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Hello! :)


Gaming History

I started gaming back on the Playstation 2 and the Gamecube. I poured countless hours into Simpsons Hit & Run and of course the Star Wars Battlefront series. On the Gamecube I love Super Smash Bros, that was a great game to play with a few buddies. I also enjoyed Luigi's Mansion, man I remember playing that game with my Mum because I was scared of it haha. Anyway, I then upgraded to a PS3 later in 2008. Another game I poured countless hours into was Modnation Racers, that was also great. I'm pretty sure that was my first ever PS3 game. A few years later I started to play games like Assassin's Creed. The first one in the series I played was Brotherhood which I thoroughly enjoyed, though never completed. :P

I also went through a Call of Duty stage, but that soon wore off after it became repetitve and the same every year they released one. I also had a PSP, and my favourite game for that was Metal Gear Solid Portable OPS after a friend from schol introduced it to me. Was playing it again the other day, and man how I've missed Snake haha. Anyway fastforwarding to November 29th 2013, I attended the midnight launch event to claim my PS4. That's a night I'll never forget, me and my Dad in our hats and scarves stood out in the cold in the queue of GAME. I also picked up Battlefield 4, because I was a massive Battlefield fan back on the PS3. Due to the loss of my PS3/PSP account a while ago I was forced to create a new account about a year ago. I managed to work my way back up to level 100+ on Battlefield again (sad ikr) but I've found that's the only game I play. I feel that Battlefield has gotten old and BF4 was nowhere near as good as BF3 so I've decided to quit the series for now and create a new account and start trophy hunting. Also one of the main reasons for starting a new account is because I've just finished school, and I'm going to be moving onto college, and I didn't want people from school being on my friends list. Best to leave the past where it belongs, right? I really don't have many games for the PS4 so if anybody could recommend me any titles I'd greatly appriciate it! I've heard Final Fantasy is good, so I'll have to look into that. Anyway enough of me rambling, this is probably the longest introduction on the site :facepalm:

My old PSN was JoshA1998 if you'd like to see the trophies I managed to obtain.


PS4 Games Collection

Assassin's Creed Black Flag

Assassin's Creed Unity

Battlefield 4

Far Cry 4

Grand Theft Auto V

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Watch Dogs


This looks like a great community and I hope I can be a part of it! :wave:

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Welcome to psnprofiles.


Have a blast! :wave:



New PSN name?! That's so exciting!! I switched mine too when I became more Completionist focused.


Welcome to the community!



welcome to the forums, good luck with your new profile :D


Thank you all! :D

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