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been on the site for a while now. not really a trophy hunter despite what you see on my profile. i actually play MOST of the games i get from Gamefly on an offline dummy account. just cause you dont see trophies does not mean i have not played it :D .


not a huge fan of AAA titles, while i play a few i mostly prefer the smaller titles that are a bit obscure. My favorite games PS3 gen were Darksiders (series), Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, Akiba's Trip Undead and Undressed (got the PS4 version too), Sword Art Online Lost Song (will get the US PS4 release as well), and Castlevania Lords of Shadows (series).


my PSN name is actually pronounced as an and "X" not a "Z" B) just think "Mixer"


I do not play any game that is in first person only, i am "here" to be a character so i want to see that character. otherwise my taste vary and i will try almost any game once.


i am not very talkative either, i am usually short and to the point the fewer words i can use the better.


do not be afraid to ask me anything. if i know it i will answer it, i am a big fan of helping others.

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i have a degree of OCD, which is why i created the offline dummy account. i find that i always try to get trophies "out of the way" so i tear through a game FAST. BUT when i play on the offline account i take my time and enjoy the game for what it is. :dunno: i am currently playing witcher 3 on my dummy account.

Edited by DarkHarmonixer
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Dragon's Dogma is also one of my more favorite titles. I really need to get back to finishing it off.


great game i have 400+ hrs on my main and over 200 on my alt.



Welcome to the website! Nice collection of platinums you have there. Hope to see you around more often!

been around for a while only started the forums recently, been on gamefaqs since 2001. love the Zeros you have on your sig.

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Don't worry it happens i'm not a trophy hunter either I just play everything.


Anyways welcome to the forum.


I sometimes go by another name, so I feel the need to say this to you "You said it yourself, there are only two sides to your coin."

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Don't worry it happens i'm not a trophy hunter either I just play everything.


Anyways welcome to the forum.


I sometimes go by another name, so I feel the need to say this to you "You said it yourself, there are only two sides to your coin."

Apparently so.  But suppose you throw a coin enough times...

...suppose one day, it lands on its edge.



Welcome :)

thank you

Edited by DarkHarmonixer
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We're bros forever, just had to check you actually played the games and didn't happen to pick up the quote elsewhere :)

One of my favorite series, i still have the original Playstation Magazine poster by Joe Mad of Raziel.


The Reaver was never forged to be a soul-stealing weapon...the ravenous, soul-devouring entity trapped in the blade was – and always had been – me.


The two become one - both Soul Reavers - together - and the Scion of Balance is healed.    And I -- am not your enemy - not your destroyer - I am, as before, your right hand.  Your sword.

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true too bad they canceled that final game "Dark Prophecy" and instead made that MMO.

I'm still debating whether anything new they make could match the earlier games, they'd need an amazing voice cast to match up to the original one and I don't know if those guys would be interested in doing a sequel either. I even bought the soul reaver pack for guardian of light to show my support ot the franchise.

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Michael Bell and Simon Templeman are really old to. TBH i wouldn't mind them releasing enhanced remasters (like they plan to do with FF7) of the game and just expand the lore and put in all the ideas they originally wanted. I'd more than happily buy that and Iknkow a lot of other fans would to.

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