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Chess Adventure Mode


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Has anyone been able to beat the second to last level? I've been trying for a few days now and can't seem to beat the challenge. This AI is like always two steps ahead of me. grrrrrr



Edit: Nevermind. Just finally gave up and looked for a chess app that was able to help. Feel a little guilty "cheating" but I wanted to get it done.

Edited by the_couchster
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On 3/14/2017 at 2:30 AM, neobowler said:

Can I ask what chess app you used? Every one I find, the AI still beats me!


On 7/18/2017 at 0:20 PM, SgtAscot said:

Yes! Please! Let us know which software you used to beat that level. I've tried 5 different programs and they all fail to beat the PS3 even when they are set to the most advanced difficulty.

Sorry guys for the late replies. Was never notified because I wasn't following the thread and neither of you quoted me so never saw this. 


I reviewed all my app downloads but nothing shows up. My browser history doesn't have anything that far ago. I checked my trophy checklist and didn't mention what app finally helped me get through it. 


All I can remember is using like 3 or 4 different ones at the same time. One of them had one small difference in the later stages and after making that one move, was able to beat those levels. I can redl the game after work and see if it comes back to me but I can't make any promises. 

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  • 6 years later...

I can't believe how hard this actually is, even when using a chess solver. I'm on the third level of the second to last world for a week now and tried so many diffrent solvers, but none of them lead me to victory. Surely that means that these levels have been designed in such a way that the player can never win unless the AI makes a mistake somehow. If anyone is playing this and has more luck, I'd love to hear it!

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6 hours ago, Prometheous101 said:

I never played this game, but NextChessMove works if its played on a standard board.

Its the most customisable chess move helper.



I have tried the level I am stuck on at least 10 times with this site, but still lose every time.
Even started the free trial for the PRO version on here ans still no luck :P


The game is normal chess, but instead of starting with a full board you basically start a game in progress (every level always has the same start layout) and with less remaining pieces than the AI. I need 3 more levels before I am done, but the one I am stuck on feels impossible. Tried 3 different websites so far but none of them can beat the Vita AI :P 


Hopefully I will have more luck with the website mentioned by @EqualityEarth, will try it tonight.

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This game is incredibly hard and made me rage for days back then. It’s not like other chess games where you can just use a solver and easily win. One specific level makes you start midway through a game and you are at a HUGE disavantage. It doesn’t matter if you use the best chess engine in the world, you will lose. I eventually got it done using Shredder but the only reason I won is that after MANY games, the AI purposefully did ONE bad move so I could finally beat it. Even then, I had only 2 pieces left to checkmate and had to be really careful not to draw. You’ll basically have to keep trying until the game decides to make a mistake which seems to be basically < 1% odd. Other times it will always do the best possible move and you will either lose or draw

Edited by Thropy_Croissant
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  • 3 months later...

I just managed to complete the second to last level .

I managed it using the ChessBot website and adjusted the “Time to Think” slider to 5 seconds.
As many have already mentioned, it's waiting for the game to make a mistake (in my case I didn't even see the error, but I realized I was cornering my opponent).
But a point that I think is interesting to highlight. I always tried again when I saw that I wasn't going to succeed, but I started to let the game beat me (when I saw that defeat was imminent) and started again, after a few games I managed to win.

I don't know if I can consider it a luck trophy, but rather the probability of winning, which I believe is less than 10%

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