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Marvel Cinematic Universe Talk.


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Robert Downey JR (Tony Stark, Iron Man) doesn't want to play Iron Man anymore, and Marvel had to pay him BIG BUCKS for him to even be in the future movies. 

Ofcourse we have characters like Chris Evans that loves his role as Captain America, but since Iron Man is one of the most popular ones in the MCU, could they get rid of him for Phase 4, or even worse change actor. 

Ofcourse we have Samuel L Jackson too, and he doesn't want too much involvement either anymore, but he is easier to kill of (should've been the case in Cap 2) then Iron Man is, since Iron Man is so popular in the MCU.


Like I said earlier. RDJ likes being Iron man but he also likes money which is why he keeps asking for so much. He's had issues with the heads at Marvel because of how expensive it is to have him. RDJ is actually the one who wanted to be in Captain America 3, and he wanted a bigger role which is why it ended up being Civil War. 


Saying that he doesn't want to be Ironman anymore isn't true.


Chris Evans loves being Captain America but he has also spoken about his interest in Directing and moving away from movies for a while. It's of course possible that he'll renew his 6 picture contract but I don't want to speculate.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is my favourite media franchise of all time.


In regards to your worries about the silly tone of the characters, you shouldn't worry. The whole comedic aspect is something that separates the MCU from not only DC's films, but also the Marvel movies made by other studios. Yes, Spider-Man will embody a lot of that humour from the moment he appears in Civil War, but it should be something that remains across the entire franchise to keep it light hearted and, overall, fun.


I know a large number of people seem like they will drop off after the bigger actors like Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth exhaust their contracts and leave, but the great thing is about doing this expanded universe and the fact that they have so much source material to work off is that this franchise can go on for so long.


The Guardians of the Galaxy have only just begun, along with Ant-Man, and now Phase Three is bringing in so many new heroes (Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, all the Inhumans) along with everything on TV and Netflix... God I love it.

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Like I said earlier. RDJ likes being Iron man but he also likes money which is why he keeps asking for so much. He's had issues with the heads at Marvel because of how expensive it is to have him. RDJ is actually the one who wanted to be in Captain America 3, and he wanted a bigger role which is why it ended up being Civil War. 


Saying that he doesn't want to be Ironman anymore isn't true.


Chris Evans loves being Captain America but he has also spoken about his interest in Directing and moving away from movies for a while. It's of course possible that he'll renew his 6 picture contract but I don't want to speculate.


That does make sense, I can imagine RDJ's ego really does match that of Tony Stark's

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In regards to your worries about the silly tone of the characters, you shouldn't worry. The whole comedic aspect is something that separates the MCU from not only DC's films, but also the Marvel movies made by other studios. Yes, Spider-Man will embody a lot of that humour from the moment he appears in Civil War, but it should be something that remains across the entire franchise to keep it light hearted and, overall, fun.


The jokes are too abundant and they're poorly timed. Epic battles like Hulk Vs Iron Man suffered because of cheesy dialogue that makes it feel like you're just watching a cartoon. When Iron man punches Hulk and then says "I'm sorry" as Hulk spits his tooth out, or the "Oh right don't mention punny Banner" line does not translate well to film. Having Captain America kick Baron Von Strucker making him drop his monocle like a cartoon character or having Ultron which is one of the darker comic book villains make jokes throughout the movie really takes away from who the characters are. Ultron is an ever present threat in the comics that can't completely be defeated; he has a believable reason for destroying humanity and many runs that include him have a sense of dread to them that were not present in the film. Quite frankly they turned him into a joke.


I think the tone worked very well for Guardians though (even though I have many issues with how they translated and underpowered most of the characters and completely scrapped Drax's origin) the jokes are mostly funny, the action is pretty good and the pacing of the film isn't bad. They've also confirmed that J'son isn't Peter Quill's father in the movies which at first seemed odd but now has me genuinely interested. I just don't like that tone being in every single movie.


Winter Soldier is probably my favorite MCU movie with Ironman coming second. The jokes in Winter Soldier were subtle and didn't turn the characters into complete idiots, the tone of the movie was great, the pacing was great, the action was great and the characters were well portrayed. My only real issue was the fake death of Nick Fury but other than that The Russo Brothers did an amazing job with the movie and I'm glad they'll be helming Civil War and Infinity War.

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Like I said earlier. RDJ likes being Iron man but he also likes money which is why he keeps asking for so much. He's had issues with the heads at Marvel because of how expensive it is to have him. RDJ is actually the one who wanted to be in Captain America 3, and he wanted a bigger role which is why it ended up being Civil War. 


Saying that he doesn't want to be Ironman anymore isn't true.


Chris Evans loves being Captain America but he has also spoken about his interest in Directing and moving away from movies for a while. It's of course possible that he'll renew his 6 picture contract but I don't want to speculate.

Yes for sure, I know you said it. I saw your comment before I had posted this thread, so excuse me. I guess I was wrong buddy :P

Winter Soldier is probably my favorite MCU movie with Ironman coming second. The jokes in Winter Soldier were subtle and didn't turn the characters into complete idiots, the tone of the movie was great, the pacing was great, the action was great and the characters were well portrayed. My only real issue was the fake death of Nick Fury but other than that The Russo Brothers did an amazing job with the movie and I'm glad they'll be helming Civil War and Infinity War.

About the favourite movies. I'd like to say that mine are 1. Iron Man, 2. Guardians of the Galaxy, and 3. Captain America: Winter Soldier.

Cap would be second, but the Fury part was so bad, I just couldn't do it lol.

