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Continue the Conversation/Story


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Let's play a little game. We're going to just have a conversation or tell a story and everyone is allowed to join.


This game is different from the 3 word sentence story in that you aren't limited to just 3 words.


You can say just about anything you like as long as it adds to what the last person said and does not break any of the forum rules. You can even suggest a specific person to respond to you, but the next person wouldn't have to be that person. Let's just type to our heart's content and have some fun and some laughs. And remember that posts here don't count towards your post count.




I'll start the conversation.




What do you think of this little game? I hope everyone can have some fun.

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What is this topic about? I thought it was random comments vaguely related to the above post and occasionally resulting in posting pictures of owls


However, while we are throwing some moves around...







EDIT: WHAT?! I can still get ninja'd? Sigh. Oh well, first ninja victim of the new thread. Do we get prizes, Tom?

Edited by AndyLish79
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"The best wrestlers"? Oh Stupid, I didn't know you were into this... stuff.


Completely unrelated question - have you got a friend on your friends list who likes something really embarrassing but you are much too good a friend to let them know? As I say, completely unrelated

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To be fair, I used to watch it and video all the Summerslams and Royal Rumbles as well. Back when you didn't have to pay £20 for the privilege of watching them on Sky Box Office. It was all better in those days.


Who else thinks that "the old days" were better and that young people are just terrible people who don't know how lucky they are? 


EDIT: Ninja'd twice on one page! No, it was a direct (masked as indirect) swipe at Stupid's massive crush on wrestlers. But yes, your use of the word kawaii is deplorable and you are everything that is wrong with the human race

Edited by AndyLish79
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I imagine that it is bad wherever you are, Stealth, because you aren't in Yorkshire. If you were in Yorkshire you would be blessed with blue skies and sunshine 365 days a year, with just the right amount of breeze to make it bearable*





*Disclaimer: this may not actually happen in this version of reality

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