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I'm not really new to this website, but I'm not really active, thinking of being more active on this website now. So I'll just introduce myself, haha.

I'm Dreww, From New york city, Love anime and gaming. I edit AMVS could check them out here.


I'm pretty friendly and out going, hopefully meet some cool peoples here. Thanks for reading this! Question tho... how active is this website? o:


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Welcome to the site. :)


The community is really active. There was a hardware failure this past weekend and in the twelve hours after it came back up, there was a constant 300-500 consecutive users online. There's also a pretty active anime community on here who would appreciate your Lucy avatar. 99.99% of the people on the site are amazing people and the .01% who aren't are easily blockable here.


Enjoy your time here! :D

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Welcome to the site. :)


 There's also a pretty active anime community on here who would appreciate your Lucy avatar.



haha lucy is awesome! That's great to know. Thanks everyone for the reply and the warm welcome! I think i'll stick around and try to be as active as I can. My friend got me to this website so gotta give it a try. But thank you. :)

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Hai hai! panda-emoticon-46.gif?1292863515 and welcome... hope to see you moar in threads (esp in anime related threads :P) in this very very active community ^_^

haha I'll try to find them and be active! Thank you!



Welcome to PSNProfiles :yay: :yay: :yay:

Thank you! :D

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