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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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You fight the wolves in Alanaire Citadel (next to Lemuris). Throw a Compact Poison Bomb at them and when they get poisoned let it tick down. Once the HP hits 90 throw another one at them and Poof they die :). Do it to 2 in a row and get both of Bacchus BTs.

Nice :D, is there enough time to throw a poison bomb before the hp gets lower than 90?

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I will ... as soon as I save the galaxy by keeping the Stick of Truth away from the bad guys.

Have fun in Winnipeg :)




EDIT-Some Star Ocean news. Look at that smexy trophy :)




I said when I hit 90% I would take a break and play a different game. I am kind of on a roll so I don't really want to quit, but I also really want to play Kingdoms of Amalur as I picked up the DLC really cheap last week and it has been in my backlog for a while.


So I figure I will plat that and then come back to the last 90 Battle Trophies :o

Edited by Dr_Mayus
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EDIT-Some Star Ocean news. Look at that smexy trophy :)




I said when I hit 90% I would take a break and play a different game. I am kind of on a roll so I don't really want to quit, but I also really want to play Kingdoms of Amalur as I picked up the DLC really cheap last week and it has been in my backlog for a while.


So I figure I will plat that and then come back to the last 90 Battle Trophies :o

Awesome, congrats :yay:. The plat is almost yours.

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So I was going to start Kingdom of Amalur after I got to 90% but I decided to make that my weekend game and decided to try to get a little further in the Wandering Dungeon today. I made it to floor 11 before I realized I have to get up early tomorrow so I backed out to save my game BUT not before earning 5 more BTs :). Since I am now in the Home Stretch I decided to keep myself motivated (and hopefully motivate others) to list which BTs I get as I get them :)


Edge-099: Deal 99,999 points of damage without a weapon

Blew myself up against one of the Grigori's weak points on the 5th or 6th floor :)


Sarah-098: Revive in incapacitated ally 999 times

FINALLY got this. I no longer have to keep switching back to Sarah every time I die now :)


Lymle-031: Obtain 20 Parapsychology item drops

Lymle-077: Obtain two Parapsychology item drops in a row

Meh It is a start :)


Arumat-072: Survive 100 surprise attacks

Meh, I knew this would unlock eventually


If you would like to see the remaining 85 you can here

Edited by Dr_Mayus
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Quest update: Bacchus and Myuria BTs are now at 100%. Now it's time for the real grind to begin. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 88

Reimi - 100

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100

Bacchus - 100 (+22)

Meracle - 100

Sarah - 100

Myuria - 100 (+33)

Arumat - 90

42/47 Trophies - 861/900 Battle Trophies - 312:47 Hours

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Quest update: Bacchus and Myuria BTs are now at 100%. Now it's time for the real grind to begin. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 88

Reimi - 100

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100

Bacchus - 100 (+22)

Meracle - 100

Sarah - 100

Myuria - 100 (+33)

Arumat - 90

42/47 Trophies - 861/900 Battle Trophies - 312:47 Hours

Nice work, added it to the OP.

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Quest update: Bacchus and Myuria BTs are now at 100%. Now it's time for the real grind to begin. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 88

Reimi - 100

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100

Bacchus - 100 (+22)

Meracle - 100

Sarah - 100

Myuria - 100 (+33)

Arumat - 90

42/47 Trophies - 861/900 Battle Trophies - 312:47 Hours

Ooh, very exciting numbers :D Good luck on the final stretch

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Quest update: Bacchus and Myuria BTs are now at 100%. Now it's time for the real grind to begin. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 88

Reimi - 100

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100

Bacchus - 100 (+22)

Meracle - 100

Sarah - 100

Myuria - 100 (+33)

Arumat - 90

42/47 Trophies - 861/900 Battle Trophies - 312:47 Hours


aha wondering where you've been, so close get your mask and kick some ass


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As I am working my way down the last 10% here is the next collection of Battle Trophies I earned :)



089: Defeat 100 enemies with Trinity Blaze

I still have lots of Lymle trophies (more than anyone) so there are a lot of easy and quick ones like this. Was working on killing scumbags so this one unlocked during that.



