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It seems like a new movie called Ant Man and the Wasp has been announced for 2018. Its a sequel to the first Ant Man. There is also 3 new movies filed for 2020, but nothing is said what these two movies could be.
With Ant Man and the Wasp being announced Captain Marvel's movie is getting delayed unfortunaly. That is a real bummer even though its pretty frickin' awesome to see Ant Man getting a sequel.

But, there is strong rumours of the Inhumans movie getting cancelled as of right now, but it isn't confirmed by Faige or Marvel yet. So take it with a grain of salt as of now.

What do you think about this? :)

Also, release the god damn Civil War trailer already!!!!!!!!!!

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It seems like a new movie called Ant Man and the Wasp has been announced for 2018. Its a sequel to the first Ant Man. There is also 3 new movies filed for 2020, but nothing is said what these two movies could be.

With Ant Man and the Wasp being announced Captain Marvel's movie is getting delayed unfortunaly. That is a real bummer even though its pretty frickin' awesome to see Ant Man getting a sequel.


But, there is strong rumours of the Inhumans movie getting cancelled as of right now, but it isn't confirmed by Faige or Marvel yet. So take it with a grain of salt as of now.

What do you think about this? :)

Also, release the god damn Civil War trailer already!!!!!!!!!!

The trailer needs to hurry the fuck up... ;u;

I haven't watched ant-man yet but I've heard it's good so a sequel would be cool. As for the Inhumans movie, I think it might be a good idea to cancel it as Agents of Shield are already covering inhumans and since the movie would focus on a different set of them it would likely create confusion.

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The trailer needs to hurry the fuck up... ;u;

I haven't watched ant-man yet but I've heard it's good so a sequel would be cool. As for the Inhumans movie, I think it might be a good idea to cancel it as Agents of Shield are already covering inhumans and since the movie would focus on a different set of them it would likely create confusion.

Yes I belive that's the reason they might cancel it. I think its okay to cancel Inhumans honestly, Im glad to see Ant Man getting a sequel as you said.

So now we NEED the trailer... Like seriously lol

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I confess i didn't follow the MCU until after the release of Iron Man 3. I only watched the Iron Man movies. But IM3 had just too many references to The Avengers so i just had to watch the other movies.


Now i watch every new MCU movie, i loved Ant-Man, can't wait for Civil War and Dr. Strange, and whatever comes next. I still don't follow the TV series though.

Agents of Shield is meh, but I highly recommend Daredevil. It's probably one of my favourite marvel productions, and among my favourite tv shows

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm loving Jessica Jones so far, but something awesome just happened in Episode 4 that I wanna talk about o.o obvious spoilers

In short, a girl plots to kill Jessica and confronts her claiming she's getting revenge because she lost her mother in the incident (The battle in new York seen in The Avengers), she talks about how she was laying there crushed by rubble and how it made her feel and I just love how they used the more mature netflix series to add some realism and dark truths to what is a kid friendly and generally light hearted movie. Just one of the awesome benefits of a connected universe :D

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So I'm loving Jessica Jones so far, but something awesome just happened in Episode 4 that I wanna talk about o.o obvious spoilers

In short, a girl plots to kill Jessica and confronts her claiming she's getting revenge because she lost her mother in the incident (The battle in new York seen in The Avengers), she talks about how she was laying there crushed by rubble and how it made her feel and I just love how they used the more mature netflix series to add some realism and dark truths to what is a kid friendly and generally light hearted movie. Just one of the awesome benefits of a connected universe :D

I love how they keep it all connected, and how different themes of the series/movies don't mess up the links. 


It can be hard to keep track of all the nods between them, but it is very satisfying when you spot one.

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