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A Randomly Generated Introduction


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Hello PSNP Community!


My name is Andrew but you can call me by my PSN username of Dead-Sync! To help me get through this introduction (as I'm no great writer), I've enlisted the help of a Random Sentence Generator I found on the internet. Here goes:




I sleep behind the post office.
Do you often swim?
Jackie doesn't jump at the bank.


I just started using the PSNP site a week ago or so, after a stellar recommendation from my friend Dav9834 (check him out, awesome guy and does some amazing work with the Song Vote in the Media area). I have to say: I'm really impressed by the site tools. I usually referred to pstrophies.org for trophy info and guides: what is available here far surpasses that with some really neat statistics tracking and guide tools. Props to the PSNP team and community for leaving a pretty powerful impression on me.


Speaking about the community, that's why I'm here! As life goes on, my freedom to play games has fluctuated as life tends to get in the way from time to time. That said, I can usually find some time to pop in and contribute to some sort of discussion community. I've heard (and now seen) GREAT things about how friendly the community is here, and I'm excited to be a part of that, discussing something we all love: the world of games! That, and many other things too.


I am actually relatively new to the PlayStation community. I had never owned a PlayStation device until the PS4 which I got at launch. Previously I owned an Xbox 360 and made the switch on the recent generation (like so many others). As for me I go by my PSN handle of Dead-Sync, I live in the United States, and have a career in video editing and filming for news (so if anyone ever has question on video editing or production I hope I can be of help to you!)


Anyways I look forward to meeting and speaking with many of you!


Those bus drivers found the box empty.
Connie's husband found the box empty.
I called him "the guard".




Hm...that's weird how oddly specific the random sentence generator got in the middle there...oh well...

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I just started using the PSNP site a week ago or so, after a stellar recommendation from my friend Dav9834 (check him out, awesome guy and does some amazing work with the Song Vote in the Media area). 

It's always nice to meet a friend of Dav, welcome to PSNP :highfive:. Hope you like it as much as we do.


Here's somthing to help you get familiar with some of the features: https://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/8202-new-forum-members-please-read/

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Welcome to the forum hope you like it here, everyone loves dave so as one of his friends i'm sure you'll get along with everyone.

Thanks Superbuu! He is a cool guy for sure!


Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here ^_^ it's cool that you're in the media production industry, I've been looking into that recently

Thanks Akira! I'm sure I will (already 2 posts more friendlier than most forums haha). That's neat you're into media production! It's a such a big field, what part of it are you interested in?

It's always nice to meet a friend of Dav, welcome to PSNP :highfive:. Hope you like it as much as we do.


Here's somthing to help you get familiar with some of the features: https://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/8202-new-forum-members-please-read/

Haha, I'm coming to learn he's quite the legend here! (Rightfully so)  :)

Thanks for the link! I'll definitely check it out, I'm bumping into cool features left and right so it will be useful to have a reference for a newbie like me.

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Thanks Akira! I'm sure I will (already 2 posts more friendlier than most forums haha). That's neat you're into media production! It's a such a big field, what part of it are you interested in?

I agree, it's rare that you'll find such a friendly corner of the internet :P

I'm not sure yet, used to be film production but game design is also appealing. I did a college course recently (different to the American version of college) that studied the industry as a whole, but I have a place on a game design one this September.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.

Sincerely, Lorem ipsum.

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I agree, it's rare that you'll find such a friendly corner of the internet :P

I'm not sure yet, used to be film production but game design is also appealing. I did a college course recently (different to the American version of college) that studied the industry as a whole, but I have a place on a game design one this September.

Awesome! Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll have a blast. It's interesting because there's a lot of merging between the two fields now, obviously with things like social media, streaming, Machinima, and even all of the tools Valve and some other developers have been coming up with regarding game-engine based video editing.


In learning how Naughty Dog made The Last of Us, it's impressive how much filmography techniques they used in their storytelling (blocking out shots, setting digital apertures and fields of view) - that careful consideration of cinematography is probably a reason why it's considered one of the best games and stories around!



