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Introduction: Nearly 3 Years Late


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So the title says it all: I have been on this site for nearly three years but have never joined the forums or really posted anything. I thought that I would like to change this, and get to know some people on here, as it seems to be a very popular forum site for all news and things gaming and also personal life as well. 


I really love playing video games but there is a catch: I am an avid trophy hunter and love those shining little trophies. Aside from that I am a normal guy, working full-time and going to school part-time to try and get my degree all while quenching my thirst for games. In the little extra time I have after all of that I really enjoy movies, especially James Bond. 


Well that is it for my introduction, I would like to know a little about all the other people on this forum, so reply!

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Well I mean if you really wanna know about me..I'm a serial murderer who has one body hiding in every state, first one to find them all wins a brand new car!!..so op..do you have what it takes to win this amazing race..I welcome you

What kinda car are we talking here? Haha

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Welcome to the forums! I, too, hid in the shadows for some time before gracing the forums with my magnificent presence.


Anyway, here's your complimentary cup of tea  :coffee:


I would say there will be someone along to give you the tour but it sounds like you know where everything is already. Enjoy your stay!

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