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Are the servers still up?


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So i saw the physical version (new) for like 5 bucks but the only thing that kept me from buying it was this thing because as a lot psplus suscribers i got the story mode for free, so if anyone has the game and can tell me is the online is online that will be awesome

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  • 1 month later...

Did you ever buy it? If so, did you have problems claiming your online pass? I just bought a copy a couple of weeks ago for $5, from an Amazon seller. Code didn't work, and PlayStation Support told me it was expired. I asked if I would have to buy it from the Store, or if there was a way to get a code reissued, and he sent me an email with some instructions. 


Sent pictures of my receipt and code, as instructed. But they just came back yesterday, with they can't issue me a new code.. No reason why, just simply they can't. 


Guessing my only option here is to buy the pass, if I want to play online? But yeah, fair warning, if you go to buy a cheap, new copy in the U.S. If the codes are all expired, it's not any better than buying a used one.

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  • 4 months later...

Im scared the servers are going to go down before i can platinum the game I'm not that good at multiplayer games but with this I've tried to get a lot of the multiplayer trophies and got all the single player ones, Ive never really played any other multiplayer games before and enjoyed it so much but now the last couple of trophies i need to get seem like they are going to take really long to get with out help, i dont know how I'm going to get these cause they seem impossible for me, rear gunner and hat trick and especially lone wolf :( :0

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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, DamagingRob said:

Whoa, I missed that. Might as well get it, so I can actually play the multiplayer.


Yeah thats why need to see if its even alive. Heard its really fun but in mp.

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1 hour ago, ERGOPROXY-DECAY said:

Yeah thats why need to see if its even alive. Heard its really fun but in mp.

Not gonna lie, I'd mostly be doing it for the online trophies, in the hopes I can obtain the Plat. :/ But yeah, it might be fun. I usually lose interest in any online multiplayer pretty quick, when playing with randoms, though.. 

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23 hours ago, ERGOPROXY-DECAY said:

it is atm $1.49 on PSSTORE with plus. Is servers dead?


There's people playing, but not a lot. It's mostly die-hard fans playing. So if you want the plat, which is still obtainable you will need to boost otherwise the plat is gonna take ages. I currently have 1 MP trophy left, which is a pain cause nobody is ever boosting, and the people playing legit are crazy good so you can barely get any kills. 

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40 minutes ago, Rawanz said:


There's people playing, but not a lot. It's mostly die-hard fans playing. So if you want the plat, which is still obtainable you will need to boost otherwise the plat is gonna take ages. I currently have 1 MP trophy left, which is a pain cause nobody is ever boosting, and the people playing legit are crazy good so you can barely get any kills. 

Dang. Ok. Thxs for the headsup. Seems like its a good game. But so mp oriented.

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