I also agree that its good that they'll be helming CW and IW. I loved Whedon, but he seemed preeeettty tired lol. Maybe the quality would've dipped down a whole lot with him as the lead, Im not sure. However we still owe him after assembeling the Avengers in an amazing way, wich no one thought was possible.

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Can anyone explain me what those '' phases '' are... Whenever I read something about the upcoming marvel movies, most of the time I run into '' phase 1'' ''phase 3'' (phase 2 as well :D


Phases divide the waves of movies. They usually announce the next wave of movies to hype up the fans and to let them know what's to come.


Phase 1= IronMan - The Incredible Hulk - IronMan 2 - Thor - Captain America: The First Avenger - The Avengers


Phase 2 = IronMan 3 - Thor: The Dark World - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Guardians Of The Galaxy - Avengers: Age Of Ultron - AntMan


Phase 3= Captain America: Civil War - Doctor Strange - Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 - Spider-Man - Thor: Ragnarok - Avengers: Infinity War Part I - Black Panther - Captain Marvel - Avengers: Infinity War Part II - Inhumans

Phase 1 was essentially the beginning with their ultimate goal being The Avengers movie. Phase 2 was building a Post Avengers world with multiple superheroes in it. Phase 3 is expanding the universe even further and establishing more franchises. 

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All this MCU talk makes me wanna watch Winter Soldier again, even though I plan to watch it in a few weeks in the day leading up to the AOU blu-ray >.<

Yes, same here. I rewatched Guardians of the Galaxy for like 4 hours ago, I just bought it on blu ray lol. Im planning on buying Winter Soldier when Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man releases as I haven't bought it yet.


Excited for all the upcoming movies (and the continuation of the great tv shows they've had) ^^


What is really sad though is how many regular movie-goers think movies like the new Fantastic Four are part of the MCU :(

Yes I agree, did you see the AngryJoe review of Fantastic Four? There was a kid behind him who said something in the lines of 'This movie sucked.. How are they even going to incororate the infinity stones into this?'

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Yes, same here. I rewatched Guardians of the Galaxy for like 4 hours ago, I just bought it on blu ray lol. Im planning on buying Winter Soldier when Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man releases as I haven't bought it yet.


Yes I agree, did you see the AngryJoe review of Fantastic Four? There was a kid behind him who said something in the lines of 'This movie sucked.. How are they even going to incororate the infinity stones into this?'


Yup, I did. His videos are one of the few "review"-types I bother to watch, so it was painful to hear them recall what the kid and his folks were talking about -_-

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Yup, I did. His videos are one of the few "review"-types I bother to watch, so it was painful to hear them recall what the kid and his folks were talking about -_-

Yes it was. It could really destroy the Marvel universe to be honest, and not to mention superheroes in general, we don't want the shitty superheroe movies we got before the MCU.. (Even Marvels movies were pretty shitty :S)

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I enjoy modern Marvel movies for the most. The fact that the cinematic universe exists as it is today is an incredible achievement that deserves all the praise it's been receiving. Movies have been keeping up a certain quality standard consistently and even the worst of them can be enjoyed as a fun action movie. Though this is also where my personal issue with the universe lies. The entire thing is so ambitious that it feels the individual parts all feel a bit too safe. A single fuckup might just lead to the whole thing crumbling down so it makes sense that Marvel wouldn't want to do anything risky with one of their movies, not with so many movies already planned for the future. The result of this is a series of movies that ranges inbetween 50 and 80 on Metacritic, but is destined to never go above 80. Maybe it was for the better that Ant Man's script was changed from Edgar Wrights original vision, but the original would have probably been a more ambitious movie which we will now never get to see thanks to Marvels fear of losing the gigantic empire it had built. 

So yeah that's my thoughts on it, its a bunch of fun action movies with high production values. I am personally looking forward to seeing Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Infinity War.

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Phases divide the waves of movies. They usually announce the next wave of movies to hype up the fans and to let them know what's to come.


Phase 1= IronMan - The Incredible Hulk - IronMan 2 - Thor - Captain America: The First Avenger - The Avengers


Phase 2 = IronMan 3 - Thor: The Dark World - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Guardians Of The Galaxy - Avengers: Age Of Ultron - AntMan


Phase 3= Captain America: Civil War - Doctor Strange - Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 - Spider-Man - Thor: Ragnarok - Avengers: Infinity War Part I - Black Panther - Captain Marvel - Avengers: Infinity War Part II - InhumansPhase 1 was essentially the beginning with their ultimate goal being The Avengers movie. Phase 2 was building a Post Avengers world with multiple superheroes in it. Phase 3 is expanding the universe even further and establishing more franchises.

I thought Black Panther was coming in 2017, before Avengers 3? Or has it been delayed?

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Phase 1 was interesting to watch in series. Phase 2 seems better to me as stand-alone movies, rather than trying to follow an overarching story. I've fallen off the wagon after Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not interested enough to keep up any more. I also have zero interest in any of the tv shows. 


Perhaps it's because I've been a lifelong DC reader with a comic collection stretching from the mid-60's until a year or two ago, but Disney's Marvel machine has become too unwieldy for me to continue to follow. 

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Teaser trailer has been uploaded for Marvel's next Netflix series, Jessica Jones. All episodes are coming November 20th.


It seems they've dropped the 'A.K.A' from the title, which does make it sound better imo.

Aaawweeeesssoooommmeeeee! Im so fucking excited for Civil War and the fucking teams is out in the wild!!!!

#TeamIronMan :D

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