this world. Because egoism and hate is much mature, very clever, wow! ^_^



seriously, I never liked Noire that much, but since PP I even dont understand why anyone does like her.

Or why people like it to get rejected by such an ultrabitchy person... Society is way too superficial, buddyy ^_^


Wow thats .... ultra mean.....

Just because you cant see her love inside her heart you say bad thinks about noire.  She has diffrent ways to show it. ...

i leave now! ..... thats ... just ... not okey ...

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Wow thats .... ultra mean.....

i leave now! ..... thats ... just ... not okey ...



Dont worry, LonelyHeart-Buddyyy. Im here for you, as your totally only friend. ^_^

(btw.. you said bad things, you meanie! o_o)




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Huh? It's clearly Neptune and she becomes Purple Heart when you rub her....


Yeah, but NepJr is how Neptune calls Nepgear. :P


Yes, my beloved NepJr is full of worries, but she totally is cute and a great Maincharacter too.  ^_^


She also makes for a decent card in Monster Monpiece, but too much clothing...

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seriously, I never liked Noire that much, but since PP I even dont understand why anyone does like her.

Or why people like it to get rejected by such an ultrabitchy person... Society is way too superficial, buddyy ^_^

Well... because she's tsundere.

But Hyperdevotion does make her kawaiiable =D


Yahoo, Plue, my superawesome and totally the best buddyyy in the world! ^_^ *cuddle*

Our buddyness level is so craparonie high, that my beloved Juniorsister is jealous about it... o_o


That post meant that Plue is the best shujinkou in Nep world ;)

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I'm literally confused! :)

You aren't. You just don't read correctly.


Refer to this post of yours:


I'm fairly certain someone I watched play the game on twitch had it. After a little bit of googling, I believe it's a rather special card indeed.





You are quoting post where "Nepgear" is explicitly mentioned.



And NepJr = Nepgear

Nep = Neptune

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