001: Recover exactly 777 HP

Finally got Sarah's #1 BT :). It was after I levelled her up to 255 I followed the good advice I found here



056: Deal exactly 11,111 points of damage

I hate Exact Damage trophies but at the same time it is fun trying to balance out "one more level, OK now synth a HP Seed onto the armour, OK let us try this and that and this and that" and all the while the damage is 11,112, 11,106, 11,126, and then 11,111 YES YES YES YES



077: Defeat 100 cursed enemies

Another stipulation trophy that I knew would unlock eventually. I mean I have to kill 30000 enemies...100 is kind of a given :P



052: Deal at least 50,000 points of damage

062: Deal at least 70,000 points of damage

074: Deal at least 99,999 points of damage



061: Deal at least 30,000 points of damage
071: Deal at least 50,000 points of damage
089: Deal at least 70,000 Points of damage

098: Deal at least 99,999 points of damage

KABOOM! Yup blow yourself up to get a bunch of easy BTs :)


And as always follow my progress here

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Whew, finally done with the first phase of 7SD - that is, "get the Duplication and Star Dipper". The layout of B7 was a breather compared to the annoyance that is B6. Too bad bloody apes kept raining on my parade. On the bright side, now I can finally play around with item creation, and RNGesus was kind enough to grant me two exact damage trophies for Arumat and all damage trophies for Edge, including 99,999 one (thanks to spaming Raging Strike aganist Barachiel and striking his weak point with it while in Rush Mode).

Update tomorrow. Any tips on power-leveling for Gabriel? Main party in their 110s.

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Whew, finally done with the first phase of 7SD - that is, "get the Duplication and Star Dipper". The layout of B7 was a breather compared to the annoyance that is B6. Too bad bloody apes kept raining on my parade. On the bright side, now I can finally play around with item creation, and RNGesus was kind enough to grant me two exact damage trophies for Arumat and all damage trophies for Edge, including 99,999 one (thanks to spaming Raging Strike aganist Barachiel and striking his weak point with it while in Rush Mode).

Update tomorrow. Any tips on power-leveling for Gabriel? Main party in their 110s.

Way to go :)


Did you also get the 99999 damage without a weapon trophy for Edge?


As for leveling what I did was went for Meracle's drops against the birds on the 2nd floor. You will want Meracle against Gabe anyways so you might as well work on her drops while you do it. Synth some Curry Rice to give you an exp boost and go for it.


Also have you beaten Ashlay yet? You will want to get his Monster Jewel as it really helps with attack/amount of hits

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Whew, finally done with the first phase of 7SD - that is, "get the Duplication and Star Dipper". The layout of B7 was a breather compared to the annoyance that is B6. Too bad bloody apes kept raining on my parade. On the bright side, now I can finally play around with item creation, and RNGesus was kind enough to grant me two exact damage trophies for Arumat and all damage trophies for Edge, including 99,999 one (thanks to spaming Raging Strike aganist Barachiel and striking his weak point with it while in Rush Mode).

Update tomorrow. Any tips on power-leveling for Gabriel? Main party in their 110s.

Awesome, congrats :yay:. I'm still at 7SD while also working on Mirror's Edge. Only need 1 more star for the plat :dance:.

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After a lot of insane calculations I finally got Sarah's 77,777 BT :D FYI DO NOT USE HEALTH SEEDS ON EDGE OR BE PREPARED TO GO NUTS TRYING TO GET THIS


Edge's Battle Trophies-98% (+4)

Faize's Battle Trophies-90% (0)

Reimi's Battle Trophies-98% (+8)

Lymle's Battle Trophies-83% (+8)

Meracle's Battle Trophies-98% (+2)

Bacchus' Battle Trophies-97% (+8)

Myuria's Battle Trophies-83% (+1)

Sarah's Battle Trophies-99% (7)

Arumat's Battle Trophies-92% (+7)



39/47 Trophies  - 838/900 Battle Trophies - I have no idea what my time is. I will calculate it at the end :P

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