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Bad thing to do to the person above


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Lol. Well he's taught me well. Lol.


O.T I'd scratch your face off.

I see the Cat is enjoying this thread,  :D


Got  :ninja:  :ninja:  :ninja:  :ninja:  :ninja:


OT: Serving you Crappy Mexican food that made by Americans with no taste and no peppers.  xD

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have you seen a Clockwork Orange movie?, well, the same, but you would be watching anime, cute anime xD




arrggh ninja'ed



I will contract a pro-ninja to get ninja'ed too xD

I love Clockwork Orange. one of my favorite movies.. 



OT: Take a sharpie marker to your avatar..  

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I'll make you a waiter for a special restaurant where every customer is Jar Jar Binks. ''Meesa want the soup, meesa want a coffee!'' ''Hey, you-sa! Waiter stop-pa dere! Letta me tell you about my day. Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Mesa fell in puddle, nearly drowned Mesa gettin' very very scared!''


You'll be insane by the time your shift is over.

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Nooo! :o Though your's get worse where you just now eating dinner where you thought you was eating beacon but all of a sudden there was something wrong with the beacon and that is monkey poop. Now you will be sick for at least two weeks. Poor you. :(

Monkey Guano. Mmmmm.. Cast iron stomach. Ha ha. 




 Stuck with no food but your with a group of people that cant digest corn.. You have the only option to pick them out.. 


 Dont get gross.. Im a Master at Grossolgy. :D

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