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Been on this site for a little while but just posted on the Forum for the first time today. 


I love all types of games. 

Oblivion & Skyrim

Older Resident Evil games

Mass Effect Series 

Gran Turismo Series 


More recently I've discovered the "DanganRonpa" games which are now on my favorites list. Currently been playing "The Crew" which is more fun than I expected it to be. 



I'm more of a casual gamer and don't have a ton of time to play. I've been becoming more interested in trophy hunting lately which is why I'm here. I'm going back through some games and picking up easy trophies I've missed. Also, just got my first plat recently! Pretty excited about that. 


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Welcome to the site. :)


Casual or trophy hunter, all are welcome here. I personally like competing with myself more than with others. This site is a perfect way to track my progress.


The community is really friendly here too.


Hope yinz enjoy your time here. :D (I'm from the philly area. I hope I used your pittsburgh slang correctly.)

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hi and welcome panda-emoticon-46.gif?1292863515


first... *high five* grats on your first plat... how about Virtue Last Reward? Planning to continue playing that game? panda-emoticon-44.gif?1292863515


anyway... hope to see more of you in forums/threads... ^_^

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Hey dude I noticed you mentioned you are cleaning up your trophies, and as you want to be more involved with the community, maybe you want to cleanup that Bioshock trophy list, check out this topic here:




maybe a good chance for you to get to know some more people.

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first... *high five* grats on your first plat... how about Virtue Last Reward? Planning to continue playing that game? panda-emoticon-44.gif?1292863515

I see a lot of people recommend it. I haven't spent much time on it but I'll probably grab it again from GameFly. 


Hey dude I noticed you mentioned you are cleaning up your trophies, and as you want to be more involved with the community, maybe you want to cleanup that Bioshock trophy list, check out this topic here:




maybe a good chance for you to get to know some more people.

awesome thanks! I really like Bioshock so it would be a good one to grind out some trophies on. 

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