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.

Sincerely, Lorem ipsum.

Someone really needs to drop a beat and rap to this. Surprised it hasn't happened yet

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Haha, I'm coming to learn he's quite the legend here! (Rightfully so)  :)

Thanks for the link! I'll definitely check it out, I'm bumping into cool features left and right so it will be useful to have a reference for a newbie like me.

Yeah, he's always coming up with ways to improve the song vote. No problem, I figured all these features might be a bit overwhelming when you're new.


Also now I know why your username is so familiar, I've seen it in this thread.

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Yeah, he's always coming up with ways to improve the song vote. No problem, I figured all these features might be a bit overwhelming when you're new.


Also now I know why your username is so familiar, I've seen it in this thread.

Haha yeah Dave was speaking about signing me up. LOVE me some Rocket League (what a game #amirite) haha.

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You'll have no problem fitting in here. The community is lovely and it is very diverse. How are you liking the PS4, seeing as it's your first PlayStation console?  Also.. Welcome! :)

Thanks Ruliya and Junko!


I'm loving the PS4. What made me switch was my concern of the X1's bells and whistles - I didn't need a cable box pass through, I wanted the best gaming experience. I think Sony's proven themselves with their ability to back great GAMES, have some amazing 1st party studios. I fortunately got to play Uncharted 1 - 3 on my roomates PS3 back in the day. Even as a 360 owner then those were some of my favorite games. Naturally, I was floored when I played The Last of Us on PS4.


The system itself is quite good. Visually stunning. I think the UI and feature set can expand, but Im ok with that happening over time. That and Im sure PSN can use some further stability upgrades.


What I am happy with is Sony is putting their money behind good games. The fact that they went out of their way to stand behind No Mans Sky (a wildly ambitious title), and pushed for hidden gems such as Rocket League, are examples of proof to me that I made the right decision. Sure, the hardware is a bit better, but the direction Sony heads with their games I feel is the best investment they make and Im glad I went with that!

Edited by Dead-Sync
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Awwww, I was the only person not to be quoted when responded to. *sadface* 


Hope you have an awesome time here :)


Awwww, I was the only person not to be quoted when responded to. *sadface* 


Hope you have an awesome time here :)


WOW! I am SUCH a jerk!!! There we go, made up for it. I hope this is a satisfactory reparation for you!

Thanks! I'd say I'm having a great time so far!



Oh and PS. I saw your profile and list of games to complete. You have quite a bunch! I've played AC from 1 until Black Flag (stopped for now but plan to eventually go through the rest). My advice is actually I'd still play 1, as the story in 1 pays off a few games later which is nice, but dont go crazy trying to 100% it if thats usually what you do. The 100% in that game is a pain and not really worth it because its much more repetitive than the sequels.

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*huggles* It's perfect *goes starry eyed* It's like a Double Rainbow but... better!


Hope I didn't come off as abrasive though >.> I'm sorry if I did.

Nah, you're not abrasive at all! THESE ARE


EDIT: I like how "Spongebob" comes up as a categorized result

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Glad to hear it! :) I switched to PlayStation a few years ago. Not for any particular reason. But, in a way, PlayStation has brought the "gamer" out of me. I wasn't much of one until recent years.

The Last of Us is an amazing game, even the multiplayer got my hooked for awhile. I'm glad you got the chance to play it and I hope you enjoy many more PlayStation exclusives.

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Glad to hear it! :) I switched to PlayStation a few years ago. Not for any particular reason. But, in a way, PlayStation has brought the "gamer" out of me. I wasn't much of one until recent years.

The Last of Us is an amazing game, even the multiplayer got my hooked for awhile. I'm glad you got the chance to play it and I hope you enjoy many more PlayStation exclusives.


Nothing like the sound effect of a teammate being taken out in a TLoU match with a few lives left to get your heart racing haha, and yeah I hope we all get that! It seems like Horizon could be a cool new IP coming up.

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