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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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On the last stretch for Faize

I've already beat gabe 5 times, 10 more gabes to kill I think :hmm: to re-spawn these 3 damn grigori   :spank:

Then back to the WD with Lymle, Bacchus, Sarah and Meracle this weekend :angel:

Hope everyone is having a good adventure  in the ocean of stars



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On the last stretch for Faize

I've already beat gabe 5 times, 10 more gabes to kill I think :hmm: to re-spawn these 3 damn grigori   :spank:

Then back to the WD with Lymle, Bacchus, Sarah and Meracle this weekend :angel:

Hope everyone is having a good adventure  in the ocean of stars




Nice work :yay:.

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I have decided to play farm simulator 2015 after star ocean 4 xD

when you start the 55 grigori kills, you'll totally understand :blink:


60k kill grind = Watch anime and mindless R2 mashing :D

55 Grigori = the same maze over and over

hoping today I'll be done then 2 Bt's left for faize

EDIT- 55 are Dead B) well done Faize and the crew



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Congrats, that's the BT I hate the most! Especially when those huge Spriggans get in my way.

gamefaqs guy was right I was about to slam my head to bewilderment , damn those spriggans :shakefist:


Thanks Tales and Dragon ^_^


Saturday = EQ


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Ethereal Queen is slayed and Faize is Complete here's my progress since awhile ago

After Dead Space I'll be killing a lot with Arumat and Edge

I'll post a video of my battle with Ethereal Queen soon, I haven't fought her in quite a few years, it took 9 minutes with quite a few fumbles and mistakes


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Ethereal Queen is slayed and Faize is Complete here's my progress since awhile ago

After Dead Space I'll be killing a lot with Arumat and Edge

I'll post a video of my battle with Ethereal Queen soon, I haven't fought her in quite a few years, it took 9 minutes with a quite a few fumbles and mistakes


Awesome, congrats :yay:. I like the image :D.

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More battle trophies, this time getting Sarah to 100.  Battle trophy total:


Edge: 91

Reimi: 100

Faize: 84

Lymle: 97

Bacchus: 100

Meracle: 100

Sarah: 100

Myuria: 100

Arumat: 96


Battle trophy total: 868/900


Trophy total: 42/47  Main playthrough: 511:28  Faize playthrough: 83:13  Extra playthrough: 41:08

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More battle trophies, this time getting Sarah to 100.  Battle trophy total:


Edge: 91

Reimi: 100

Faize: 84

Lymle: 97

Bacchus: 100

Meracle: 100

Sarah: 100

Myuria: 100

Arumat: 96


Battle trophy total: 868/900


Trophy total: 42/47  Main playthrough: 511:28  Faize playthrough: 83:13  Extra playthrough: 41:08

Nice, you're getting very close to obtaining the plat :yay:.

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Hehe, I hope Star Ocean 5 won't be as crazy as far as trophies are concerned. I hate it when it takes more than 150 hours to get a plat.

Thursday (normally, since it is announced to be released this month and in Japan games are released on Thursday) I will get Star Ocean 2. I know there will be trophies but I really hope there will be a platinum one (not always sure with those stupid PSN only releases).

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