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The Great Australian Trophy Hunt - Season 1

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I'm actually surprised I got any points for May! Damn, CJ dominated and he got his Bronze crown back. I'm ALMOST tempted to try to get it back for June...

Don't make me crack open the Japanese version of The Walking Dead. :)

Pretty good month for me, but no way I can sustain another 6 plat this month. Will just shoot for 4. Expecting a major drop off in July as will be getting lost in The Witcher and Uncharted 4 ..............

Long live the King

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I'm surprised that I earned a single point for May. I really wasn't expecting much since my 75th plat got in the way (I want it to be something with an alright name, so I'm going with Ni no Kuni's Wizardry Whiz).

Now I have to decide if I want to stick to my current play list or switch it up to earn more points from the bonus categories. Decisions!

Congrats to everyone else that earned points for May. :P

Edited by CrestfallenV
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I'm surprised that I earned a single point for May. I really wasn't expecting much since my 75th plat got in the way (I want it to be something with an alright name, so I'm going with Ni no Kuni's Wizardry Whiz).

Now I have to decide if I want to stick to my current play list or switch it up to earn more points from the bonus categories. Decisions!

Congrats to everyone else that earned points for May. :P

Awesome game, one of my favourites. I'm looking forward to a remaster or sequel on PS4!

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Yeah I'm really try harding this month but after 100 i will slack off again. I'm keeping stardust vanguard for my 100th the image is just awesome1L6ec3c4.png

Nice! I saved Fallout 4 to be my 100th platinum. I've been looking at Stardust Vanguard myself. How do you rate it?

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Now I have to decide if I want to stick to my current play list or switch it up to earn more points from the bonus categories. Decisions!


I say stick to your currently play list, that way you can be like the rest of that never earn any points (other than backlog games and MVP anyway). That's how all the cool kids do it :P.


Maybe this month I'll knock out some backlog games and get points that way. It's unlikely but I can dream lol.


Backlog games are a good way to earn points. Wait, I'm trying to chase you down in CJ's competition... Stay away from backlog games feral, there's no need to dig up old games when you have so many options from all the new releases :devil:.


I got 2 plats today and now I have 69 overall.


Nice work! If you can manage another one this month then I'd say you're in with a good chance at some points for platinums this month.


46 trophies today 1 plat ........ A lot of bronze ........ Oh yes my bronze title is safe ..... Very safe


That's a lot of trophies for one day, hopefully you aren't paying Salt's migrants any performance bonuses! :lol:.

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Backlog games are a good way to earn points. Wait, I'm trying to chase you down in CJ's competition... Stay away from backlog games feral, there's no need to dig up old games when you have so many options from all the new releases :devil:.

Exactly. Ha ha ha ha ha reverse psychology, maybe it'll work on me and maybe it won't :P

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