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Hello everyone, been on the site for a short time now and mainly just lurked about, so figured it's about time I try get a little active.

So I'm 25, name's Dez, been playing games as long as I can remember, and recently started trophy hunting, only problem is I have a tendancy to shelf a game when I get a new one. Really need to stop that and dig in and finish a game first, haha.

A pretty chilled, laid back guy, besides games I enjoy hanging out, having a drink on the weekend, anime, manga, movies, music, the usual.


Yeah, I guess that should do for the time being, so again, hello everyone, hope to meet some new people and make some new friendos.


Catch ya's.


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Hey, thanks for the warm welcomes everyone. :)


@Zadorvp - Oww is it? Cool, never knew that. Rawr! I'm a shark! :P



@WhiteWalls7 - Haha, then lets do our best to break that bad habbit. Yeah, just got the Handsome Jack collection and been playing through BL2 again, been a lot of fun. :)


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Hello everyone, been on the site for a short time now and mainly just lurked about, so figured it's about time I try get a little active.

So I'm 25, name's Dez, been playing games as long as I can remember, and recently started trophy hunting, only problem is I have a tendancy to shelf a game when I get a new one. Really need to stop that and dig in and finish a game first, haha.

A pretty chilled, laid back guy, besides games I enjoy hanging out, having a drink on the weekend, anime, manga, movies, music, the usual.


Yeah, I guess that should do for the time being, so again, hello everyone, hope to meet some new people and make some new friendos.


Catch ya's.


Welcome to the forums. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here!

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