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A very late hello


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I just wanted to introduce myself to the forums, this may be coming a little late now as I've been using this website for almost a year, however I was a little nervous about coming to the forums, I don't know why though because everyone seems so friendly around here. But anyway I'm here now, and saying hello!

So I've been playing games since I was about five on the PS1 and have had many amazing gaming memories over the years. I then got a PS4 and PSvita on Christmas in 2013 and a PS3 on my birthday in 2014. Being a completionist I immediately adored the trophy system and have used this website ever since. By the way, I also play and own a Wii, Wii U and 3DS. And my favourite genres are indie games, JRPGS (although I don't play enough of them.) and any game with an engaging story with lots of twists and turns. And my favourite game series are probably the Dangan Ronpa series and the Zero Escape series.


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Welcome celeste, I'm a big DR and ZE fan as well

Thank you for the welcome :)

And the DR and ZE series are amazing games with great plots and characters, I recommend them to whoever I can

Welcome to the PSNP forums fellow Dangan Ronpa fan, hope that you have an awesome time here!

It's always nice to talk to fellow Dangan Ronpa fans, and thank you for the warm welcome!

Edited by Danny5252
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Welcome!!! :pops champaign: Lets play some jrpgs!!

Side note: Danganronpa was the biggest surprise of the year for me(as far as games), glad others have joined the cult as well :) . Quick shoutout to Emblem for getting me into it!

Edited by Dav9834
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Welcome new comer :D


I'm always glad to see so many people enjoy the wonderful masterpiece that Dangan Ronpa is.

Welcome to the forums. (:


*under breath* Danganronpa is aight xD

Edited by Demigod
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Thank you all you guys for the warm welcome. I had no idea so many people would come to say hello! :)

I'm always glad to see so many people enjoy the wonderful masterpiece that Dangan Ronpa is.

Welcome to the forums. (:

Welcome!!! :pops champaign: Lets play some jrpgs!!

Side note: Danganronpa was the biggest surprise of the year for me(as far as games), glad others have joined the cult as well :) . Quick shoutout to Emblem for getting me into it!

And I'm so glad to see so many people love Dangan Ronpa. And I definitely need to play some more JRPGS ;)

A warm welcome to PSNp Danny ! :wave:

The welcomming gift you ordered in my shop is waiting for you to be collected ;) !

I've just seen it now, and it's perfect. Thank you so much! Edited by Danny5252
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welcome to the forums, hope to see you posting around here a lot :) yes indeed the community is very friendly.

nice trophy collection you got there. keep it up ^.~

Thank you for the compliment :) and the community is extremely friendly indeed

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Welcome to the forums. Always cool to see a fellow DanganRonpa and Zero Escape fan. :highfive:

Btw, I'd recommend checking out the Infinity series (Never7, Ever17 & Remember11.) If you enjoyed 999 and VLR those games will be right up your alley.

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Welcome to the forums. Always cool to see a fellow DanganRonpa and Zero Escape fan. :highfive:

Btw, I'd recommend checking out the Infinity series (Never7, Ever17 & Remember11.) If you enjoyed 999 and VLR those games will be right up your alley.

Ahhh, yeah, I just had an initial glance at them, they seem like they have the same kind of in depth, twisty story that I loved in DR and ZE. I'll definitely keep them in mind. Thanks for the suggestion :)

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