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Ex's Art Stash


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I'm a bit of an amateur artist, and have had some trouble consistently drawing lately. So, I thought I'd post here, in the hopes that it will help push me to draw more. 


My scanner recently broke, so my most recent sketches are just pictures I took with my phone. Pretty ghetto, but it's had to do until I get the money for a new scanner.


Each section is in order from most recent, to oldest.




Samus Aran


I wanted to draw a chick with a gun, so I thought, why not Samus?


Almost Random Girl


This is just a sketch I did one day while experimenting with a couple of different styles.





This one was from a set of pictures I did. One of them is below, with basic colors, but I've long since lost the other ones. My scanner at the time wasn't very big, so I had to frankenstein the foot on the bottom, haha.



Claire Winters



This is a character I like to play around with in different styles. Here, I was working on a more standard comic book style. The character was originally based on Summer Glau and Jenny Lewis.






This is some fanart of Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt. I actually kind of like how the sketch turned out. I tried coloring it, but it turned out looking like a bit of a trainwreck.






This is a sketch I did for a friend of mine of Nero from Devil May Cry 4. I originally wanted his demon arm in the picture, but it was way too hard for me to draw, and always came out looking horrible, so I ended up taking it out.






This is a concept design for a comic my old roommate and I was working on. I would still really like to one day actually do the comic, but I don't feel like I'm good enough of an artist to do it justice.



Racer Rosalina



I saw Rosalina's suit in Mario Kart, and was like, Haaawwwt. So I decided to make this.






This is the main character for a game I've been working on since High School. Originally, she was actually a he. But after seeing the lack of strong woman characters in video games, I decide to change him to her. I'm also considering making her black, but I'm still not sure yet. I'm also afraid that it would be too much of a shock for people to not just have a strong female lead, but a strong black female lead.






A colored sketch from a set of Makoto drawings I did.





This is a piece I did for a contest. One where you were supposed to draw one of the characters from BBS using a command style finisher. So, I did this. Looking at it now, it's a bit rough. But I was really proud of it at the time.






I made this for a contest on deviantart waaaay back when The World Ends With You was coming out. The idea was to design a character for the WEWY world. This wasn't a character I created just for the contest though. This is the male version of Tsubaki. Although, he did originally have a drastically different look(it looked a lot like Tsubaki's), and I changed it up quite a bit for the contest. For some reason, I still really like this.

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Thanks everyone. I'll be sure to post more as I make it. I'm about to order a new scanner so that I can start coloring again, without having to do everything digitally.


The coloured pieces are nice but you should look into line weights to help your work gain depth

I know, my coloring is garbage. I'd make it better if I could, but I'm color blind, so I can't really do more than 3 colors.  I simply can't see the gradients and blending correctly. My eyes constantly switch back and forth between colors while I'm working, and it hurts my eyes and my head. I've looked through many tutorials and everything, but in all of the tutorials, it all looks like they're doing nothing, until suddenly it's completely different, because I can't see the light brushing or blending. That's why I primarily stick to cel shading when I color. In the Rosalina one, I tried using some softer brushes to give more depth, but I have no idea if it worked or not, or how it actually looks. To me, it looks mostly cel shaded like normal.

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Thanks everyone. I'll be sure to post more as I make it. I'm about to order a new scanner so that I can start coloring again, without having to do everything digitally.


I know, my coloring is garbage. I'd make it better if I could, but I'm color blind, so I can't really do more than 3 colors.  I simply can't see the gradients and blending correctly. My eyes constantly switch back and forth between colors while I'm working, and it hurts my eyes and my head. I've looked through many tutorials and everything, but in all of the tutorials, it all looks like they're doing nothing, until suddenly it's completely different, because I can't see the light brushing or blending. That's why I primarily stick to cel shading when I color. In the Rosalina one, I tried using some softer brushes to give more depth, but I have no idea if it worked or not, or how it actually looks. To me, it looks mostly cel shaded like normal.

No the colours are good its just the flat inked bits. Having different line weights will help bring to another level. Look into it

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