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Hey! :3


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Hello everyone, i'm often here from about last febrary but never had the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm Simone from Italy.

The end, it was easy.

My intent is to reach at least the first hundred places in the italian ranking, maybe before I die I will succeed  :lol:

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MorsMundi is latin, ins't it? What does it mean?

Officially welcome to the forums.  :wave:


Thank you, yes it is and it means Death of the world :D i like cheerful names xD


I wish you the welcome to the forum my friend ! Make sure to  reach that goal.


If you need any help Parker's thread will help you : https://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/8202-new-forum-members-please-read/


Have fun with us.




Hello! Welcome to the forums, I guess. ^_^


Thank you :D


Benvenuto Simone. :D



Lol, thank you xD


Welcome to the Madhouse ^^ enjoy your stay :)




Welcome to the forum hope you like it here.


Top 100 for your country is definitely doable i'm sure you'll get there :)


I hope so, thank you :3

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