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Hello I'm Kayo


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Hello everyone,


I started gaming on PC and the good old GameBoy Brick. I followed through the console generations always optimistic and starting with a Nintendo system, eventually switching to Microsoft, and inevitably picking up the Sony option. I wised up and will be getting a PS4 first, but for now I spend most of my gametime on my PS3. I spent a few years achievement hunting and about a year ago I decided to get serious about my trophy collection too (I think it was Kingdom Hearts that set me off).


I joined the site back in January and I've seen (after lurking for a while) that you guys have a real positive and awesome community here. Trophies/achievements have always been a rather solitary thing for me, but I'm hoping to change that! I like most types of games, but special shoutout must go to RPGs, action/adventure/platforming types, and most recently horror games (Dead Space is to blame).


Besides gaming, I really love reading and writing. My favorite suspiciously specific genres are classic sci-fi (80s and earlier), urban fantasy (aka elf-punk), and Russian classics. Also, I always have an audiobook on queued up for when a game gets to a grindy bit. Almost forgot about comics, but I love me some comics.


I also like anime, but it has been a few years since I watched anything subbed or anything. Mostly anymore I catch what's on Netflix. That's about it for now, any other bio stuff I'll update in my profile. Hope to talk to all of you around the forum. ^_^



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Writing éh ? :) Have you released any works so far (be it offically or just threw something on the net) ? I love reading fiction so don't hesitate to share your stuff :)

Oh, but where are my manners, a warm welcome to PSNp Kayo !! :wave:

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Thanks Humonic, DarKNesS_X, and revvie11. I'm glad the site got back up so quick, I was worried when I couldn't get on over the weekend.


Writing éh ? :) Have you released any works so far (be it offically or just threw something on the net) ? I love reading fiction so don't hesitate to share your stuff :)

Oh, but where are my manners, a warm welcome to PSNp Kayo !! :wave:


I haven't really put anything out there. At the moment it's something I do just to entertain myself and a few of the guys I play DnD with.

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No problem :)


I haven't really put anything out there. At the moment it's something I do just to entertain myself and a few of the guys I play DnD with.


And I see... Well anyway if you feel comfy about sharing something be sure to let me know ok ? :) I'll happily give it a read !

And good luck ! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Kyomi and Superbuu. I'm having a great time already.


Hi welcome to the site , I like your name ... I know u said writing but as for books ready player one is a good sci fi gamerish book. With a retro influence , your intro just made me think of that book. :)


I love Ready Player One! My copy is all marked up with all the pop culture references so I could look them up. I'm not sure which I enjoyed more, reading it or listening to Wil Wheaton read it.

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Thanks Kyomi and Superbuu. I'm having a great time already.



I love Ready Player One! My copy is all marked up with all the pop culture references so I could look them up. I'm not sure which I enjoyed more, reading it or listening to Wil Wheaton read it.


aww thats awesome , you have just gone up in my book :P. I keep trying to force that book on people lol.

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aww thats awesome , you have just gone up in my book :P. I keep trying to force that book on people lol.


Have you seen that Ernest Cline has a new book out next month? It's called Armada and it looks to be in much the same vein as RPO. I'm super excited for it.

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Thanks for the welcomes Nebulatek, Venocide, and Dark Mark.


And special thanks to OnePieceDude for my own personal rap:


Ay, ayo, hey my name is Kayo! Can I get cheese with extra lettuce and tomatoes?


The Kayo rap, patent pending. 


This made me crack up. The people at my old work used to switch my name into Snow(Hey Oh) whenever it came on and your rap reminded me of that. lol

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